Chapter 473 The ultimate hunting crossbow!

The mighty ten thousand races continued to attack.

The distance between them and the line of defense of all races is rapidly closing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, many people's eyelids jumped wildly.

Especially the people of the Eastern Alliance.

The physical fitness of these ten thousand races is too strong. Once they are allowed to hit the defense line, it is very likely that the entire defense line will collapse.

The people of the Western Alliance, who were originally stunned and even autistic, were once again full of expectations.

They even started to cheer for Wanzu, hoping that Wanzu could break through the defense line of the Eastern Alliance and win the final victory.

Only in this way can they be freed.


at this time.

In the live broadcast room of the "Private Money Challenge" program.

Originally, the Eastern Alliance has reached the most dangerous time.

But the sudden appearance of the bow and crossbow still boosted everyone's morale!

Lady Luck seemed to be on everyone's side again.

"Ma'am, why are these crossbows so powerful that even nuclear weapons can't harm the peoples, but these crossbows can do it?"

The host couldn't help asking.

Murong Wan'er nodded, and said: "The raw material of these crossbows is also Valyrian steel, and the scientific research team headed by Li Qingfeng also added a special material to it, which greatly improved its sharpness and lethality. .”

In an instant, everyone understood.

The crossbow of emotion is made of Valyrian steel.

Everyone is very clear about this material.

After all, the wolves dropped daggers of Valyrian steel across the world when the catastrophe struck.

It can be said that without the dagger made of Valyrian steel, it would be difficult for humans to persist until now.

After all, there have been many times when human beings have won victories because of countless soldiers holding Valyrian steel daggers in bloody battles.

Today, Tower Green Laboratories has forged Valyrian steel into crossbow bolts, once again protecting the people of the Eastern Alliance.

The host was about to continue to ask something, but Ji Qingyan at the side suddenly discovered something.

"Ma'am, you just said that the crossbows and bolts used by the soldiers on the front line were made by the scientific research team headed by Qingfeng Li. Academician Qingfeng Li, has he recovered?"

Ji Qingyan asked excitedly.

Murong Wan'er smiled and said: "Yes, the research team in charge of life sciences in Green Tower Laboratory has successfully conquered cancer, and has initially researched drugs that successfully enhance human body strength. There is still half a month to plan to carry out large-scale research. Promote."

At this moment, Murong Wan'er's voice was full of excitement.

Everyone at the scene was also full of surprises when they heard the good news.

On the Internet, the people of the Eastern Alliance are boiling again.

"I knew that the Green Tower Laboratory, under the leadership of my wife, would definitely be able to create miracles! The Green Tower Laboratory did it! My wife did it!"

"That's right, the Green Tower Laboratory did it, my wife did it! We humans did it!!"

"Victory will eventually belong to our Eastern Alliance. There is nothing wrong with following in my wife's footsteps!"


But just as the Eastern Alliance was jubilant, the situation of the battle suddenly changed.

The mighty ten thousand races suddenly became very restless and manic, and their impact speed was much faster than before.

"Ma'am, these ten thousand races want to rush under the defense line as quickly as possible, and then destroy the entire defense line!"

"Although the crossbow bolts made of Valyrian steel can harvest the lives of these ten thousand races, once they break through the defense line and rush into the living area of ​​the Eastern Alliance, it will still be a disaster for the Eastern Alliance!"


For a while, everyone became tense again.

Even Murong Wan'er couldn't help frowning.

There is no doubt that the people of the Western Union, who had just closed themselves off, are now active again.

Words and predictions about the impending collapse of the Eastern Alliance once again flooded the entire network.

"Ma'am, what should we do?"

The host asked nervously.

At this time, Murong Wan'er tapped the virtual screen a few times, and then said to Annie and the third daughter: "It's been installed for 10 minutes, it should be almost done."

Hearing Murong Wan'er's words, everyone couldn't help being stunned.

I don't know what the other party means at all.

At this moment, a soldier of the wolf pack ran to Murong Wan'er, gave a military salute with a snap, and said, "Ma'am, the end hunting crossbow has been installed, please authorize it!"

After finishing speaking, the soldier brought a tablet computer in front of Murong Wan'er.

Murong gently stretched out his thumb, and pressed it on the fingerprint recognition area of ​​the tablet.

The entire tablet computer ran quickly and sent the instructions to the front line.

Immediately, Murong Wan'er looked at the live broadcast of the Ten Thousand Races Defense Line and said, "Please rest assured, the victory will eventually belong to our Eastern Alliance!"

After the voice fell, without waiting for everyone to react, everyone saw that a device with a height of more than ten meters rose above the defense line of the ten thousand races.

The device is designed a bit like a cannon.

After rising, the huge device fired at full power.

Flame spit out directly.

However, what the device shoots out is not shells, but bolts made of Valyrian steel! !
Everyone soon understood that this huge device was exactly what the wolves said just now, the ultimate hunting crossbow! !
The number of these ultimate hunting crossbows is astonishing!
A Ultimate Hunting Crossbow fires tens of thousands of Valyrian steel bolts with every strike.

All the hunting bows and crossbows were fully fired, and the sky was filled with densely packed crossbow arrows, shooting wildly towards the mighty thousands of people.

Originally, the crazy Wanzu was advancing towards the last line of defense at a terrifying speed.

But as the densely packed crossbow arrows fell, the Wanzu who rushed to the front all fell down.

On the entire battlefield, it seemed that the horn of death had sounded.

A crossbow bolt made of Valyrian steel directly nailed the heads of thousands of people to the ground.

The speed of the impact of the entire ten thousand races immediately slowed down.

was completely suppressed.

Time just passed by minute by minute.

Thousands of races fell head by head, and the number decreased crazily.

After about an hour, the arrows in the ultimate hunting crossbow were exhausted.

But at this time, there are very few Wanzu left.

The remaining ten thousand races are basically wounded and disabled generals.

At this time, the crossbows on the defense line, which were controlled and aimed by manpower, began to accurately kill these ten thousand races.

Puff puff……

The sharp crossbow arrows pierced through the bodies and heads of thousands of races.

With the powerless fall of the last ten thousand races, mankind won the final victory.

The scene of the collapse of the ten thousand races was shown in front of the whole world through live video.

This commemorative picture made the entire Eastern Alliance boil again.

(End of this chapter)

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