Chapter 188 Little Rat!
Soon, the Goddess Era and his party took the President One plane and headed for Huaxia.

Osland Airport has already been temporarily blocked.

All flights are delayed.

Just to prevent accidents from happening.

After the Goddess Era boarded the special plane, they were shocked by the internal settings of the special plane.

This is simply a movable sky palace! !

To a certain extent, a country's private plane represents the image of a country.

Only leaders or extremely important foreign guests are eligible to board the special plane.

And now, they actually sat on President One.

It was like a dream!

And in Osland.

Blackwater Company.

The commander of the base, leading his subordinates, rushed into the Blackwater Company.

In just a few minutes, the sweeping work was completed.

A group of responsible personnel strode up to the commander, saluted, and reported one after another.

"Find some specially processed viruses..."

"Find a part of specially processed blood..."

"The employees of the Blackwater Company were all fanatical. They all chose to commit suicide, and nothing came out of the interrogation."

"Dissected human bodies were found inside..."

"Cracked two encrypted files of Blackwater Company..."


The commander of the base frowned as he listened to the reports of his subordinates, especially when he saw the contents of the two encrypted documents.

"The research conducted by Blackwater Company is likely to break through the bottom line of human beings and completely destroy human nature..."

As he said that, he turned his head and asked Lang Ting, "You have also been lurking in the Blackwater Company all these years, so you should have gained something."

Wolf Thorn nodded and said: "According to the original plan, I can get the core documents from a core management of the Blackwater Company within a month. All I know now is that the Blackwater Company is implementing a code It is clera, that is, a plan to clear, but the specific content of the plan is not clear."

The commander of the base frowned and said: "According to the documents we declassified, we can know that this plan of the Blackwater Company will have a major impact on the entire human race. Unfortunately, what we have searched so far cannot tell What is the real plan of us, the Blackwater Company, but what is certain is that their plan must be devoid of humanity!"

The commander of the base spoke word by word, pinching his hands vigorously, trembling slightly.

There are hundreds of people on this list.

These people are all orphans, widowed elderly or disabled people who cannot take care of themselves.

In the name of establishing a charitable foundation, the Blackwater Company sent these people to orphanages, nursing homes, etc. under the company.

It's just that these people have not been properly taken care of after they entered this place.

Instead, after they were taken away, they disappeared.

The truth is, after these people were taken away by the Blackwater Company, they became guinea pigs and were treated as experimental products! !

In short, these people are most likely dead.

Even if he didn't die, he would definitely live a life that would be worse than death.

Thinking of this, the base commander said: "Let's report to the Temple of War God first..."

After a few minutes, the base got a reply.

The commander of the base took the answer from the Temple of War, showing a hint of murderous intent on his face, and said: "The reply from the headquarters is that since the Blackwater Company has a plan code-named removal, then we don't need to delve into it, just get rid of them!"

Soon, the personnel of the entire base took action.

Just a few minutes.

Blackwater Company was completely cleaned up! !

And not long after the base members left.

The 33rd floor underground of Blackwater Company.

Originally, the power here had been completely cut off.

Can't see five fingers!

But now, there was a crisp, mechanized "beep" sound in the air.

After this voice, another mechanized voice sounded:
"The standby power supply is activated and is being linked with the host..."

"Drip, the link to the host is successful, and the recording data is being transmitted to the host."

"Drip, the data transmission is successful, waiting for the host's instructions."


In the large office of Rockface, there is a huge fish tank.

There are more than a dozen arowanas in the fish tank.

At the bottom of the fish tank, there is a hidden door.

Under the secret door is a huge elevator.

If you take the elevator all the way down, you will go down to a thousand meters away, and you will find a huge underground office space.

It covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters.

There are large and small laboratories inside, as well as countless staff.

In many laboratories, a human figure is soaked in huge transparent containers.

Inside the container was a bright red liquid like fresh blood.

There were tubes inserted into their bodies, and they struggled painfully.

At this time, in a large conference room, an old man and a middle-aged man were talking about something.

If Sun Yun'er and the others saw this scene, they would be extremely shocked.

You might even be terribly frightened.

Because the old man was Rockefeller!

The middle-aged man was Rockefeller's son, Rockefeller!

The question is, have the two been erased long ago? !
At this time, the two were discussing what happened at the Blackwater Company.

Rockface said: "Father, the Blackwater Company has gone bankrupt, and the Locke family has also been wiped out by an organization called Wolves. What should we do next?"

The old Rockefeller showed a sneer on his face, and said: "It seems that we made the right choice to move a thousand meters underground. This change is like a black swan, which is unpredictable at all, but I'm afraid they will never think of it." , They wiped out only our clones!"

With that said, Rockefeller stood up and said, "It won't be long before our research will be successful. At that time, we will have the real power to destroy the world and make everyone submit. When the time comes, the whole world will They will tremble in front of our Locke family!"

(End of this chapter)

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