Chapter 434 Answer the call!

Huaxia, conscription office.

Countless hot-blooded men came to enroll in the army.

"My name is Wang Mang, from Sichuan Province. I am 22 years old. I originally wanted to find a wife, leave incense for our family, and then join the army to serve the country. Going to the battlefield, I want to sign up to join the army!!"

"My name is Xu Teng, from Lu Province. Now I am studying in Sichuan Province. Our hometown, especially the coastal cities, has long been occupied by mutant beasts. For the final victory, I signed up to join the army and vowed to live and die with China!! "

"My name is Yu Zhengnan. My childhood wish was to become a soldier. Now, the country is calling us, and my wife is calling us. I want to go to the battlefield without hesitation, and then take on the responsibility of being a Chinese man."


A passionate man shouted out his oath with a sonorous voice.

In Guizhou Province, China, in a dilapidated hospital, a baby boy was born with the sound of crying!
Even in today's environment, a newly born child means new life and hope for a family.

The joy of the whole family.

The child's mother looked a little weak because she had just given birth, but she stared at her child with gentle eyes, full of love.

At the same time, her heart is also full of worries, because this is an era full of turmoil and unknowns.

Although she gave birth to a lovely child, if the defense line on the coastline is breached, countless mutant beasts and thousands of races will inevitably spread all over the streets and alleys of China.

At that time, perhaps her child has not really understood this world, and has not had the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of this world, and will become the food of all races and mutant beasts

In the delivery room, the child's grandfather held a dagger made of Valyrian steel, his eyes were full of determination, and he said, "Daughter-in-law, don't worry, if Huaxia's defense line is breached, the child's father and I will definitely protect it." Yours……"

As he said that, he glanced at his son and said, "Da Zhuang, do you hear me? Hurry up and make a statement. Don't worry your wife."

At this time, the young man named Da Zhuang also tightly held the dagger that Valyria had just struck in his hand.

However, his hands were shaking, and he seemed to be making a difficult decision.

Seeing this scene, Da Zhuang's father became angry and scolded directly: "You bastard, what the hell are you thinking, I ask you to express your opinion, can you protect your wife and children?!"

This is, Da Zhuang suddenly raised his head.

He strode to his wife's bed, knelt down on the ground with a plop, and said, "Wife, please forgive me, I can't stay with you and the child to protect you..."

Hearing what he said, his father became even more angry, and even wanted to kill someone: "You bastard, I have taught you all your life that a man must be responsible, and now you say such a thing, you bastard... ..."

With that said, he picked up the broom in the ward, and was about to educate his son severely.

However, Da Zhuang directly regarded his father as air, and said to his daughter-in-law: "Daughter-in-law, I love you deeply, and our child deeply. My greatest wish is to be able to be with you." To grow old and be able to accompany our children to grow up, but if the mutant beast breaks through the line of defense, even if I guard by your side, I will not be able to resist the mighty mutant beast!"

Speaking of this, Da Zhuang looked up at his woman for a year, and said: "So, I'm going to sign up to join the army. Only by keeping these mutant beasts out of the line of defense and completely destroying them can we guarantee that you will not be harmed." The damage from the mutant beast..."

Hearing Da Zhuang's words, everyone's heart was moved, and their brows were tightly frowned.

They are very clear about this battle between human beings and all races, and there will be countless bloodshed and sacrifices of soldiers every moment.

Even if human beings can win the final victory, they will have to pay the price of countless lives.

It can be said that if Da Zhuang chooses to sign up for the army, he will almost die.

But at this moment, the expression on Da Zhuang's face was extremely firm.

There is no doubt that he has made up his mind.

Da Zhuang's daughter-in-law closed her eyes in pain, but in the end he smiled with tears in his eyes: "Da Zhuang, you go, I support you, the man I, Li Hui, is really not wrong..."

Da Zhuang looked at his wife, tears streaming down his face in seconds.

Sure enough, my wife knows me best...

Da Zhuang knelt down on the ground, looked at his parents, and said: "Dad, Mom, the child is not filial, and in the next life, he will be a cow or a horse, and I will repay your kindness of upbringing..."

After speaking, he stood up abruptly.

He looked at his newborn son, his eyes suddenly softened.

He kissed his son lightly on the face.

He knew very well that this was the first time he kissed his son, and of course, it might also be the last time.

At this moment, he deeply realized how happy it is to have a wife and children on the kang.

But obviously, such happiness is such a luxury for him and everyone in this era.

He didn't dare to stay too long, he was afraid that if he stayed for a long time, his will would be shaken.

He walked to the door, turned around again, took one last look at his wife, children, and parents, and strode away.


Yu province.

A small farmyard.

A girl knelt down in front of an old lady.

The girl burst into tears: "Grandma, I have no parents since I was a child. You raised me alone. I have made up my mind since I was a child that I must repay your kindness for nurturing, but what I didn't expect is that I just graduated from university. , The world has undergone such a big change. So many men in our country have died on the battlefield. Although I am a weak woman, I have learned battlefield rescue and bandaging in school, so I am obliged to go to the battlefield , Contribute my strength!!!"

The old lady opened her mouth and smiled. He gently hugged the girl into her arms, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Go, the country is in trouble, and each of us needs to stand up. Grandma is at the door." Waiting for you to come back under the pomegranate tree, grandma is still waiting to show you the child..."

Hearing this, the girl couldn't bear it anymore, tears welled up in her eyes, lying in grandma's arms, crying sadly.

She knew that maybe if she really left, she would never see her grandma again.

However, she embarked on the journey without hesitation.

She had already responded to Murong Wan'er's call and bravely walked to the battlefield.

Only if every Chinese person, every member of the Eastern Alliance, even women and children bravely join the army, can Huaxia have hope!

(End of this chapter)

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