Live in Dungeon

Chapter 325 324. Oil Barrel - Orique

Chapter 325 324. Oil Barrel - Orique

Tip: Ding!Reputation value +15.

Tip: When the accumulated reputation reaches 120 points, the current reputation will be cleared.Permanently increase luck by 1 point, accumulating 100 points.

Break through 100 lucky points!
This is undoubtedly a milestone progress, Su Wu is delighted, as long as it continues like this.

It didn't take long for him to acquire the second system skill.

Secretly in my heart.

"I don't know, how many prestige points are needed to increase the luck value of 100 points at a time."

A thought moves.

The book 'Inheritance of the Juggernaut' in his hand was included in the inventory.

It's important, very important!

Dungeon and Warriors is different from the 2D side-scrolling games of the previous life. The awakening here is not easy.

It takes certain trials, etc., as well as epiphany, before it is possible to truly awaken successfully.


Even if it is upgraded to level 60 or 70, it may still be a job such as Soul of Sword or Mechanic, Blue Fist Holy Envoy.

It was precisely because of this that the audience in the live broadcast room were shocked.

The barrage pops up intensively.

"Understood! Awakening starts at level 48 at the earliest!"

"The streamer is No.1 on the ranking list. He is now at level 37, and he is still 12 levels away from awakening. Hurry up."

"Is the strength after awakening like that of A-Gump?"

Su Wu shook his head.

"If you think about it too much, even if you wake up, it's impossible to reach the strength of Forrest Gump. Unless..."

Someone asked curiously.

"Unless what?"

"Unless he's drunk!"


The treasure chest hidden here has been opened, and it doesn't make any sense to stay here.

According to the instructions on the giant's rag, Su Wu walked towards the direction marked the lair.

Time to finish this task!

He didn't like the environment of the lava cave, it was too closed and there were lava pools everywhere.And dry air.

Even wearing a costume mask can still be uncomfortable.

When returning the same way.

Su Wu was thinking about a few things, and this time the treasure map gave him some inspiration.

What is the strength of players from other worlds?

Dragon Star, Hyperion, Demon Realm, Goblin Planet, etc... What will happen to the strength of players in many worlds?

This is not a fair game!


The players in the southern province have an advantage, being born near the Hutton Mar area, by comparison.Players who were born in Ston Snowland, Celestial Realm, Delos Empire and many other places are at a disadvantage.

Level, the speed of strength improvement is relatively slow.

The top players on the leaderboard are almost all players who are in the same place as Su Wu!Over time, perhaps, players elsewhere will catch up.

"What about players from other planets?" Su Wu thought to himself.

Maybe it's the long-term use of the sword, Su Wu is looking forward to it now, looking forward to meeting the masters among the players.Foreign countries are the best!There is no morality in beating to death, a burden on the heart!

Not to worry about being targeted by organizations like the guild, revenge, the sky is high and the emperor is far away.

the other side.

Su Wu thought of awakening again, from the soul of the sword to the master of the sword!This is a qualitative leap!
He thought of his previous life, and how he controlled the Juggernaut to perform the 'Extreme Ghost Sword Technique-Storm Style', dancing wildly in the air and drawing his sword in a chic and fierce way!So much to look forward to!
This world is huge, too huge. The future that Su Wu can think of includes snowy land, ancient times, worlds of different dimensions, heavens, etc... and then to the realm of gods.

There are powerful monsters, apostles, genius scientists, and legendary sword masters! !

Looking at the strengthened 13-day chosen sword in his hand - Grand, Su Wu was thinking, if he waited for the day when the weapon in his hand became the magic sword - Apophis, when would it be.

Su Wu couldn't help sighing.

"Really looking forward to it."


"What is Jianjian lamenting? Looking forward to awakening?"

"It must be."

"I think I'm looking forward to the boss. After all, there are only two God of War sets left."

Noticing the content of the barrage, Su Wu said in a somewhat lonely voice.

"I'm sighing, only where I see it."


"At the beginning, I was as deep as Jian Jian, expressing my feelings in Q Space."

"Brother in front, what happened later?"

"Later... I failed the exam, and I was sitting in a wheelchair and never entered the Q space again. emmm"

Su Wu was speechless, this is a talent.

There is still a long way to go in the direction indicated by the map, and the increasingly scorching area is a place Su Wu has never been to.

That also means... tons of monsters!

'blow! '

Dazzling sword light, blooming cold light in this deep underground cave, beheading all monsters blocking the way!

Su Wu has been reckless all the way!

When you encounter a monster, you just start fighting, no nonsense, until the monster blocking the way is eliminated, and then go to the next area!
The summary is violence!

Although he is only level 37, because of the overlord contract and three high-level sacred weapons, Su Wu's strength is enough to crush ordinary and high-level monsters here.

as well as!Little boss!

On the brown dry ground, there is a strange ghoul.

There are a lot of white cloth belts wrapped around its head, like a mummy, with a bomb in one hand and a Molotov cocktail in the other.

Suddenly throw out the Molotov cocktails, one bottle, two bottles, three bottles!
A large area was splashed with kerosene, and the bomb fell into the kerosene, and the moment it exploded.

Causes a hot flame.

Su Wu dodged sideways, not daring to relax in the slightest!These kerosene are even scarier than the BOSS-Atlas I met before!
It can be regarded as one of the most feared attacks by players.


"Hiss, this little boss is a bit fierce."

"Incendiary bottle + bomb, if you get blown up, you will lose half a tube of blood!"

"I have a question. For field PK, wouldn't you be invincible with these two?"

Su Wu said: "It doesn't exist. Players in the wild cannot use this to cause damage. But it can be used in dungeons."

The moment the fire oil burns, it is indeed terrifying.

For Su Wu, this attack method was too slow and had too many loopholes.

Although the small BOSS Oil Barrel-Olic throws the Molotov cocktail extremely fast.

"Get up for me, you!"

He seized the opportunity to jump over the flames with Liu Xin Leap, and the moment he slashed on Olik, he turned the sword posture and used Liu Xin to improve his skills, and at the same time he jumped up, the sword energy also lifted Olik up. .

High damage value, constantly bursting out!
After a few minutes.

Tip: Kill the BOSS Oil Barrel - Olik (Platinum Level), +300000 EXP.

Where it disappeared, there were gold coins, a red orb, and Molotov cocktails and bombs.

"It's okay." Su Wu put all the loot into the inventory.

Looking at the guidance on the map, the lair location marked on it is not far ahead!

Just walk a short distance.

Su Wu stretched his waist, twisted his neck, and spoke.

"It's finally over here, too much lava, I really don't like it."


"BOSS: ???"

"BOSS: Please, please respect me!"

"I feel that the Atlas just now should be considered a big boss. Killing it didn't open up a copy. The real big boss will be very strong, right?"

In fact!
It's not very strong, but... a lot!
 Thanks to the book friends who end in 9916 for the rewards, and thanks to the friends in the book city for the rewards in 1999!grateful! !

(End of this chapter)

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