Chapter 323 Zhao's Royal Family!

Hearing Ji Qingyan's words, everyone was curious.

Following the other party's words, the host asked, "Manager Ji, what do you think?"

Ji Qingyan nodded and said, "I think this Green Tower Laboratory is actually a scientific research company. I think this scientific research company is a company that helps my husband measure the genetic sequences of almost all species..."

Hearing Ji Qingyan's guess, everyone was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately, they all nodded, all of them felt that it made sense.

"I have to say that Goddess Ji's brain is still better than ours. This is called high IQ and good looks."

"It seems that the theory of big breasts and no brains is not completely correct."

"When theories are wrong, Goddess Ji is a high-IQ, good-looking, and outstanding beauty!"


At this moment, Ji Qingyan doesn't know how to describe her mood.

Really, on the verge of collapse again and again.

Fortunately, since the beginning of the show, I have been driven by the old iron, and I am used to it.

However, most people still agree with her point of view.

Several people at the scene shook their heads again and again.

Xu Zhangyan said: "Manager Ji's conjecture is very reasonable. We saw that my wife and husband had completed the determination of the gene sequences of 1000 million species. We all thought it was impossible. After all, this is a very huge project, but If there is a professional laboratory to do this project, it can still get 1 billion US dollars of financial support every year, which does not mean that it must not be done.”

Wang Shiqiao on the side also said with emotion: "From a biological point of view, my wife's husband and I are colleagues. Although it is said that money may not be able to complete over 1 million different gene sequences for testing, it is true that there is no money." No, so I'm leaning towards Manager Ji's guess..."

In the live broadcast room, the veterans all became emotional.

"I think my wife's husband is a great man. He wants to sequence the genes of these 1 million species in order to help human beings keep the fire of life, and he can spend so much money every year for research work. , is really admirable..."

"I think, compared with his wife's husband, ordinary capitalists must feel ashamed..."

"The capitalists in this world have long been slaves to money. They are not worthy to be compared with their wife's husband..."

"Perhaps my wife's husband is the chosen one and can bring us hope."


Murong Wan'er clenched her small fist slightly.

My other half actually has so many things hidden from me.

I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.

This made her feel a little mixed.

I must feel uncomfortable in my heart.

But then again.

She saw everything Lin Fan did for her.

Look at what the other party has done for mankind.

Even Murong Wan'er herself deeply felt the greatness of this man.

Yes, great, not just powerful.

He believed that any woman in this world would definitely fall as thoroughly as himself when facing Lin Fan.


And at this time,.In the camp where the wolves were temporarily stationed, several palace masters watched the live broadcast, with complicated expressions on their faces.

At this moment, the Lord of the Kunlun Hall said: "Maybe many things have to be advanced before the time predicted by the boss, after all, the functions of the Green Tower Laboratory have been exposed.

This is one of the boss's core secrets! !
The Lord of the Temple of War also nodded, and said meaningfully: "Since the boss even dared to expose the Green Tower Laboratory, it means that he is ready. After all, there are some things that humans know sooner or later. Sooner or later knew……"

The rest of the hall masters also nodded their heads in agreement, saying: "No matter what, if that day really comes, human beings will be at the most dangerous time, and that time is when we will shed our blood for the boss and fight bloody battles for human beings." It's time..."

At this moment, the expressions on the faces of the several hall masters were extremely solemn, yet they were full of fighting spirit.

Only the Lord of Hades Hall couldn't help shaking his head, and said: "Although the boss's tactics and strategic vision are far from ours, but the boss has been silent for three years, will he also relax? He Didn't he just buy pancakes for his sister-in-law? Do you think it's possible, but he doesn't even know that many of the secrets he planned are slowly being leaked..."

Hearing the guess of the master of Hades Hall, the expressions on the faces of several hall masters became heavy again.

But in the end, the master of the Kunlun Palace stood up and said very firmly: "We don't need to think too much about this matter now. The only thing we have to do is to protect the sister-in-law and not let the sister-in-law suffer the slightest harm. I know that no matter what happens, the boss will always find a way to solve it. After all, although the wolves are the boss' trump card, they are not the boss' only trump card..."

Hearing the words of the master of the Kunlun Palace, the rest of the masters nodded deeply again, and their faces showed incomparable reverence.

The longer they stayed by Lin Fan's side, the more they could feel each other's unfathomable.


at the same time.

In a valley shrouded in thick fog. .

Around this valley, there are famous scenic spots, and there are many tourists in the scenic spots.

But only at the entrance of the valley, there are two big characters taboo written!

These two characters are somewhat shocking.

The entire entrance was blocked by layers of iron fences.

No tourists are allowed inside.

Even the staff of the scenic spot don't know what's in the valley.

In short, from the day they joined the job, they only knew that the valley was shrouded in dense fog all year round.

As for what is in the valley, those old employees who are about to retire will always tell the new employees, don't ask, don't think, and don't care.


If someone pushes away the layers of fog in the valley, they will surely find that the end of the valley is just an entrance.

Inside the intersection, there is a huge world.

Ordinary people would definitely not be able to believe this.

This independent world is like a paradise, where the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, the air is fresh, and the spring water is tinkling.

Here, it is the Zhao family, one of the four great royal families.

There are four royal families in total, namely the Zhao family, the Meng family, the Wu family, and the Duan family!
They do not engage in any production, they just lie down and suck the blood of the mundane world.

Had a very nourishing time.

Just because they have an incomparably powerful existence—ancient warriors!
But on this day, the Zhao royal family got a piece of news that made them unhappy.

A strong man appeared in the world.

This strong man controls a lot of power and resources.

The most important thing is that this strong man once refused to pay tribute to them.

This made the Zhao royal family very unhappy.

The consequences can be severe.

PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket. . .

(End of this chapter)

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