
Chapter 182 Doll King Doug

Chapter 182 Doll King Doug
As the Pope said, there have been so-called "Holy Sons" and "Holy Maidens" in several dioceses on the mainland, or people who can communicate with the God of Light.

In fact, these people are all players in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors". Of course, they don't know that this is a game. In the minds of these outsiders, the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" is a real world. A magical world, a realm that mortals cannot set foot on.Those who can enter it must be destined to be extraordinary, or extremely lucky.Among these people, believers in the Church of Light are the most.

This may be a coincidence, because there are too many similarities and overlaps between the priests in "Dungeon and Warriors" and the Church of Light in reality, whether it is the skills or the cross as a symbol, they are exactly the same, so After entering it, many believers of the Bright Church will unconsciously think that it is their own piety that has moved the God of Light, and give themselves a chance to enter the mysterious world.And the improvement brought about by the game is naturally regarded by them as a revelation or a gift from the God of Light.

Although the Illuminati Church's internal supervision is not so airtight, it is not ineffective. Some people's strength suddenly rises, or there are any strange changes, which will immediately attract the attention of the Inquisition.The Inquisition is the judicial organ of the Illuminati Church, which is used to suppress heresy, witchcraft, and law. Not only those organizations and people who are classified as heretics are feared, but even people inside the Illuminati Church are also afraid.

At first, those players were terrified after they were identified as "heretics bewitched by demons" and brought into the Inquisition, but when they knew the reason, they immediately became confident and frankly said that they were inspired by the God of Light , is a person who is favored by the God of Light, and has displayed multiple complete magics characteristic of the Church of Light.As for the content of the revelation, it does not say a word.

This kind of thing is not just one or two cases. This kind of person has appeared in many dioceses of the Illuminati Church. As a result, it is difficult for the Pope not to pay attention.

If there is only one holy son or holy woman, the pope will naturally treat him with courtesy and vigorously cultivate it. After all, through the holy son and holy woman, the influence of the Church of Light can be expanded and the pope's control over the secular world can be expanded.

However, when so many saints and saints and inspired people appear at the same time, even the pope has to ponder whether it is a blessing or a curse.A saint son or saint can still control and influence, so many saint sons and saints appear at the same time, it is not easy to settle, if they are twisted together, or are drawn and instigated by someone with ulterior motives, it is very likely It will endanger the Pope's rule and authority. If they fight on their own and there are many mountains, it is likely to lead to internal strife within the Illuminati Church, which is not a good thing anyway.

Then let them fight each other, and after spending a few, there is only one Holy Son or Holy Maiden.

However, the Pope never expected that the number of clergymen emerging on the mainland is not one or two, nor three or four, but tens of thousands, and this number is increasing every day.

With the passage of time, many level 20 players emerged in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors". White hands, golden body.Players who have successfully changed jobs are like warriors who have returned in triumph, showing off on the street, showing off their professional advantages to those players who have not changed jobs, and attracting more people to devote themselves to their jobs.

Most of these job changers are focused on creating guilds. After all, they have an innate advantage and have the bonus of guild attributes.Moreover, some time ago, the experience value of the guild reached the level-up requirement, and the created guild was upgraded to a level 2 guild, and the guild skill points gained by the level-up were added to the attributes by Yue Chuan. The advantage, that is, the skill points of the guild can be arbitrarily point, unlike other guilds, the character attribute and character experience must be mutually point. The level 2 guild attribute brings a 9-point bonus to all attributes, which gives guild members a great advantage no matter whether they are painting pictures or doing tasks.

In addition, Sissy also distributes equipment to guild members. Whether it is abyss trials or job transfer tasks, it is very convenient for members. There is also a guild channel. Everyone can share experience and discuss tactics together. Whether members are doing tasks or killing lords, they are very convenient. Very efficient.Therefore, when there were still only a few job-changers outside, it was found that the guild had completely changed, and names such as "ghost swordsman", "magician", and "fighter" were basically no longer seen.

After level 2 guilds, the upper limit of guild members was raised again, and the founding guild began to recruit people again. Those players outside who fought alone until they changed jobs were basically scoured by the founding guild. ample.

Yue Chuan still didn't pay much attention to the guild's internal affairs. Apart from giving excellence, he devoted all his time to leveling.In the past, Yue Chuan had always maintained the first place in the ranking list, he had no pursuit and no fighting spirit, and spent all day wasting time, only a dragon man's tower fettered him for nearly 20 days.But now, the little apprentice was somehow promoted to level 25, and he couldn't find any information, which finally made Yue Chuan feel a sense of crisis.

In the hallway of the puppet, Yue Chuan slashed all kinds of statues, puppets and puppets frantically, trying to cause the greatest damage with every knife.Time, efficiency, Yue Chuan is pursuing a deep comprehension and deep proficiency of skills, not just superficial simple use.

Although the statues and puppets in the puppet porch are not living beings, they are similar to humans. Many killing moves against humans can also be used on them. After training various killing moves on them, they can also be used on humans in the future.In other words, Yue Chuan is now practicing his killing skills against humanoid targets, seeking to kill people with one blow in the shortest possible time!

This is not just a game, but a means of survival, the capital of the world.


The sharp soul-cracking blade passed the throat of the ghost swordsman statue in an instant, and the tyrannical blood burst out in an instant. The shape lost its magical support in an instant, mottled cracks appeared, and turned into a pile of broken stones and sand in an instant.

One-shot kill?

Yue Chuan closed his eyes, carefully recalling the feeling just now.In the past, although Yue Chuan could quickly kill a statue, it would take a lot of effort. Even if he attacked a vital point, he would need three or five knives, but this time, it was done with one knife.What exactly is going on?

There are no two identical leaves in the real world, but the monsters in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" are basically the same, except for those elite monsters, there is no difference between ordinary monsters.Killing with one hit was not because the ghost swordsman statue was weak, but because Yue Chuan erupted with some incredible power.

Is it a knife?
Or the gesture of swinging a knife?
Or, blood?
Yue Chuan thought for a while, maybe it was the timing and strength of the burst of blood energy.

The blade of the Soul Cracking Blade can only break through the exterior and cut off a part of the bones, but if you want to go further, you will be caught by the stones on the outside of the ghost swordsman statue and the bones inside, and you cannot use force.At this time, although the blade cannot move, the blood attached to the blade can.The blood energy is highly condensed, and it also has very strong attack and destructive power, which is more powerful than the blade, and it erupts inside, causing more lethality, which is enough to destroy the internal structure of the ghost swordsman statue in an instant. His head is different.

chi chi chi...

The blood flame lingering around the Blade of Cracking Soul gradually changed, and the originally dissipated flame-like blood energy slowly condensed and restrained, and all the sharp edges were condensed in one place.This situation is like the difference between a torch and a flamethrower. They are both flames, but one is extremely loose and the other is extremely condensed. The lethality erupted by the two is not the same.

"Good steel should be used on the blade!"

Yue Chuan seemed to understand something, eager to move towards a statue of a clergyman who was slowly wriggling, breaking away from the dust on the outside, and walking towards him with stiff steps.

Concentrate all your strength and swing the knife!The fierce blood energy and the sharp blade broke through the statue's throat at the same time. The moment the blade was blocked by the bones, the blood energy on the blade burst out instantly, causing powerful damage, breaking and bursting the bones of the statue of the clergyman.

After cultivating battle qi, the means of attack of a warrior is not only the strength of muscles and muscles from fists and feet, but also the fighting qi flowing in the body.It's like a person who can only use brute force meets a warrior who hurts others with internal force. The result of the battle between the two sides is self-evident.

Although Yue Chuan cultivated his blood energy, his fighting style was still limited to the level of strength, speed, and skill. Even if he used blood energy, it was vaguely induced, without a clear concept and consciousness.But now, Yue Chuan finally realized the power of blood energy and how to use it.

"If I could understand this earlier, it wouldn't be so difficult in the abyss of the Tower of Dragonman!"

Without the fire support of the little apprentice, it is still a little difficult for Yue Chuan to single-handedly defeat the King of Puppets. Aside from the rock-solid bodies of those statues, puppets, and puppets, the King of Puppets also has a weird puppet technique, which can Manipulate enemies with puppet magic.A master's move, a slight flaw will bring fatal danger, while the puppet king directly controls the hands and feet of the enemy, preventing him from moving and attacking freely. Once he is controlled, he will be slapped by the puppets immediately into meat paste.

After comprehending the usage of blood energy, Yue Chuan was able to kill those rough-skinned statues and puppets in a single face-to-face, and cleared all the miscellaneous soldiers before the puppet king Doug came out. When he singled out the puppet king, Even if a move is accidentally controlled by its puppet magic, it is just a dance of hands and feet, and there is no danger to life at all.

In the lord's room, Yue Chuan took a deep breath, and finally stepped into the gleaming red door.Whether to be controlled as a puppet, slapped to death and maimed while dancing, or to kill all directions, it depends on this time.

Sensing the breath of the intruder, the two rows of statues of adventurers at the door of the lord's room all began to squirm, and the dust accumulated on their bodies fell down, revealing the equipment and body under the dust.

These are all the losers who challenged the puppet entrance in the past. They were controlled by Doug, the king of puppet, and turned their flesh and blood into cold stones with puppet magic. The poor soul was imprisoned and controlled, and the self Consciousness fell asleep little by little, and disappeared little by little.But now, when there are new adventurers to challenge Doug, the King of Puppets, they become stumbling blocks, blocking the adventurers' footsteps.

Crash, a ghost swordsman statue broke free from the dust, swung a long knife, and slashed a ghost towards Yue Chuan.He used this move extremely skillfully and extremely quickly. If Yue Chuan hadn't been on guard against him, he might have been hit by him. Once he was knocked down, he would immediately be surrounded by countless statues, punching and kicking him.

Feeling the violent wind, Yue Chuan's body was surrounded by a light wind instantly, and the strong wind aroused by the knife pushed Yue Chuan's body backwards. It didn't look like a fierce sword It is not a weapon, but a gentle hand.

Dodging the ghost slash with a body technique that blended into the wind, the moment the statue of the ghost swordsman froze, Yue Chuan burst out with all his strength, and walked in front of the statue in a short step, with blood in his hand The soul-cracking blade slashed across the statue's neck.


There were no earth-shattering explosions, no howling ghosts and howling wolves, and the Soul Cracking Blade easily cut off the statue's head.The ghost swordsman sculpture still maintained the posture of retracting the knife, and it took a long time before it shook and turned into a pile of broken stones and scattered sand.

One knife and one monster seems easy and casual, but it must be based on the premise of extreme precision and speed, and the consumption of blood energy is also very huge. After cleaning up all the monsters in the room, Yue Chuan squatted on the ground , took out a bottle of mid-level life potion and poured it into his mouth, to restore blood a little bit.

Doug, the King of Puppets, is right in front of him, sitting in a shrine on a high platform. There are no offerings of incense and candles, but only the fresh life and fearful soul of the adventurers who have gone on and on.

When Yue Chuan released a strong fighting intent towards it, Doug, who was sitting in the shrine with his eyes closed, finally opened his eyes, a pair of strange big eyes revealed a faint light.

"Another stupid human being came to die, my puppet manipulator still lacks a soul, use your soul to make it up..."

Doug, the King of Puppets, is a wizard who practices puppet magic. His puppetry is very powerful. All the monsters in the puppet porch are his masterpieces, and his two most powerful masterpieces are the meeting hall under him. One of the floating stone platforms is the puppet manipulator in its hand.

I don’t know why, but when he saw Daoge, the King of Puppets, Yue Chuan would always think of Guanyin Bodhisattva involuntarily, because the two are so similar. Shitai, both can levitate and fly with their masters.

I have to say that if Doge, the King of Puppets, wasn't so poignant, ugly, and wretched, he would really be a bit of a fairy, and a small temple and some incense and candles can also be filled with the land of a mountain god.However, this guy is skinny and hideous, but he keeps claiming that he wants to extract people's souls to sacrifice magic props.

The puppet king Doug has been sitting cross-legged on the stone platform, but the stone platform under him is very flexible, whether it is flying or rising and falling very fast. He dodged cleverly and flexibly, and even used earth magic to fight back against Yue Chuan when dodging.

In addition to being a puppet magic, this lord is also proficient in earth magic. He can summon ground thorns, rock spears, sandstorms and mud swamps to attack Yue Chuan. If he ate one of the magics, he would be bound by Doge, the King of Puppets, and then controlled by the puppet magic. At that time, Yue Chuan would be half disabled even if he didn't die.

Fortunately, Yue Chuan and the little apprentice have scanned this picture together, and have a little understanding of the methods of the king of dolls, Doug. Dodged a series of attacks.

Seeing that his magic could not help Yue Chuan, the king of dolls, Doug, let out a sinister grin, and the puppet manipulator in his hand emitted a green light, "My puppets, please appear..."

The puppet manipulator in Doug's hand, the king of dolls, emitted a faint green light, and then one after another illusory and hazy souls floated out of it. The appearance of magicians and clergymen, but the expressions of these souls are fierce and vicious, like ferocious wolves, wanting to devour Yue Chuan with his skin and bones.

Yue Chuan has experienced this trick before. The doll king Doug will release refined puppet souls from the puppet controller. These puppet souls will chase people like gangrene, and once they catch up, they will invade people's consciousness , to seize control of the body.No matter whether the capture is successful or not, it will affect the adventurer's actions and consciousness for a certain period of time, and the doll king Doug will take this opportunity to kill the adventurer.

To deal with this trick, you can only avoid it from a distance.It would be fine if Yue Chuan possessed the divine power of light, he could transcend these dead souls through purification, making the puppet king Doug's attack invisible.It's a pity that Yue Chuan can't purify, and because of his own dark attribute, he doesn't have any sacred items to exorcise evil spirits.Facing these puppet souls, he could only hide, not letting them contaminate him.


Wrapped with ferocious blood power, the mind-cracking blade slashed fiercely at a puppet soul. The puppet soul was smashed to pieces in an instant, but it let out a playful laugh, and immediately reassembled countless fragments. Nothing has changed.

"You can't kill the soul of a puppet, and soon, you will also become a puppet in my hands... Hehehehehe..."

Yue Chuan snorted coldly, and his figure blended into the wind moved quickly, using his body skills and Shunpo to avoid the attachment of the puppet soul. At the same time, he slowly approached the puppet king Doge without a trace...

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  Thanks【Currently Wuchen voted 2 vote】

(End of this chapter)

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