Chapter 845

Chapter 844 Candidate Tianjun List

Many powerhouses looked at the star chessboard and felt a little nervous.

On the chaotic battlefield, some people are the sons of Tianjun, some are the daughters of Tianjun, or disciples of Tianjun, etc. They are all extremely close, but at this moment they are joining the dangerous battlefield, fighting and fighting heartily. May fall at any time.

The star chessboard is changing, and the star light chess pieces are flashing up and down, flickering, some star light is completely dimmed, and some star light becomes more brilliant.

The Immortal King of Origin was a little nervous watching the changes of the chess pieces in the stars, because his three sons and two daughters were practicing on the chaotic battlefield, facing death and opportunity at any time.As an immortal king, he can give his children the best exercises, the best cultivation resources, and the best cultivation environment, but how far he can go in the end, and whether he can become a heavenly king, mostly depends on himself.

"Your Majesty, all the princes are peerless geniuses with outstanding aptitude, and are listed on the list of alternate Heavenly Sovereigns. This time, they will surely break through the bottleneck and step into the realm of Heavenly Sovereigns!"

At this time, the Dark Lord comforted.

"I hope so!"

Origin Immortal King sighed.

Between heaven and earth, there is a certain emphasis on balance, and the fairy king seems to occupy too much luck, resulting in poor luck for most of the fairy princes and daughters, and there is also a big bottleneck in entering the Tianjun.Most of the children of Immortal Kings, most of them went down due to various reasons.

In fact, with the methods of Immortal Kings, if they abandon some of their origins and perform some secret techniques, they can also help some emperors step into the realm of Heavenly Monarchs; Most fail.

This has to be said to be a great irony.

"The Tianjun candidate list is changing at any time. Some people are on the list, and some are down the list!" The Origin Immortal King said: "Dear fellows, why don't we take a gamble, who can become the next Tianjun?"

It seems a little boring, the Immortal King of Origin opened up the gamble, and wanted to gamble a lot.

"The pride of the monster race, the lord of the prehistoric world, is a heterogeneous species of heaven and earth, born extraordinary, with great luck, and now ranks first on the list of candidate heavenly monarchs, and is most likely to enter the realm of heavenly monarchs!"

"The pride of my fairy clan, the lord of truth, comprehended the mysteries of good fortune, refined himself into a divine weapon, stepped into the realm of the unity of heaven and earth, and most likely stepped into the holy fairy weapon!"

"The arrogance of the gods, the master of the end, understands the mystery of the end, the mystery of the five declines of heaven and man. It is said that in order to consolidate the foundation, he cut off his own origin, started from the physical state, and practiced hard step by step until he reached today's state. realm!"

"The Primordial Lord of the Demon Race was born in the Heavenly Demon Clan and is a direct disciple of the Lord of Myriad Demons. The Lord of Myriad Demons said that this son has the pure aura of the original origin of the demonic way, and he will definitely surpass him in the future and lead the civilization of the demonic way. Start a new era!"

"The Lord of Grand Virtue was born in the mortal world. He practiced hard step by step, and now he is full of great righteousness, and his methods are extremely clever!"

At this moment, all the fairy kings spoke one after another, commenting on the geniuses of each family.

At this time, on the huge chessboard, there are a few stars that are extremely bright, exuding bright light, and they are the peerless geniuses born in the recent period.

This is an era in which all heroes rise together. The Lord of the Great Desolation, the Lord of Truth, the Lord of the End, the Lord of the Beginning, the Lord of Greatness, etc., peerless geniuses were born one by one. They are potential dragons, and they may become heavenly kings in the future; Sink into obscurity.

But for that glimmer of hope, many people are waiting.

At this time, a purple starlight flashed with a bright aura, which was on par with those few starlights.

"Who is this?"

Origin Immortal King said curiously, a dark horse appeared.The aptitude of this dark horse is as powerful as the Lord of Truth.

"This person is called the Lord of Creation!"

At this time, Death Tianjun flipped through a volume of documents and responded.


Boom boom boom!
In the chaotic battlefield, Wang Bin slaughtered to his heart's content, and in just one day, hundreds of immortals fell into his hands, refining them into the spirit of good fortune.

The Gate of Creation was flickering, as if it had absorbed too much Qi of Creation, and it was constantly expanding, as if feeling a bit overwhelmed.

Ding Dong!

At this moment, the token in his hand changed, and new information appeared, No. 70 on the alternate Tianjun list.

The so-called ranking is nothing, the so-called ranking is reliable, but it is not reliable.The key is the moment when he was on the list of candidate kings. Wang Bin vaguely felt a connection with the strong men on the list of candidate kings around him. They knew each other's positions.

Maybe not long after, a strong candidate for the Heavenly Monarch Ranking came to fight with him.

Being on the list of alternate Heavenly Lords means that you will continue to fight and fight until you reach the realm of Heavenly Lords, or you will be killed by others halfway.

"It's a naked hunting ground. You're hunting me, I'm hunting you, everyone is a hunter, and they're all prey!" Wang Bin continued to move forward, waving his hands, searching for all kinds of treasures, and being cautious looking for.

The chaotic battlefield is extremely chaotic. There are broken planes, broken planets, chaotic laws, alien spaces, floating continents... all kinds of weirdness, all kinds of monsters, all kinds of wraiths, and ancient beasts, horror The evil gods, etc., are everywhere.

Here, it is a great danger for the masters to hunt each other; and all kinds of strange places, all kinds of sinister places are also extremely dangerous.

This is a dangerous place, but also a treasure place, with many resources.

As he walked, suddenly, Wang Bin felt a sense of creepiness, his face changed, and it turned into a stream of light, which moved thousands of miles away in an instant.


Just where he was standing, a huge hand appeared and was photographed in the air.

Wherever this palm went, the space was exploded in an instant, and the surrounding laws collapsed and returned to nothingness.

"This is Void God's Palm." Wang Bin said leisurely: "Xu Huang is here!"

"Lord of Creation, good prey!"

At this time, the void flickered, and a woman walked out. She was magnificent, heroic, with imperial aura and supreme majesty, standing in the void. The surrounding void and many spatial laws resonated, as if The child of the void was born.

This woman is none other than Emperor Xu.

The volleying palm just now, which flattened the space, was her supreme method. Her comprehension of space had reached an extremely mysterious state, and she was ranked 65th on the list of candidate heavenly monarchs.

Xuhuang came out from the sky, looked down at Wang Bin, and said with contempt: "The lord of good fortune, a generation of geniuses, but now is the time for your death, you will be the stepping stone for me to step into the realm of Tianjun!"

"Is it just you?" Wang Bin said lightly, "It's not enough!"

"And I!"

At this time, the void flickered, and another person walked out, with a slender figure and a bloody mark between his eyebrows.

"Son of Tianjun, Fenghuang!" Wang Bin said with a faint smile: "It seems that Hetu Tianjun is going to lose a son!"

(End of this chapter)

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