Live in Dungeon

Chapter 293 292. Upgrade!The signal bomb shakes people!

Chapter 293 292. Upgrade!The signal bomb shakes people!

Large pieces of monsters turned into light spots and dissipated into the air.

'Whoa! '

The gold coin bag, the material, falls on the ground!

Every time a loot emerges, everyone will also gain rich experience points.

Auxiliary System Tips
Tip: Xiaojianjian (LV33) kills the GBL Archbishop (LV36-Elite), experience value +10800!


Tip: Zimeng Fanqian (LV33) kills the GBL God instructor (LV36-Elite), experience value +10800!

A similar number of prompts broke through more than 50 in a short period of time!

The lava potion bursts.

Hot magma surged on the ground, monsters sank in the magma one by one.


After Su Wu shouted, the Ice-breathing Blue Dragon on his shoulders opened its mouth, sucked in air and then spewed it out violently.

Ice flames burn on the ground!
Wherever he went, almost all enemies were frozen, completely frozen!
Another large amount of experience points poured out.

Just a few seconds.

The position of the prompt window, and the information is constantly being refreshed.

Su Wu saw it!
The growth of the experience value progress bar is gradually approaching the full value.

Although there are many enemies, they don't have the blood volume to resist even one attack from him.

Jokingly said to the live broadcast room.

"Many people ask me how to maintain a level advantage. In fact, it's very simple, as long as you pay 99%... luck! You can do it too."

On the national service live broadcast platform, the number of online users has exceeded 400 million.

Unlike the viewers on the live broadcast platform in Nan Province, they are familiar with Su Wu's personality.

At the same time as being funny, his hands are absolutely steady and ruthless.

Many players in the national server don't know Su Wu well. It can be said that everything is new.


"Pfft! God damn 99% luck, what a mouthful of poisonous milk!"

"Einstein's coffin can't hold it down!"

"That's right, I said that - Lu Xun."

Seeing Su Wu kill many monsters easily, many people in the live broadcast room stared straight.

This way of upgrading.

If I had to describe the big BOSS here, it would be, I went crazy, and I wouldn't let anyone else go!
The most annoying is.

When the last blood was left, it was harvested by Su Wu and the others.

Looking at the monsters that were killed head by head.

Falcons - Liao Yan, currently No. 1 in China's top game list, he is a special professional mercenary in the team.

Couldn't help but complain.

"This boss is definitely from the Whampoa Military Academy."


Tip: Amy kills Alice (LV37-Elite), experience value +17800!

Su Wuna's accumulated experience points finally reached its peak.

As the last monster fell, it turned into a light spot and disappeared.

'Boom! '

A holy white beam of light erupted from his body.

Tips: The experience value breaks through the limit, LV33 is upgraded to LV34 (experience value: 1/340 million), permanent strength +10, intelligence +10, spirit +10, physical strength +10.

"340 million experiences!"

Lulu said in surprise: "Brother Jianjian, you are on the same level as Liaoyan now! If you go up another level, you will be able to return to No.1, no, now you are tied for No.1!"

"Hehe, back to number one, that's natural."

Su Wu was not polite, or modest.

There is no suspense to return to the first place in the ranking list.

After killing so many monsters, there are still benefits left over.

That is, a large number of items are dropped on the ground.

Elite monsters have a higher burst rate than ordinary monsters!

According to the current dungeon rules, ordinary monsters are special.

It can produce the highest, artifact, true artifact equipment!

The drop rate is relatively low, but it does exist.

Su Wu had the best luck.

Southern Province Live Room - Barrage.

"Envy, visual inspection is another wave of artifacts, even real artifact equipment!"

"Dog care..."

in contrast.

National service live broadcast room - barrage.

"So many monsters! There must be a lot of gold coins!"

"I heard that the sword god's luck is invincible, how invincible is it? Can it produce a real artifact?"

next second.

Su Wu reached out to the pile of gold coins, and then touched the red orb.

"A true artifact?"

Little surprise!
Any true artifact can be sold for a good price.

The voice did not fall.

He felt something smooth touch the back of his hand, and he removed the bag of gold coins that was pressing on it.

Another red orb!
It means that two real artifacts are produced!
In the national service live broadcast room.

"?! I didn't see the blind eye, did I?"

"This unscientific!"

"What is science? Can Brexit be achieved?"

When many people complained.

Su Wu crushed the orb with both hands!

After the orb shattered, there were two pieces of heavy armor, a uniform level 30 suit, which could be sold at a good price.

What caught his attention even more was the lucky live broadcast system!

Tip: Lucky energy bar +10%, current progress: 80%.


"Ding! Prestige value +7."

"Ding! Prestige value +5."

Multiple harvests, very rich.

Perhaps due to limited luck, after obtaining two true artifacts, Su Wu never picked up the red orb again.

Gold coins, other than materials.

Most of the rest are artifact-quality level 30 armor, named - Dark Strike Leather Armor Set, and Natural Power Set.

Force of Nature belongs to cloth armor.

According to the distribution rules of the team, Su Wu gave a part to Amy.

Improve her personal strength.

"We're almost there, so be careful."

Judging by the turning distance, the apostle-Rotes is not far ahead.

Thinking of the hideous giant tentacles, it's hard to imagine how huge its body must be.

After two tentacles plowing again, Su Wu knew very well that there would be no more monsters.

Five sweeps are enough to strangle all remaining monsters.

He swallowed the special potion he had prepared.

Increase attributes such as strength, stamina, and health.With a better response, the next toughest challenge.

The four members of the team were very quiet, adjusting their respective states.

"Just here."

Su Wu picked up the flare that Lobach gave him when he left.

Looking up, in this dilapidated temple, you can see the vast starry sky.

The stars are dotted in the black silk universe, shining like crystals, illuminating the area of ​​the giant beast in the sky curtain.

Holding a flare in his hand, Su Wu aimed it at the air.

Pull the bottom rope.

'call out--! '

Signal flares go up!
Immediately afterwards... an explosion!The halo filled the starry sky in front of him and continued to linger.

"Brother Jianjian, how much of this did Lobach give you?"

"A lot, a group!"

Zimeng Fanqian was surprised: "99, I thought there was only one."

After the signal flare ended, Su Wu took out a few more.

distributed to everyone.

"Let's do a few more shots, one for each person. After releasing them, we'll stop the apostle first, so that it won't succeed in controlling the Skyveil Beast!"

The voice of the Sky Veil giant beast was already a little distorted, even revealing a little madness.

Su Wu was very worried, and continued like this.

Apostle-Rotes will really succeed!

There is no time to wait.

The best way is this, after setting off the signal flare, just break in.

Interfere with Rotes, and don't give it a chance for the spirit-shocking giant beast of the sky.

Thinking of the second spine in the previous life, facing the apostle-Rotes.

Su Wu secretly thought: "It should be a little difficult."

'call out! '

'call out! '

'call out! '

One after another, the signal flares rushed towards the sky one after another.

An area tens of kilometers away!

Stronger people such as Lowbach and Barn clearly sensed the movement.Look in the direction of the second spine.

"Here we come! It's a signal flare!"

 I recommend a book "My Reiki Has Leaked" by a friend.

  When DNF was updated, this friend helped me analyze a lot, thank you very much.If you are interested, you can take a look.


(End of this chapter)

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