
Chapter 1293 All-Profession Promotion

Chapter 1293 All-Profession Promotion

Leili Xinya stretched her slender index finger straight, pointing directly at the sky, and mysterious and hazy rays of light lingered between her fingers in a ring shape.

"The cycle of life and death, the cycle of reincarnation is endless."

Accompanied by Leili Xinya's words, the halo on her hand peeled off into two parts, one part was bright and white in color, and the other part was dark and dark in color.The two parts blend together to form a complete circle, just like the yin and yang fish, full of supreme mysterious artistic conception, perfectly interpreting the changes of movement and stillness, prosperity and decline.

The Goddess of Life looked at the circle in horror, because the circle was full of the power of death, which was the power that the Goddess of Life hated and feared the most.

However, this ring is not pure death power, it also has the power of life, it is the fusion and confluence of two opposite forces.Life and death are perfectly united in this circle.

For some reason, a word appeared in the heart of the goddess of life - reincarnation!
Yes, this is the perfect reincarnation.

Life and death are never opposite, life and death are never static, life and death are never separated, they are a whole, a process, an eternal change.

All the druids looked dazzled at Leili Xinya's fingers, and at the reincarnation of life and death hovering around her fingertips. The ring with a diameter of less than ten centimeters kept growing in their field of vision and gradually filled them. vision, occupying their minds.

All the druids became terrified, because they saw themselves in that reincarnation, saw their own birth, saw their own growth, and even more saw their own decline.

"Life is as gorgeous as summer flowers, and death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves. The growth of all things is a kind of greatness, and the death of all things is also a kind of..."

Leili Xinya smacked her lips, and suddenly found that she couldn't find any good words to express her feelings, so she could only shake her head helplessly, and then pointed her finger.

Like a pearl necklace whose thread has been torn off, pearls are scattered all over the sky.The halo in Leili Xinya's hand instantly shattered and turned into light spots all over the sky. These light spots were the same size and similar in shape. Although there were thousands of them, they were all pitch black and dead.

That is the power of the god Osiris. The god Osiris has the right to judge life or death. Leili Xinya inherited the will of the god Osiris and naturally possessed this power. She declared that all things withered and all druids die.

All the black spots grew rapidly, from the size of a pea to the size of a washbasin in an instant, and then increased ten times and a hundred times. Each black ball of light seemed to be able to cover the sky and the earth, and the field of vision was completely dark.

Shrouded in black light, the lush greenery on the head of the Goddess of Life also turned gray. As for the druids summoned by the Goddess of Life, they all aged and died rapidly, returning to ashes in just a few blinks of an eye. Soil to soil.


Leili Xinya said loudly with an aria, and drew two and a half circles on her chest with her hands, stretching out on both sides of her body like spreading wings.

As if responding to Leili Xinya's movements, the body of the Goddess of Life burst out with a strong green light, and the green light lingered and condensed on her body, like a green light cocoon, and like a green seed.As soon as Leili Xinya finished speaking, the seed began to germinate, and an emerald-like twig and two halves of slightly yellowish new leaves emerged.

Now this shape is exactly the same as the lines of will on the forehead of the goddess of life, but the goddess of life can no longer see this scene, because her thinking has already been controlled by Leili Xinya.

Like an emerald-colored sun, the rich green light wants to radiate in all directions, and the incomparably rich breath of life radiates to the sky, merges into the earth, and disperses into the ocean along with the green light.

Feeling this breath of life, all the creatures looked over, looking at the source of the green light, they felt a familiar breath, and they could feel that this breath became stronger than ever.But for some reason, they all had a bad premonition in their hearts.

The Goddess of Life perfectly interpreted the phrase "Life is as gorgeous as summer flowers". She experienced germination, growth, and blooming in just a moment, and the emerald green light and strong breath of life also filled the whole world of life in an instant. The breath of life, as if the tide, almost suffocated the creatures in this world.

However, the prosperity and decline, the goddess of life suddenly entered "death is as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves", like a shooting star across the night sky, after the momentary brilliance, there is eternal darkness.

The eyes of the players who were watching the battle from afar were inconceivably wide-eyed. Even if they watched the battle from a close distance, even if they kept their eyes wide open, they couldn't see the mystery of the battle.They just felt that the black light flashed, and all the druids were hung up, and then the green light flashed, and the goddess of life also hung up.

What, what's going on here?Didn't Lord Xuesha always use the power of blood in battles in the past? Isn't her favorite thing to be filled with bloody seas and corpses? Why did she change her sex today?

However, this does not affect the cheers of the players, because according to the past practice, the victory of Lord Blood Fiend means that the enemy is defeated, and he can make a fortune and make a fortune.

Thinking of the power of those praying mantis druids, the players' blood boiled with enthusiasm, and they rushed out of hiding places and killed in all directions, looking for wealth and creatures suitable for pets.

Leili Xinya ignored those players, she looked calmly at the withered sapling in front of her, surrounded by green grass and full of spring, but that sapling had few dead leaves and fallen trees.Its vitality is like the blue smoke on fireworks, floating and curling up, fluttering and swaying.

Feeling that the goddess of life's last vestige of life was gone, Leili Xinya called Yue Chuan silently.There is Yue Chuan's blood flowing in her body, and there is a mysterious connection between them. Although they are not in harmony, they are not much different.

Yue Chuan appeared beside Leili Xinya. He didn't look at the withered World Tree and the dead sapling in front of him, but looked at Leili Xinya curiously, and even reached out and touched the small tree. The mysterious lines on the girl's forehead.

This is not the first time Yue Chuan has seen this kind of pattern, Qianxi has it on her forehead, and Qianxun Weimei has it on her forehead, but it will only appear when they use their power to the extreme.It's not like Leili Xinya who shows up all the time.

"what is this?"

Originally, Yue Chuan was stroking, but when he asked, he turned into beating, and casually gave Leili Xinya a headache.

Xiaoxuesha covered her head depressedly, the aura of reincarnation appeared on her fingers, she really had the urge to kill Yue Chuan.However, as soon as this thought arose, it was imprisoned by an invisible force.That is the power of the Book of Death. Leili Xinya signed a contract long ago, and she cannot disobey Yue Chuan in the slightest.

Dispelling the unhappiness in her heart, Leili Xinya said with a low eyebrow and pleasing eyes: "It's the will of God, the lines of will."

"Why didn't I?"

From Yue Chuan's point of view, how could he not have what Leili Xinya has.

Leili Xinya rolled her eyes, what does this mean?Look down on people?But soon, she raised the corners of her mouth proudly, and said slowly: "Ordinary gods comprehend the rules and condense their godheads, which is equivalent to being kneaded and polished by the rules. Only by breaking away from the shackles of the rules and putting their will above the rules can they be Condensing the lines of will."

"Tch, why do you think it's something so tall, isn't it just changing the rules and creating rules, it's so complicated."

Leili Xinya choked for a moment, but she found that Yue Chuan was right, so she couldn't refute it.However, she still added: "The cohesion of the lines of will requires the foundation of the power of faith, and it requires a very large foundation of the power of faith. So..."

Yue Chuan nodded. He didn't know that Leili Xinya wanted a server, a kingdom of God that belonged to her.

"You can kill the main god, and there is no problem in terms of strength. Tell me, what name do you want for your kingdom of God?"

The relationship between Leili Xinya and Yue Chuan is relatively complicated. Although Yue Chuan's blood flows through her body, she has made enemies with Yue Chuan several times, and even made troubles, almost costing Yue Chuan's life.However, with the Book of the Dead, Leili Xinya immediately changed from a rebellious little leopard to a docile house cat, not daring to make any further stabs.

"Let's call it the Underworld."

Leili Xinya is the Emperor of Darkness, she believes in the king of the underworld, and she has inherited the power of the god Osiris, becoming the new king of the underworld, and it is justifiable to open up the underworld.

Yue Chuan nodded, and soon, Leili Xinya's underworld was created, waiting for Leili Xinya to take over and manage it.Immediately, Yue Chuan's gaze turned to the withered World Tree in front of him.

This is a world tree called "Nature". The meaning of the existence of the goddess of life and her druids is to protect nature and this world tree.It's a pity that they met Leili Xinya, and it was Leili Xinya who accepted the will of Osiris.

In all honesty, even if Yue Chuan faced the Goddess of Nature, he would have no choice but to run away, because she couldn't be killed at all, and she had an endless stream of druid brothers, especially the druids transformed from rare beasts. Yi, the power should not be underestimated.

But now, Leili Xinya almost wiped out all the druids with a wave of her hand, and the goddess of life only carried it for a few seconds longer.Because Leili Xinya inherited the will of the god Osiris, she pronounces life and death, and she holds eternal life.


The towering trunk of the tree of "nature" swayed slowly, the withered and yellow leaves on the branches fell down, and the world was suddenly withered and yellow, boundless and lonely.

Under the shroud of yellow light, the vegetation in a radius of tens of thousands of miles quickly withered and withered. The one who was most affected was Yue Chuan, because he was the closest to the tree of nature, and he was also the most targeted target of the tree of nature.The originally white and elastic skin turned into dried orange peel in an instant, covered with layers of wrinkles, like an old man with a dying candle in the wind.

Yue Chuan didn't expect that he was caught in the trap without realizing it for a while, and was robbed of a lot of life force by the tree of nature.Yue Chuan squinted his eyes, and immediately felt several invisible roots pricking his body, continuously sucking his blood and life.

Leili Xinya on the side smiled, "Unexpectedly, you also capsized in the gutter."

With a swipe of the Shadowless Sword in Yue Chuan's hand, the invisible root was cut off instantly, and the flow of vitality stopped immediately.The void behind Yue Chuan fluctuated, and his World Tree appeared in this world across the void, covering the withered tree of nature.

The tree of nature had no power to resist, and was dismembered and refined in the blink of an eye.

The Tree of Nature failed to pose any threat to Yue Chuan, but its dying counterattack made Yue Chuan feel ashamed for a while, which was really embarrassing.But fortunately, the tree of nature brought a huge surprise to Yue Chuan, instantly dispelling the anger in his chest.

The Tree of Nature brings a skill "Fountain of Life" common to all classes. This skill can increase the maximum HP and maximum mana, increase the recovery speed of HP and mana, and increase the speed of self-healing.

After learning this skill, the player's physical fitness will be unbelievably strong. Even a mage can resist fighting like a little blood bull. Although it will not directly increase the player's combat effectiveness, it will greatly improve the player's survivability.

Then, the recovery and healing skills of Paladin and other occupations have been greatly improved, and many occupations that originally did not have recovery skills also have several recovery skills.

Finally, there is a brand new profession - Druid!

Druids are the same branch of guardians as elf knights, but unlike elf knights who use the power of elves to fight, druids use the power of nature, and they can use the power of their partners in nature to fight.

There are many schools of druids, roughly divided into different schools according to different strengths, such as beast druids, who usually fight in the form of various beasts.In addition, there are raptor druids who transform into various birds and use the power of birds, and Gu insect druids who transform into various insects and use the power of Zerg...

The druid profession is very strange, but there is no doubt that the druid is very powerful, especially in some special environments, the combat power of the druid is infinitely expanded.Think about it, being stared at by an insect druid in the dense forest, it feels like the god of death is stepping on his own shadow all the time, struggling with endless fear every minute and every second.

This profession is very good, but Yue Chuan doesn't like any druids in the natural world.After all, the Druids that Yue Chuan likes are that humans have the ability to change after training, not that these snakes, insects, rats and ants have the ability to change into human form after training.

But it doesn't matter, the players will help Yue Chuan clean up these unsightly creatures. After all, the attributes of druid pets are still very powerful.

For example, a player captured the mantis druid controlled by Leili Xinya before.

The Extreme Blade Beetle, a powerful insect living in the natural world, possesses the power of a druid, can change form, and enhance its own racial talents.Possess skills:
Human-Knife Unity: The front paws of the Extreme Blade Mantis are both limbs and weapons. It is a natural combination of human-knife. When using the front paws to fight, it will gain additional attack power and increase physical attack power.

One knife and two breaks: Extreme blade mantis is proficient in slashing, and can cut everything when wielding two knives. After every five attacks, the next attack will have the effect of one knife and two breaks, causing a heavy blow to the enemy, and has a chance to cut off the enemy's weapon and armor.

Blade of the speed of light: The mysterious knife technique passed down in the blood of the extreme blade mantis, after activating the power of the blood, it can increase the speed of swinging the knife.

Many players who caught the Extreme Blade Mantis laughed crazily. Some Soul Sword players hatched pet eggs without saying a word, and regarded the Extreme Blade Mantis as their natal pet.

I have to say that this pet is so perfect, it has everything that a chopper career can only dream of: increased attack, increased attack speed, and extra damage.Simple and crude, but perfect and practical.

In addition to the extreme blade mantis, there are many special creatures in the natural world that can be used as pets, but with the cool extreme blade mantis, it is difficult for other pets to show any limelight.

However, one Extreme Blade Mantis is enough. Countless players came to the natural world through the teleportation array, and then plunged into the mountains and forests in all directions to look for possible Extreme Blade Saber Mantis.

After all, the goddess of life was killed, and the tree of nature was also refined by Yue Chuan. According to the usual practice, the natural world will soon be included in the creation world, and the creatures here will also be given player status. At that time, they can no longer be captured as pets too.

The Earth Bear is out of print for this reason, and now there are only a handful of people who own the Earth Bear pet in the entire server.Many players saw the Earth Bear in the Earth Elemental World, but they couldn't attack and capture it because of their player status.

But at this time, Yue Chuan issued a statement that although the natural world was merged into the created world, the creatures in the natural world would not become players.

Hearing this news, many players couldn't help shouting excitedly, because it means that they can have more time to get pets, and they don't have to worry that the Extreme Blade Mantis will disappear or be out of print.

The players are very good. In just two days, more than half of the creatures in the natural world have been reduced, and the rest are not worth much, so Yue Chuan doesn't bother to care about them.

He is now busy counting his territory, that is, the status of those newly opened servers.

Since those main gods only have partial management power and no other privileges, most of these worlds remain as they were, so Yue Chuan easily grasped the status of these servers.

In general, almost all professions have been greatly enhanced now, because after the surrender of several main gods such as the light element world, many other main gods have taken refuge in them. Variety.However, there is another professional exception, that is sharpshooter.

Although the sharpshooter is a profession banned by Yue Chuan, and cultivated as an elite profession, the results of the training are not ideal. When all professions are enhanced and qualitatively changed, the sharpshooter is still standing still.Yue Chuan has nothing to do about it, because there is no world of technological civilization in the real world, and there is no world tree of technological civilization at all.

Speaking of which, it was the fragments of technological civilization in Ye Xiao's hands that made a big circle and returned to this point of origin.

If you want the sharpshooter career to improve and change in quality, you must kill Ye Xiao and take away the fragments of mechanical civilization in his hand.

【[-] words】

(End of this chapter)

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