Chapter 351 The Deep-sea Giant Karason ([-])
While advancing all the way.

A figure appeared in the Mariana Trench.

It is the president of the Tianji Society!

At this time, humans are fighting with the Sea Clan, and all the satellites are aimed at the core of the battle.

So no one will pay attention to him at all.

This is why Athena asked him to perform the task now.

Soon, the head of the Tianji Society took a deep leap and plunged into the Mariana Trench.

His body turned into a black afterimage, diving quickly in the cold and dark sea water.

Soon, he dived to the bottom of several thousand meters.

It was extremely cold, dark, and even filled with dead silence.

If he didn't have divine power, even if the president of the Tianji Society is a supernatural being, he would have been crushed into a meat paste by the strong pressure of the sea water before he reached the bottom of the trench! !
He slowly stretched out his hand.

In his palm, the seeds of the tree of life slowly emerged.

The seeds are the size of a palm, exuding a warm light.

And fast, radiant! !

Bright rays of light pierced the dark seabed directly, and beams of light shot towards the surface of the sea.

However, in the thousands of meters of the seabed, in the darkest environment of several thousand meters, this bright beam of light still did not pierce the darkness in the end.

Therefore, at this time, the magnificent sea surface above the Mariana Trench is not much different from usual.

Coupled with the fact that the whole world is paying attention to the war with the Sea Clan at this time, no one can find out that the president of the Tiandihui entered the Mariana Trench and even planted the tree of life.

The moment the tree of life was planted, it began to take root and sprout on the dark and cold seabed, and it grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The seawater around the tree of life began to slowly condense, turning into pieces of ice.


At this time, on the battlefield between Huaxia and the Lighthouse Kingdom.

The two deep-sea behemoths, Karathon, rushed madly at a speed that exceeded human cognition. No one knew where their ultimate goal was.

Following the charge of the deep-sea behemoth Karason, the mighty waves on the sea level also surged, accompanied by countless sea tribes, and launched a general attack.

The soldiers guarding the forward position directly used long-range firepower to cover the mighty waves.

The Sea Clan suffered heavy losses, and the surface of the sea was dyed red.

This time the Sea Clan launched a general attack on a very large scale, so only a small part of the Sea Clan was injured by the artillery fire.

The mighty waves quickly poured into the front position.

The fierce battle really started.

The sea was stained red with blood, and the air was filled with the roars and screams of soldiers.

On the other side, the Huaxia side, as well as the Palace of Hades, which was responsible for protecting Murong Wan'er, finally found out that something was wrong.

They all discovered that the target of the deep-sea giant Kara Sen was Murong Wan'er! !

The eyelids of the Lord of the Hades Palace jumped wildly: "Grandma has a leg, and the Sea Clan knows that sister-in-law is the key to their victory, so this deep-sea giant Kara Sen must be killed, otherwise sister-in-law will be in danger!!"

Soon, the Lord of Hades got in touch with the headquarters of the wolves, and asked the headquarters to destroy the deep-sea giant Karason at all costs.

The order was issued, and several aircraft carrier battle groups docked at the home port all spewed out flames.

A series of precision-guided missiles flew out, directly locking on the deep-sea behemoth Karathon.

In the silo, a piece of the country's most important weapon is ready to be launched, and the deep-sea giant Kara Sen is also locked.

When the deep-sea giant Kara Sen was only 50 kilometers away from Caiyun Village, countless missiles poured down from the sky.

Boom boom boom!
The missile accurately hit the deep-sea giant Kara Sen, and the tens-of-meter-high deep-sea giant Kara Sen was immediately shrouded in flames.

The place where the deep sea giant Karason stood was directly razed to the ground.

But soon the shocking scene reappeared.

Both the wolves and Huaxia have used the most powerful weapons other than nuclear weapons, but they still haven't brought substantial damage to the deep-sea giant Kara Sen.

At this time, the deep sea giant Kara Sen was full of flames, but it was still running wildly.

This scene once again shocked everyone and filled them with extreme despair.

Could it be that only nuclear weapons can destroy the deep-sea monster Karathon.

In other words, well, even nuclear weapons cannot harm the opponent.

If this is the case, it turns out that it is really going to the end.

Good, good, these two deep-sea monsters, Karason, lead the mighty sea clan, and it is estimated that they can wipe out human beings from this world.

Seeing that the deep sea giant Kara Sen is getting closer.

50km, 40km, 30km, 20km...

With the frightening speed of 200 kilometers per hour, it would probably take only a few minutes for the other party to reach Caiyun Village.

It is conceivable that human beings have no hope of surviving in the face of such a powerful deep-sea behemoth Karason.

Under the leadership of Hades, the soldiers of Hades Hall stood in front of Mu Youwan'er and Chen Fan's house
They vowed to protect Murong Wan'er to the death.

But their faces were full of sadness.

Because they know very well that although they are existences that make countless forces and even countries in the world fearful, in front of the deep sea giant Kara Sen, they are as weak as internet babies.

Totally vulnerable.

At this moment, there is a crazy communication device in his hand, and he frantically presses the button on this device, wanting to get in touch with you.

"Our boss, if you don't come back, you will regret it..."

The Lord of Hades Sword Palace said to himself very unsteadily.

It's a pity that he almost shattered the entire device, and he didn't get any reply.

The Lord of Hades Hall was full of puzzlement and unwillingness.

He knew Lin Fan's strength very well.

In his cognition, there is no one in this world who can bring trouble to Lin Fan.

But now, Lin Fan is really in trouble.

Otherwise, the other party will definitely come to rescue Murong Wan'er.

At this moment, the Lord of Hades Hall thought of something, and roared in Murong Wan'er's direction: "Sister-in-law, those figurines that elder brother left you, this is the only hole card, call a few more strong men to come out! Guan must pass!!"

The voice of the Lord of Hades Hall fell, and the earth began to tremble.

Obviously, the deep sea monster Karathon has arrived.

At this time, everyone at the scene calmed down and urged Murong Wan'er to let the other party summon the peerless powerhouse with a unified figure.

But at this moment, a smile appeared on Murong Wan'er's face, and she said, "There is no need to summon a peerless powerhouse, my husband has already left me a solution..."

Saying that, Murong Wan'er waved her hand lightly, and the virtual screen appeared in front of him again.

Her slender fingers tapped nimbly on the virtual screen.

A string of codes appeared on the screen.

(End of this chapter)

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