Chapter 274 Past Memories!

Zhou Xiaogang's thoughts were pulled back to many years ago.

As a musician, because of his outstanding talent, his music career is still very smooth.

It can even be said that his debut was the pinnacle!
Soon he had his own place in the music scene.

Although he has not caught up with the best era for artists to make money, as long as he can attract attention and earn traffic, he can earn hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

However, he has caught up with the best era for the dissemination of artists' works.

As long as you create good works with peace of mind, the works will be widely sung and gain countless fans.

He composed many popular songs.

For example, "Twilight", "Man's Universe", "A Person's Notepad".

Because his songs can always touch the softest corners of people's hearts, they are widely sung.

In just a few years, his songs became popular all over China.

Even in the streets and alleys, his songs are played every day.

His album sales have also reached new highs and won many awards.

Life is quickly reaching its peak.

But he was doomed.

When he was 24 years old, he suddenly suffered from severe stomach problems, and his whole body was extremely thin, and he had no energy to sing and create.

He had to disappear from people's sight.

Although he has made some money through writing, releasing records, and holding concerts over the years, he spends most of his money on charity and buying musical instruments.

He doesn't have much savings in his hand.

Because of the long-term hospitalization, he quickly spent all his savings.

eventually become destitute

He even had to sell his real estate and rent a house with his wife and daughter.

The torment of illness hit him hard!

He used to think that talent was everything.

As long as you have talent, you can have everything!
But at this time, he deeply understood that without a healthy body, all of this would be nothing.

After years of battling illness, he finally recovered and announced his comeback.

But sadly, the news that the former prince of love songs and godfather of music is coming back did not cause too many waves on the Internet.

Even, it is not as popular as a small third-tier director talking about scripts with actresses at night and being exposed.

And those fans he used to have all grown up, got married, started a business, had children, and started to run around for a living.

Few people pay attention to his news anymore.

As for the young people of the new generation, their aesthetics have also changed.

Not only that, the communication environment of the whole society has also undergone tremendous changes.

In the past, people listened to music mainly by buying albums and tapes, but now it is basically digital music spread on the Internet.

His comeback was hit hard.

No record company would sign him.

Even the record companies that were willing to sign him, many of them offered humiliating prices.

According to the price offered by these record companies, he worked so hard to sing for a year, but it is not as much as a newcomer who has just debuted and looks good in a month.

In the end, he could only give up the idea of ​​signing with a record company and start looking for a new way out.

In this way, he stayed at home for more than half a year.

So far, his family has been unable to uncover the pot.

into a complete financial crisis.

Every night, when his wife and daughter were sound asleep, he looked at his wife's tired face and his daughter's malnourished body, and felt unspeakable guilt in his heart.

Especially when he thought that his daughter wanted a brand new pair of sneakers, but he had no money, he cried even more bitterly.

Several times he locked himself in the toilet, crying out in pain, in a suppressed voice!

In order to make a living, to give his wife and daughter a normal life, and to make up for his wife and daughter, he finally put down his airs, gave up the title of Godfather of Love Songs, gave up his dignity, and chose to participate in some commercial performances.

Therefore, he can be seen in some wedding celebrations, in some company opening ceremonies, and in some shopping malls' promotional performances.

And he also gradually discovered that although his stomach disease has recovered, it has left huge sequelae.

His physical fitness is not as good as before.

There was also a problem with his singing breath.

Therefore, his singing is not as perfect as before.

It seems that his singing can no longer attract the listener.

Sometimes, when he participates in some commercial performances, there will be many audiences frantically chasing him to take pictures.

However, these people are not his fans.

Most of them have a mentality of watching a joke, wanting to see how the godfather of music, the prince of love songs, is now in a down-and-out attitude.

Slowly, he got used to this kind of life and accepted himself now.

Although he often has to travel around, he can earn [-] to [-] yuan by participating in commercial performances for a month, which can be said to have completely changed the lives of him and his family.

For the future, for his music career, he did not dare to have too many extravagant hopes.

In his view, those extravagant hopes are unrealistic fantasies!

Sometimes, ideal and bread, only one of them can be chosen.

However, just when he thought that his dream was out of reach, a person he met by chance changed his life.

That day, he participated in a variety show "I am a singer".

This program was hosted by a certain satellite TV, and it received a lot of attention and traffic.

In order to increase the ratings of the program, in addition to inviting well-known artists as mentors, Hu Yizhu, a small fresh meat with a huge fan base, was also invited.

Hu Yizhu is a trainee from Universe Country. Although his singing is at the ktv level and his acting skills are awkward, he quickly gained a large number of female fans because he is handsome, knows how to make up, and understands packaging.

With the support of these fanatical fans, even if he releases a rubbish song, it can have good sales.

Even if the movie he acts in is like shit, many fans will pay for it.

This is also the reason why "I Am a Singer" invited Hu Yizhu as a mentor.

In the program, Zhou Xiaogang sang one of his famous songs.

But because of physical reasons, his performance was not perfect.

Despite this, many mentors of the show, especially some old artists, still showed enough respect to him.

Because they know very well that Zhou Xiaogang is the godfather of music, and his musical attainments are far above theirs.

But what no one expected was that in the program, Hu Yizhu made a harsh comment on Zhou Xiaogang.

For example, Hu Yizhu commented that Zhou Xiaogang's singing was emotionless.

For example, Hu Yizhu commented that Zhou Xiaogang's lyrics were written incomprehensibly.

For example, Hu Yizhu commented that Zhou Xiaogang's basic singing skills are not good, he can't breathe, etc...

(End of this chapter)

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