
Chapter 109 The Baptism of Light

Chapter 109 The Baptism of Light
The successive attacks on the Lei Ze family were undoubtedly a powerful slap on the face of the butler Paul.Although Yue Chuan spoke out to comfort Paul, Paul still felt deeply ashamed. He looked at the ruined wall with hatred, and there was a stern look in his eyes.

Yue Chuan didn't pay attention to these things. Of course, someone will do the finishing work. What Yue Chuan cares about is only his own strength.Returning to his residence, Yue Chuan sat facing the mirror, carefully comprehending the power of blood energy that was churning endlessly in his body.

Blood flows in the blood vessels, and battle qi flows in the meridians. People often say that the lack of blood qi refers to blood and qi respectively, which are two different concepts. However, in Yue Chuan, blood and qi have no boundaries, and they have become one and the same. energy.Blood energy flows in both blood vessels and meridians, which not only maintains life, but also improves strength.


Yue Chuan pressed the heart with his palm, and a strange feeling started from the heart and spread to all the limbs.Wherever that strange feeling passed, the blood energy suddenly changed, as if a torch had been thrown away in the crude oil, it would burn and explode instantly, the blood energy was consumed rapidly, and replaced by tyrannical energy generated in the body.The raging blood flames lingered and rose on the body surface, and the scarlet eyes contained endless destructive desires and bloodthirsty desires.

Blood Rage!
Yue Chuan suddenly remembered the name in his heart.

After he changed his profession to become a berserker, he hurriedly went offline before he had time to learn new skills, but he didn't expect to comprehend the blood rage spontaneously.After possessing blood fighting qi, comprehending the blood rage is a natural necessity. This incident also made Yue Chuan understand that the skills in the game are not only obtained through learning, but can also be comprehended by oneself.

"So that's why Xiaoxiao was able to find out various sword soul skills through language descriptions before entering the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors". Although they were mostly showy, he learned them after all. Said, didn’t you figure out Mind Eye and Shunbu by yourself before?” Slapping himself hard, Yue Chuan cursed secretly: “These skills are essentially all kinds of martial arts. Ordinary people can figure out all kinds of martial arts. There is nothing wrong with it, although the power has been weakened by ten times, hundred times and thousand times, but with the improvement of one's own strength and the deepening of martial arts comprehension, it may not be impossible to strengthen it."

Moreover, this made Yue Chuan realize an extremely important thing - cross-professional comprehension of skills!
Just like Gizad, he is an Asura himself, but he can also swordsmanship, blood energy skills and ghost skills, which shows that skills can be learned, and the so-called "profession" is indeed a solid shackle, making many players You will only roll in a certain system throughout your life, but as long as your ability reaches a certain level, you may not be unable to overcome this shackle.Thinking of the guard NPCs in the Tower of Death and the Tower of Despair, Yue Chuan seemed to understand something.

Of course, Yue Chuan has a shortcut to take. Others create unique characters in the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world, but as an administrator, Yue Chuan is different. He can create all the characters of each profession, naturally "learned" the skills of all occupations.However, the abilities obtained from the system through "learning" belong to those who know what they are but don't know why. They only know how to use them, but they will never understand the true meaning of power. Killing the chicken to get the eggs, exhausting the water to catch fish, completely stifled his own path to the peak powerhouse.

On the road of cultivation, mastering everything can only mean that everything is loose, which is also the origin of "both magic and martial arts are useless".

"Blood Rage is the soul skill of a Berserker. Since I have comprehended this skill, let's continue to comprehend it. As a Berserker, I must comprehend the essence of Blood Rage!"

At this moment, Yue Chuan decided not to go to Guissard to learn the blood rage, but to comprehend it step by step by himself. Although this will slow down the growth rate of strength, in the long run, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

After sorting out the issue of strength, Yue Chuan began to think about safety.

The Eugenie family has already resorted to unscrupulous means for magic equipment, and the lax defense of the Lei Ze family is really a bit horrible.I thought that with Bai Lian protecting me, I could sit back and relax, but with the rapid improvement of my strength, I have gradually surpassed Bai Lian, so Bai Lian's bodyguard is a bit dispensable.And the "Twelve Saints" that I have carefully cultivated are still in their infancy and can't play any role at all.

A headache!
Let Bai Lian also enter the game world of "Dungeon and Fighter", the profession of assassin is quite suitable for her.

And at this moment, Constantine's surprised voice came from outside, and he shouted from afar: "Umont, come out quickly, the bishop of Bava diocese is here in person, hurry up and greet him."

Although the Church of Light is down and out, it is after all an ancient religion with followers all over the mainland. The Church of Light is divided into various large dioceses according to the kingdom of mankind, and in the large diocese is divided into small dioceses according to administrative regions. Bava diocese The bishop is equivalent to the chief official of the frontier, the emperor who guards one side.Of course, according to the current situation of the Guangming Church, this big official in the frontier is greatly discounted, almost like a king of the mountain.

However, for a bishop of this level to visit Starn City, it is also a very solemn event for the Guangming Church. As a believer, Yue Chuan should indeed come out to greet him.

Yue Chuan quickly calmed down the turbulent blood energy in his body, the blood flames on his body and the blood light in his pupils all subsided, and quickly disappeared, and Yue Chuan returned to his normal state.However, he was keenly aware that after getting out of the blood rage state, his blood energy was reduced by a point, presumably it should be the cost of using the blood rage.

In the courtyard, Constantine bowed humbly and reported something to a middle-aged man in a black robe with a red border. While the middle-aged man listened to Constantine's report, his eyes looked in the direction of the hall, although It was blocked by the screen wall, but the middle-aged man could clearly feel the chaotic magic fluctuations behind the screen wall, as well as the strong smell of blood.

Not only this middle-aged man, but also the attendants behind him all looked straight behind the screen wall. They wanted to break in to find out, but thinking that this was the Lei Ze family and the bishop's admonition before they came, they had no choice but to Stop the impulse in your heart.

In fact, anyone with a little practice could feel the magic fluctuations and bloody aura caused by the fight just now, and only ordinary people like Constantine who didn't have any cultivation would not feel it at all.

Seeing Yue Chuan's appearance, the bishop had a smile on his face, but deep doubts appeared in his eyes, because the light power on his body fluctuated for a while, it seemed that what was walking towards him was not a human being, but a demon or a demon. Like other dark creatures, his light forces are eager to attack.

Such a strong smell of blood, it seems that this believer is very unusual - the bishop said secretly in his heart.

Constantine trotted all the way to Yue Chuan, but as soon as he turned around the screen wall, he saw a ruined hall and said in shock: "Oh, God of Light, what's going on here? Umont, you Did you run into any trouble?"

The bishop took a few steps forward, as if he was about to greet Yue Chuan, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw a few broken beams and columns in the hall and broken bricks and tiles all over the place from the corner of his eye.

"I met an assassin and fought with him. Fortunately, only some houses were destroyed, and there were no casualties. All of this is thanks to the blessing of the God of Light in the dark."

In front of Constantine, Yue Chuan has more and more potential to be a magic stick, and he opens and closes his mouth to thank the God of Light.

But at this time, the bishop spoke, and he said in a clear voice: "No, it's not the God of Light in the dark. The radiance of the God of Light pervades the world, and the grace of the God of Light covers everything. The God of Light is by our side, and even more so. In our hearts, not somewhere..."

Yue Chuan hurriedly put on a look of panic, and said in a low voice: "It's because I'm not devout enough in my belief in the God of Light, and I haven't understood the connotation of the teachings of Light. Thank you, Bishop, for your guidance."

The bishop chuckled, and stroked his palms down towards Yue Chuan, who also bowed in a timely manner so that the bishop's palm could easily fall on his shoulder.This is the etiquette of the Illuminati Church, and it is the posture of believers when saluting priests, bishops and the pope.

"The pious will eventually be redeemed, may God bless you, child..."

While speaking, a pure white light shone from the bishop's palm, the light was neither dazzling nor dim, but it was this neither strong nor weak light that was still very obvious under the scorching sun, especially the holiness in that light. In the taste, there seem to be angels the size of rice grains worshiping and singing in the light, which is unforgettable at first sight.

When the light rose, all the clergy around knelt down, held the cross respectfully, prayed to the God of Light, and sang praises neatly, and with their holy praises, the light on the bishop's palm became more and more brilliant Brilliantly, beams of light power scattered from all around, gathered in the bishop's palm, and even poured into Yue Chuan's body. For a moment, both Yue Chuan and the bishop seemed to be coated with a layer of golden light, becoming sacred and incomparable.

The light lasted for a minute before slowly dimming. At this moment, a trace of pale fatigue appeared on the bishop's face, and his eyes that were originally bright and radiant also seemed much dimmed.It can be seen that although he received a gift from Yue Chuan, he paid more.

All the clergy, including Constantine, looked at Yue Chuan with envious eyes, because just now the bishop baptized Yue Chuan with his own holy power. People who have been baptized by the power of light are free from all diseases and evils. , even ordinary people can live in peace for a hundred years, and if they are cultivators, they will benefit even more.Of course, the price of this kind of baptism is also heavy. If you are not close relatives, or believers who have made great contributions, you will rarely be able to receive real baptism.

At the same time, the clergy present also read another meaning. The bishop baptized Yue Chuan without saying a word. This is enough to show how much he values ​​Yue Chuan, and it is also enough to see the desire of the Guangming Church for Yue Chuan .Therefore, when the priests who followed looked at Yue Chuan again, there was more or less respect and flattery in their eyes.

 Thank you [Mo Yan was sad and voted 2]

  Thank you [流〃year voted 1 vote]

(End of this chapter)

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