Chapter 32 Indiscriminate bombing!

At this time, at the Shangri-La Entertainment Club.

After Kong Shao bombarded the program group, he attracted a crowd.

As a top-notch rich second generation, in reality, he would be flattered by countless people, but on the Internet, he is like a fish in water, a model of being able to do whatever one wants with money.

Because he was in a good mood, Kong Shao was also very generous in spending money. He opened more than a dozen bottles of fine wine in one go, and spent more than one hundred thousand, and there was a burst of applause from the surroundings.

A negligible one-time consumption is the annual income of the working class.

Several female Internet celebrities looked at each other with eyes full of admiration and yearning.

"Young Master Kong, you are really amazing. Because of your comments, the popularity of the program "Challenge of Private Money" has more than doubled."

"That's for sure, Kong Shao is the top class, no one can compare."

"It is an honor for the program team to get comments from Kong Shao."


For Kong Shao, he had to listen to such compliments dozens of times a day.

But you wear it for a thousand times, and you don't wear it for flattery.

In this case, it is still very useful.

"I didn't expect such a flashy program to have such a high ratings. The so-called exquisite wines and famous watches handed down from generation to generation are clearly prepared to harvest IQ tax in advance. They are really rubbish audiences, which makes the rubbish show."

Kong Shao broke out another golden sentence, which caused rounds of applause from the surroundings.

But right now.

His phone rang suddenly and hurriedly.

He glanced at the phone number, it was his father's number.

"My dad is a workaholic, why do you call on the big weekend?"

Kong Shao was a little surprised, but he still signaled the people around him to be silent, and picked up the phone.

"Dad, what's the matter?"

Kong Shaogang asked a question, and Kong Yunfeng's roar came from the phone.

"You rebellious son, bastard, idiot!! Do you know what you have done? Do you want to ruin our Kong family and destroy a century-old foundation?!"

The indiscriminate bombardment immediately scolded Kong Shao for being stupid.

"What have I done? I've been pretty quiet lately."

Kong Shao swallowed his throat, and said helplessly, "I just went out with my friends to drink some wine and relax. Is it as serious as you said?"

"It seems that you are dying and you don't know it. Think about it carefully. What should you say on the Internet? What should you offend? Take the time to apologize! You want to die, don't Pull the Kong family back."

Kong Yunfeng drank violently again.
Kong Shao almost wanted to cry but had no tears.

In his memory, his father seemed to have never been so angry.

Could it be that I accidentally kicked the iron plate on the Internet.

"Dad, I really don't know who I offended. You should at least remind me. Besides, the matter is not as serious as you said. Our Kong family is now in full swing, and everything is involved. Who dares to touch us."

Kong Shao said with a bitter face.

He felt that his father was making a fuss out of a molehill.

And what was waiting for Young Master Kong was another burst of bombardment: "Frog in the well! You are a frog in the bottom of the well! Don't think that the Kong family is invincible. There are so many people in this world who can easily crush us! For example, that Wife's husband!"

"My wife's husband?"

Kong Shao was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly looked at the screen of the "Secret Money Challenge" program on an Internet celebrity's mobile phone.

He swallowed hard and said, "Dad, did you make a mistake? This is an ordinary family, and everything was planned in advance by the program team."

"You bastard! You really don't cry when you see the coffin. Let me tell you this. The famous watches in that drawer are all real, and all of them are limited editions, with a total value of 600 to 700 billion. Husband's tip of the iceberg, in short, he wants my Kong family to be wiped out, it's just a matter of one sentence!"

"I don't care what method you use. Apologize to your wife. Immediately, immediately, the more sincere the better. If you can't get your wife's forgiveness, you will die!"

Kong Yunfeng roared angrily, and hung up the phone with a snap.

Kong Shao sat down on the sofa.

His brain was completely red and white, and only one sentence remained in his mind——

A whole drawer of famous watches, all real, not fakes!

(End of this chapter)

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