
Chapter 1373 The pattern after the year

Chapter 1373 The pattern after a hundred years
In the 130th year of the founding calendar, the Xuzu royal family Su Nan family announced the cancellation of the country title and joined the De Los Empire.At the same time, the De Los Empire announced the canonization of the Su Nan family's princes, and obtained all the land of the Xu motherland and a large area of ​​surrounding land as fiefdoms.

Obviously, the De Los Empire couldn't eat Xuzu in one bite, and the Su Nan family could also see that they couldn't hold back for long before the great cause of De Los's unification.

Right now, the rulers of the De Los Empire are calm-headed and unwilling to start a war recklessly, but what about ten or twenty years from now?What if the emperor of the De Los Empire had a sudden whim and wanted to complete the great cause of unification in his lifetime?
No emperor could resist such a temptation.

To put it bluntly, the De Los Empire has gained face, and it can be written in the history books that it will unify the mainland in XX.Although Xu Zu removed the country name, he was still treated as a country within a country, with full autonomy and twice the land he had before.

Yue Chuan was very puzzled about how the two parties reached such an agreement. After repeated searches, Yue Chuan finally knew the process of signing these agreements.

There was a contest between the Void Motherland and the De Los Empire.

The De Los Empire sent three people: Amforas, Yoren, Soderos.Xu Zu also sent three people: Xin Yan, Aska, Ji Ge.

The result of the battle between the two sides was that the De Los Empire was completely defeated, Jiger made a series of three, and Aska and Xin Yan did not make a move.In this battle, Xu Zu showed strength beyond everyone's imagination.

This battle also put an end to the saying that "the only two are comparable to gods". Jiger showed a strength far beyond that of Soderos and was the only human being comparable to gods.

But in Yue Chuan's view, this battle was not as simple as it appeared on the surface, it was simply a game between Death and Kahn.Soderos came out of the Tower of Despair. He carried the shadow of the God of Death on his body, adhering to the will of the God of Death, and opposite him was the Xuzu side supported by Kahn.

The god of death will not be reconciled to this result, and the De Los Empire will not tolerate the existence of Xu Zu.Although Giger is strong, there is only one person, and he can make three in a row in a heads-up, but what if it is a national war?
Reaper repeated the same tricks and instigated many dignitaries of the false motherland, cooperated with the De Los Empire to overthrow the regime of the false motherland, and created civil strife in the false motherland.

They succeeded, and several members of the royal family were killed in civil unrest in the Xu country.They also failed, because Emperor Nian Xinyan made a move, broke into the lightsaber royal family alone, killed more than [-] members of the royal family, and defeated all the strong including Yolun with absolute strength.

At this point where the king is against the king, there is no room for relaxation between the two sides.But neither Reaper nor Kahn is willing to see war.They intervened directly, and the conflict ended hastily, without any further details, and ended with a letter of credence.

Reaper and Kahn don't care about war in the world, but they care about the result of this war, which must be a protracted war that will cause incalculable casualties and losses to human beings.At the moment when the crisis is approaching, the human world cannot continue to be chaotic.


With this suspense in mind, Yue Chuan continued to travel to the future, and soon, he reached the 150th year of the Creation Calendar.

The unified De Los Empire is peaceful all over the world, the country is rich and the people are strong, and the happiness and satisfaction of mankind are unprecedented.However, in a corner that has been forgotten by people, a dark force is quietly growing, growing, and eventually flooding.

This is another experimental institution near the Birmark Empire Proving Ground, where the De Los Empire developed super soldiers based on Kazan Syndrome.

With the unification of the empire, it was natural for soldiers to enter Kuma and release them in Nanshan. The testing grounds of this nature were also abolished and closed one after another. The testing grounds built with a lot of money also became barren and gradually forgotten by people.

But there is a group of people who will never forget this place. On the contrary, everything that happened here is deeply engraved in their memory.They are the test subjects of the Empire, young humans infected with Kazan Syndrome.

Human life is cheap here, and it is thrown away like garbage. Unknowingly how many thousands of skeletons with the power of ghosts and gods have been buried in the wasteland around the test site.

However, there are always one or two lucky people who not only have not been corrupted by the power of ghosts and gods, but have also merged with this power.These people were either networked by the empire and trained with a lot of money, or they tried every means to escape and survive in dark corners.

Either way, they were full of hatred for the empire, and naturally joined forces against the empire.

"We want to overthrow this rotten empire and build a better world for us."

I don't know how many young passionate adventurers were deceived by this sentence. Many people who were hostile to the empire secretly joined this organization and became the strength of this organization.The Empire is aware of their presence and hunts them down like hounds on the hunt.

Yue Chuan could tell at a glance that these resistance forces were clearly Alice's masterpiece. This was her usual method, using some beautiful and noble goals to fool young and passionate adventurers, and let them use them for her own purposes to achieve her own goals.

Obviously, because there was no Yue Chuan's participation in this period of history, Alice was not dead yet, and Herder was still secretly influencing the Arad Continent, becoming the third force besides Reaper and Kahn.

These rebels came to the abandoned experimental site. Although the experimental site was deserted, its functions were still there. The rebels quickly occupied it. After some repairs, the experimental site recovered some of its functions.

A young man whose body had been cut in half by a sharp weapon was placed on the experimental table. Terrible scars stretched from his left shoulder to his right rib. Not to mention the severed torso, all internal organs were also shattered.It's just a strange magic light circulating and shining in his body, maintaining his almost collapsed life.

Yue Chuan could tell that this was a very important figure among the rebels. With his injuries, he must have betrayed the death penalty. Save his life with the help of the tools in the proving ground.

These proving grounds are basically the sites of biological experiments, through the transformation and mutation of human beings to create super soldiers.Splicing the human body with other creatures, or injecting the vitality of other creatures into the human body are the most common methods.

These rebels simply wanted to save people, and the body of the injured was quickly pieced together, and various unknown medicines were used to repair his broken internal organs, muscles and bones little by little.

However, when the injury has recovered to a certain extent, it will stop. After seeing all this, the person in charge shook his head helplessly and said: "It seems that I can only use that thing."

Immediately behind him, someone took out a pitch-black jar. There were scarlet magic talismans stuck on the round jar, and a dark force eroded the red power on the magic talisman from the inside out.

Seeing this jar, Yue Chuan's heart skipped a beat: Not good!

[2000 words second change]

(End of this chapter)

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