Chapter 426 Follow in Wife's Footsteps!
The news that the lighthouse country gave up resistance and surrendered to the Lord God caused an uproar all over the world.

Many countries have called the lighthouse country to ask whether the matter is true or not.

They all got a positive answer.

Not only that, but the lighthouse country has made countries all over the world stand in line.

Surrender to the Lord God, or stubbornly resist?
The Lighthouse State also asked all the countries in the West to express their stance immediately. If they did not submit to the main god country immediately, they would be sanctioned and liquidated by the main god and the lighthouse country.

After the remark was released, the world became more and more outraged.

Especially in various Western countries, everyone is in danger.

Because they are not the opponents of the Lighthouse Country at all, let alone the mutant beasts.

In short, if they don't surrender to the main god like the lighthouse country, the final result will be death.

In an instant, there were more comments in the live room of the "Challenge of Private Money" program.

At this time, Sun Yun'er was operating the virtual screen and simultaneously broadcasting the live broadcast.

The wind direction of the comments in the live broadcast room changed immediately.

"Where is the wife, where is the wife, something serious happened!"

"Something has happened, I need to tell my wife right away!"

"Madam, let us be the masters, we don't want to submit to the Lord God, we don't want to be their slaves..."


At this time, Murong Wan'er had just taken the anti-fetal medicine.

She was getting ready for a good rest.

After learning that the accident had happened, she lost all sleepiness.

He hurriedly came to the front of the live camera.

She quickly learned what was happening in the Lighthouse Country, and what was happening in the West.

Such a situation was beyond Murong Wan'er's expectations.

Although the main god is very powerful, although human beings face many sacrifices, human beings' will to fight against alien races is very firm.

Even, with the establishment of defense lines of all races, human beings have basically become a piece of iron.

Unexpectedly, the Lighthouse Congress suddenly turned against the water!

Not only fell to the main god, but also forced the rest of the countries to surrender.

Something must have happened by accident.

Soon, Murong Wan'er received a call from Huaxia.

She also figured out what happened.

She stood in front of the live camera, with a look of sadness on her face, and said: "Our enemies are very cunning, and they attack us in various ways, but we must not surrender."

Her voice is faint, but it seems to possess magical power.

Everyone who was watching the live broadcast felt a strong sense of unwillingness and crisis.

At this time, the host of the show couldn't help asking: "Madam, our enemy is very powerful. Now even the Lighthouse Country has surrendered, and the number of Western countries that respond to the Lighthouse Country has reached [-]. If we continue to resist, we must Countless sacrifices will be made, and if we surrender, our price may be much less."

After finishing speaking, the host explained: "I know that many people will object to my words. I just want to discuss this matter with you from an objective perspective."

Hearing this, many people fell into silence.

From their inner point of view, they definitely don't want to give up.

However, facing the cruel reality, they have to admit that continuing to resist will mean countless sacrifices.

Murong Wan'er glanced at the host, and said solemnly: "If everyone gives up, will there still be human beings in this world?"

After she finished speaking, the entire show and the live broadcast room fell into complete silence.

Even, the comment area, which was originally full of discussions, was quiet at this time.

There were billions of viewers, but no one spoke.

I don't know how long it took before someone finally started to comment.

"Although I am very afraid of mutant beasts, and the myriad races scare me even more, I support my wife's point of view. If we all surrender, the Lord God and even the myriad races will become the masters of this planet. They will not only slaughter We, they will even find ways to eliminate humans!"

"So, we can't give up. We humans live and thrive on the earth, and the earth is our home. No one wants us to give up our homeland!"

"We should not only protect our homeland for ourselves, but also protect our homeland for our children and grandchildren."


The will of the people watching the live broadcast was once again condensed.

Of course, most of the people who spoke in this part were from the east, while the people from the west had a completely different mood.

"I really want to follow in my wife's footsteps and fight the Ten Thousand Races to the end, but now, even our country has surrendered, what else can we do?"

"I feel deep sadness. My family members have died in the hands of the sea clan, zombies, and mutant beasts one after another. The only meaning of my life is to avenge them, but now, my country has given up! "

"I finally know why the Chinese nation has become the only country whose civilization has not been interrupted. It is because they never compromise and never give up fighting."


While the live broadcast was going on, countries in the West that responded to the lighthouse country successively overthrew their defense lines.

Although many countries did not want to succumb, after weighing, most of them still chose to give up.

And some countries that do not want to give up have been threatened one after another.

For some tough bones, the ferocious and cruel Wanzu will personally take action.

Faced with the threat of powerful peoples, especially the most elite special forces, they will be killed in an instant, and the high-level leaders of various countries have also collapsed one after another, choosing to surrender.

The people watched as the defenses were pushed down and forced to hand over daggers made of Valyrian steel at home.


At this time, in the underground base of the Lighthouse Country.

Athena's gaze towards Qiu Wentian was filled with admiration.

She suddenly discovered that there was a fatal attraction to this man.

It only took the other party two days to make almost all countries in the West choose to surrender!
Regardless of this, she and the rest of the main gods did not think of such a method.

"If we adopt a strategy of defeating each other, won't all countries in the world surrender?"

At this moment, Athena's eyes lit up, and she suddenly thought of something.

Qiu Wentian shook his head and said, "Things will not be as simple as we thought. Murong Wan'er must have made sufficient preparations in the past two days."

Hearing this, Athena frowned, but in the end she couldn't help but said, "I think we can give it a try, and strive to achieve the greatest victory with the least cost!"

Qiu Wentian nodded and said, "Then let's start with the small countries around China, and open a gap in the defense line built by the East!"

After finishing speaking, Qiu Wentian stood in front of the huge instrument, tapping on the instrument quickly with both hands.

"All the ten thousand races have received my order to cross the ocean and head towards the east. They will lead the countless mutant beasts in the gully in the east to launch a crazy attack..."

(End of this chapter)

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