Chapter 53 Tai Ajian!
On the crumbling city, the emperor drew his sword out of its sheath and pointed it at the enemy!

At this moment, an incredible miracle appeared!
I saw that a group of majestic sword energy shot out, flying sand and rocks to cover the sky outside the city in an instant, and there seemed to be roaring beasts in it!
In an instant, the enemy's soldiers and horses were in chaos. After a while, the flags and flags fell to the ground, bleeding for thousands of miles, and the entire army was wiped out!

In a trance, everyone was dragged into this picture.

The sharp cold light and mighty killing intent subsided, and the picture finally disappeared.

Everyone's eyes widened, filled with unspeakable shock!

"Damn it! I seem to have been dragged into another world just now. Did I travel through it? Is there anyone like me?"

"Me too, I just saw an emperor who cut off all the enemies with a single sword!"

"I saw it too! This is incredible, my cognition has been subverted!"

"What kind of sword is this sword? How can it be so powerful!"


Xu Jianmin's hand holding the long sword trembled.

The shock in his heart was even more overwhelming.

One question after another, beating his heart frantically.

What kind of sword is this?

How could there be such power?

How could there be such an illusion? !

Murong Wan'er's delicate oval face was also full of shock.

The sword in my home has such terrifying power. The scene just now is even more shocking than the blockbuster movies!
The host let out a long breath, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak, she adjusted for a long time before she was able to speak: "Xu Zhangyan, do you see what kind of sword this sword is now? "

At this moment, the comments in the live broadcast room stagnated again.

Everyone at the scene also held their breath, waiting for Xu Jianmin to answer,
However, Xu Jianmin shook his head and said, "To tell you the truth, I didn't see what kind of sword this is."

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words.

Xu Jianmin is a regular guest on CCTV's Appreciation of Treasures program. Before, the program team was not qualified to invite him.

Unexpectedly, even the opponent could not recognize this ancient sword! !

This also further illustrates the extraordinaryness of this ancient sword!

"If you want to identify this ancient sword, you can only ask the hands of other antique shops."

Xu Jianmin said, solemnly seeking Murong Wan'er's opinion, "Do you think it's okay ma'am?"

"Yes, Xu Zhangyan."

Just now, Murong Wan'er was also dragged into that scene, and compared to others, she was more curious about what kind of sword this sword in her house was!

Soon, Xu Jianmin took a photo and sent it to the directors of the Antique Association, asking, "Does anyone know what kind of sword this is?"

In an instant, in the quiet group, it was as if a pot had exploded.

"Old Xu, are you still at the show?"

"I've been watching the show all the time. The scene just now is so shocking! I really want to buy this ancient sword and make it a treasure of the store!"

"Isn't the previous lesson deep enough? You still want to buy things from your wife's house. You think your life is too long, don't you?"


"Don't say it's useless, everyone, hurry up and help me palm my eyes."

Xu Jianmin was a little anxious.

At this time, Yu Zhangyan from Yipinxuan Antique Shop said: "Old Xu, I have been watching the show just now, and I heard my grandfather talk about this sword!"

Xu Jianmin's eyelids twitched, and he asked, "Yu Zhangyan, please tell me quickly, what kind of ancient sword is this?"

Soon, Yu Zhangyan wrote a line in the group: This sword is Tai'a Sword!It is also the sword of Qin Shihuang! "

(End of this chapter)

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