Chapter 380 Zeus Awakens!

Just when Qiu Wentian started his research, the whole world won a big victory, and the third generation of mutant zombies was completely eradicated.

However, without waiting for humans to celebrate, they discovered that the surrounding environment had undergone some changes.

At this time, Huaxia is in summer.

Originally, the weather was supposed to be extremely hot.

But now, the temperature has dropped below zero.

There were even snowflakes in many places.

The river is frozen!

It's completely a scene of cold weather.

As for the western hemisphere, which is opposite to the Huaxia season, it is even more exaggerated, and the temperature has dropped directly to minus [-] or [-] degrees! !

The sudden drop in temperature caused huge damage to the city's heating equipment. Coupled with the previous zombie war, many cities' heating systems completely collapsed.

Therefore, the cold weather directly froze a group of people to death.

Not only that, but the temperature continues to drop.

All rivers and lakes on land are frozen.

Almost all living facilities were paralyzed.

Only electricity can barely be supplied.

However, because a lot of hydropower is frozen, only thermal power plants and nuclear power plants can be used, and a large number of people use air conditioners, and the power is slowly drying up.

If the temperature drops to the extreme, it will be impossible to resist with the current human technology.

A huge shadow once again enveloped the entire world.

In the live broadcast room of "Private Money Challenge", Murong Wan'er was wrapped in a thick down jacket and continued to broadcast live, encouraging all human beings to persevere and not give up hope.

The Green Tower Laboratory once again devoted itself to research.

Soon, the Green Tower Laboratory repaired the space equipment for controlling the weather.

After the equipment was activated, endless heat was shot to the earth.

The temperature of the earth began to rise slowly.

However, when the temperature at the equator rises to minus [-] degrees, it cannot rise again.

After all, equipment in space can provide limited energy to the earth.

Not only that, Green Tower Lab also discovered the reason for the cooling of the earth.

In the Mariana Trench, a towering tree grows from the ocean, piercing the sky.

The sea water around the big tree was frozen.

The big tree frantically absorbed the air from the air.

A trace of cold air was released from the big tree.

A blue whale swam past the big tree, and its body was instantly frozen into a block of ice.

When Green Tower Lab announced this big tree to the world, the whole world was in an uproar.

This big tree is obviously not a plant on earth.

The temperature drop on the earth and the abnormal weather are obviously also affected by this big tree.

Human beings have no time to investigate the past and present of this big tree.

The most urgent task now is to destroy this big tree.

Soon, Murong Wan'er connected with various countries in the form of live video.

And a consensus was quickly reached.

That is to continue to concentrate the power of all mankind, at all costs, to destroy this towering tree that suddenly appeared.

Soon, the long-range firepower of various countries was turned on and precision strikes began.

But soon, a scene appeared that made people all over the world doubt their lives.

In the sky, missiles pierced the sky one after another, heading towards the big tree.

However, these missiles seemed to encounter an invisible barrier a few hundred meters away from the big tree, and they all exploded with a bang.

After launching thousands of missiles in succession, and still not causing any damage to Dashu, several major powers dispatched aircraft carrier battle groups.

Want to reach around the big tree, at the same time find the right time, and then carry out firepower strikes.

However, the scene that shocked everyone's eyes appeared again.

Several aircraft carrier battle groups also had no chance to approach this big tree. At a distance of about ten nautical miles from this big tree, all aircraft carriers and ships were cut off at the middle! !
The aircraft carrier and the soldiers on the ship fell into the icy sea and were soon deprived of their lives by the cold.

Suddenly, everyone realized something.

It seems that there is some power that is guarding this towering tree and preventing it from being harmed.

In the end, humans sent several submarines, like ghosts, to travel in the deep sea.

However, these submarines also had no chance to get close to the big tree, and before they drove to the predetermined position to fire their weapons, the submarines were intercepted by the middle.

Countless soldiers were directly exposed to the deep sea.

The strong pressure on the bottom of the sea instantly compressed these soldiers into a pulp! !
From Murong Wan'er's connection with various countries to the launch of attacks by various countries, more than ten hours have passed in the blink of an eye.

For more than ten hours, the self-confidence of human beings was crushed to pieces again.

At this time, in the deep seabed.

On a branch of the tree of life.

Athena was standing on a branch with bare feet, her gaze fell on her slender beautiful legs and jade hands.

Beside him, stood the god of wine standing like a javelin.

The God of Dionysus said with great fighting spirit: "These reptile-like human beings are still trying to make enemies with us. They are simply beyond their limits."

The corner of Athena's mouth formed a smile, and she said: "Humanity is about to be extinct in such a crisis, and the cultivators in the East still haven't appeared, so there is only one possibility. As the spiritual energy of the world withers, they will also follow Fallen, or in other words, their strength has been severely weakened, and now they can only hide in certain places, lingering."

And at this moment, the human world.

A strong man who was shivering in the ice and snow, his eyes widened suddenly.

A flood of memories flooded into his mind crazily.

In the next second, endless and powerful force penetrated all the bones and muscles of his body.

Somehow, he felt that some power in this world was calling him!

When he gained all his strength, his face that was shivering because of the cold suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment, and he muttered to himself: "So, I am Zeus, one of the twelve great gods, The head of the gods!"

After speaking, his body instantly disappeared in place.

The next second, he appeared in the Mariana Trench.

Appeared beside Athena and Dionysus.

When the two main gods saw Zeus, their voices were somewhat moved: "Zeus, you are finally back..."

Zeus closed his eyes slightly, and said, "Yes, I've been asleep for too long, it's time to complete our unfinished business..."

While speaking, Zeus's spirit moved.

He found that not far away, several nuclear submarines were approaching the tree of life.

"court death!"

A cold killing intent erupted from him.

Immediately, he shook his hand lightly.

The entire bottom of the sea seems to be shaking.

"Space shock!"

An indifferent word spit out from Zeus's mouth.

However, the space around several nuclear submarines that were several miles away suddenly vibrated violently.

These nuclear submarines exploded suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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