Chapter 402 Doomsday Comes Again!

Hearing Qiu Wentian's words, Athena breathed a sigh of relief.

She said with emotion: "Thousands of years ago, when our twelve main gods arrived on the earth, the people on the earth had just finished their life of drinking blood, and the technological development of human beings in the past 100 years has greatly narrowed the gap with the main gods. If there is a technological explosion in human beings, it is possible to surpass the main gods, but if the basic science of human beings is locked with protons, then the technological level of mankind will stagnate! In this way, the main gods will completely gain the upper hand!"

Qiu Wentian nodded deeply, and said: "This is the best, maybe within five years, I will gain great power, and then wipe the human race from the world with my own hands, or maybe I can't do it, at that time the main god The Starship Fleet will also arrive on Earth, and what awaits mankind can only be extinction..."

After finishing speaking, Qiu Wentian stood in front of the instrument and began to study antimatter energy seriously.

Intuition told him that the so-called antimatter energy could make his strength soar unimaginably.

It can even transform his whole body!


At this time, 5 light-years away from the earth, a mighty galaxy fleet is traveling through the vast universe, heading towards the blue planet.

And with the current technological level of human beings, it is absolutely impossible to imagine the hugeness of this galaxy fleet.

The speed of this galaxy fleet has reached the terrifying speed of light, reaching the limit of speed! !

Moreover, the scale of the Starship Fleet is also beyond imagination!
Even if all the aircraft carrier battle groups, all the fighter jets, and all the armors on the earth are added together, they cannot compare with this Starship Fleet!

Traveling in the vast universe is full of dangers.

Because no one knows what fatal dangers will lie in the dark universe.

For a high-speed aircraft in the universe, even hitting a meteorite means unimaginable danger!
However, on this fleet, all battleships have a device that emits unparalleled power. All meteorites, and even some small planets, will be instantly annihilated when encountering this power!
And this power is exactly antimatter energy! !
In a certain sense, if it hadn't been for the discovery of antimatter energy, the Protoss' Starship Fleet would not have been able to travel in the vast universe for hundreds of years without encountering any accidents.

At this moment, on the main ship of the Starship Fleet, a man who looked like a god was standing in front of a huge instrument. He asked the staff beside him, "Did Athena say that for thousands of years, she has Are you doing well?"

The man is the prince of the protoss, the star god Arka!
He and Athena were childhood sweethearts, and had a secret love since childhood.

And thousands of years ago, Athena was selected to go to the earth hundreds of light-years away to perform a mission.

Parting from the one he loves, Alka suffers incomparably.

After thousands of years of waiting, he was finally able to see the woman he loved so much again.

He was extremely excited and looking forward to it.

The staff next to him said: "Prince, Athena's replies are all related to human beings, and she didn't mention how she is doing."

In Alka's heart, there was a bit of distress,

"There are cultivators on earth who can crush the main god. Athena must have suffered a lot in these years."

Alka said leisurely, "You send a message to Athena, saying that I am Alka. I miss her very much these years and want to know how she is doing these years."

"Yes, Prince..."

The staff said respectfully, and soon sent a message.


At this time, the earth is five light-years away.

In the secret base of the Lighthouse Country.

Qiu Wentian was staring at the huge instrument, analyzing massive data, and studying antimatter energy.

Just then, the instrument received another message.

Message from Protoss Starship Fleet.

Lying on the mat, unable to move at all, Athena asked excitedly, "What news is there from my people?"

Qiu Wentian received the message.

The expression on his face became exciting in an instant, he stared at Athena, and his face suddenly twisted again: "The one who sent you the message is the prince of the protoss, Alka, the star god, and he wants to know, how many years have you lived? How are you doing?"

Star God Arka!
Athena's memories were instantly pulled back thousands of years ago, to the protoss boy with shining eyes.

For Athena, who has never tasted love, she cannot accurately define her relationship with Alka.

All she knew was that she had a strange feeling for Alka.

However, seeing Athena's reaction, the expression on Qiu Wentian's face twisted again, before Athena could speak, he said with a smile: "If I'm not wrong, this Arka is your little lover, How should I reply to him, I should tell him that you are very happy and satisfied now!!"

After finishing speaking, Qiu Wentian replied through the huge equipment.

Hearing this, Athena frowned.

It is very inappropriate for Qiu Wentian to reply like this! !

However, now she is a fish on the chopping board and can only be slaughtered by Qiu Wentian, so she can't say anything at all.

Soon, Qiu Wentian replied according to what he said just now.

After replying, he looked at Athena with a smile and said, "Since I told your little lover that you are very happy and satisfied now, then I will definitely make you happy and satisfied..."

Athena's eyes widened, filled with endless resistance.

She knew very well what was waiting for her.

However, she was powerless to resist.

She couldn't even die.


At this time, the Starship Fleet of the Protoss received a message from Earth.

"Look at what Athena sent!"

Alka said excitedly, walked to the front of the instrument, and started to operate the instrument.

However, when he saw the content of the message, he was stunned.

"I am very happy, very satisfied..."

Alka frowned, he had no idea what Athena was saying?


At this time, two protons emerged from the twisted wormhole and launched into the sky above the earth.

With the appearance of these two protons, the entire earth has undergone tremendous changes!

The volume of the earth has skyrocketed ten times!
The earth split open, gullies criss-crossed, and the huge waves in the ocean disappeared and dried up completely!

People's lives have become extremely difficult in an instant.

The skyrocketing volume of the earth has caused the gravity on the earth to skyrocket, and many people even find it difficult to stand up!
After eating, the digestive system is also under tremendous pressure, which is extremely painful.

Many people couldn't bear such a change at all, and just died!
It seems that the end of the world has once again come to this world!

(End of this chapter)

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