
Chapter 184 Anthony's Attack

Chapter 184 Anthony's Attack
Possessor of the mighty Light Force, the humble Ghost wishes to make a deal with you...

It was the soul puppets living in Yue Chuan's consciousness that made the request.It is a magical device made by Doug, the king of dolls, who extracts the souls of adventurers and sacrifices them with vicious puppet magic. It is used to invade the consciousness of other creatures and control their bodies.

After this soul puppet entered Yue Chuan's consciousness, Yue Chuan immediately entered a berserk state, and was completely suppressed before it could be destroyed.Afterwards, the puppet king Doug was killed by Yue Chuan, and this group of soul puppets suppressed in Yue Chuan's consciousness became homeless ghosts.

The good thing is, he's finally free and no longer under the control of Doug, the King of Puppets.The bad thing is that he has lost the support and protection of Doug, the King of Puppets, and if he is not careful, he will be in danger of losing his soul.However, he is very lucky, because at this time he is hiding in Yue Chuan's body, as long as Yue Chuan is taken away, all problems will be solved.

"Trading? What ability do you have, can you be my trading partner?"

Yue Chuan asked more straightforwardly. Since you want to trade with me, you must have some great skills. Otherwise, you have nothing and nothing to rely on, so what qualifications do you have to trade with me?

"I am not a tool, but a mass of souls refined from countless souls. If you attack, I can help you control the thinking and will of other creatures. If you defend, I can protect your spirit and make those invading souls There is no back and forth with spiritual ideas.”

To put it simply, it is like a watchdog, but what this soul puppet protects is not the small gate and courtyard, but Yue Chuan's spiritual thoughts.With the protection of the soul puppet, whoever wants to hypnotize or control Yue Chuan will inevitably touch the soul puppet and suffer a strong counterattack.

"What about your conditions?"

"Give me what I need to survive and the shelter I need to be safe."

Yue Chuan pondered for a while, then slowly restrained the power of purification in his hands.However, he did not completely cut off the power of purification, after all, he was still full of vigilance and distrust towards the soul puppet.

That soul puppet was also a bachelor, and he directly released a wisp of his original soul and signed a contract with Yue Chuan.This contract is not equal, because among them, Yue Chuan occupies the dominant position, and the soul puppet only occupies the servant position.However, the soul puppet has no room for bargaining, because his life and death are in Yue Chuan's hands, which made Yue Chuan unhappy, and after being purified, he was directly evaporated from the world.After finally escaping from Doug's control, he must survive no matter what, even if it is groveling.

Under the guidance of the contract, Yue Chuan's spiritual power also branched out into a tentacles, intertwined with the original soul of the soul puppet, and a series of gloomy ghost aura lingered around Yue Chuan, emitting dark runes one by one, producing various Obscure power fluctuations, and in the process, Yue Chuan felt that his spiritual will was connected with a strange spiritual will.

"Hello, my master."

Yue Chuan just wanted to ask about the name and origin of this soul puppet, but at this moment, the door of the residence suddenly opened, and Anthony appeared at the door as if he was caught in bed.

Originally, Anthony had already been ordered by Alexis to act on the way when Yue Chuan returned.Anthony was calm and planned this matter secretly, and did not meet Yue Chuan in public.But not meeting each other didn't mean that Anthony was indifferent to Yue Chuan. He still sent two confidantes to watch Yue Chuan overtly and secretly, and control Yue Chuan's every move.

Originally, Anthony didn't think that these two stalking guys could bring him any earth-shattering news, but he didn't expect that on the first day, they reported it as if they were himself: There was a clear and subtle darkness coming from Yue Chuan's room. strength.

dark power?

Is Yue Chuan himself practicing evil martial arts, or is his sister performing dark sacrifices?Or is this pair of dogs and men engaged in some kind of unethical love?
All kinds of unsuitable images appeared in Anthony's mind, and then his heart became hot, no matter which one, it would make Yue Chuan irreparable.As long as the evidence is convincing, there is no need to wait for Yue Chuan to return, he can take Yue Chuan down now and send him to the stake.

In the final analysis, Anthony still hoped to expose Yue Chuan's true face in front of the public and give Yue Chuan a slap in the face, instead of killing him behind his back.The stake, he must be sent to the stake.Whether it is cultivating the forces of darkness in the church of light or prostitution in the daytime, it is enough to constitute a crime of blasphemy, and no one can save him.

When he came to the door of Yue Chuan's room, Anthony stared at it with bated breath and concentrated his mind for a while. Sure enough, as the two subordinates said, there was a dark force coming from Yue Chuan's room. less than.But it is so clear, it is as eye-catching as a lighthouse in this church full of light power.

To catch thieves who are dirty, to catch traitors and doubles, you have to catch them by surprise, get hard evidence, and see what else they can deny and justify.

Thinking of this, Anthony quietly gathered his strength, and then there was a sudden shock. The fragile door could not withstand Anthony's destruction, and the door lock was broken in an instant, and Anthony pushed it open.

In the room, the contract between Yue Chuan and the soul puppet had just been signed, and there was still a smoky ghost power around him that had not completely dissipated. Anthony, who broke into the room, saw it clearly.

"Umont, you dare to collude with evil sects and cultivate evil forces in the Church of Light. You are blaspheming and blaspheming the God of Light. Are you guilty?"

Yue Chuan cursed secretly in his heart, you are paralyzed, you came at a fucking time.

But Yue Chuan didn't have the slightest fear, colluding with evil sects, cultivating evil forces, and blaspheming the God of Light, this kind of thing is not something you just say, what qualifications do you have to convict Lao Tzu.


Brilliant golden light rose up, and Yue Chuan instantly became full of sacred aura. Behind him, a cross made of light and shadow slowly emerged.

"I am the representative of the God of Light in the human world. I uphold the will of the God of Light and inherit the power of the God of Light. What right do you have to accuse me?"

Seeing the light of the cross behind Yue Chuan, the two people who followed Anthony were all surprised and shocked, and their previous suspicions about Yue Chuan were also shaken.Because what appeared on Yue Chuan's body could only be described as a miracle, how could these little mortals question it.

But at this time, Anthony chuckled, and a strong holy light rose from his body, and a more solid cross appeared behind him.At this time, Anthony was like a god bathed in holy light descending from the sky to the mortal world. Every strand of hair and every corner of his clothes was filled with a sacred aura, which made people breathless.


The two stalkers beside Anthony were a little confused. What happened today? Why do these two people have such unimaginable power?We small people should stay away from this kind of fight between big people, so as not to be affected by the fish in the pond.

Anthony did not embarrass the two people, and waved his hand to signal them to leave, but when they left, Anthony still ordered them to call Archbishop Alexis.

"Umont, are you surprised? Are you surprised? You didn't expect that, did you?" Anthony raised his hand, showing the strong aura of light on his body.He said what Yue Chuan said just now with a sarcasm in his mouth: "I am the representative of the God of Light in the world, I uphold the will of the God of Light, and inherit the power of the God of Light... Oh, my God, you are really shameless, just like you The nouveau riche who dare to say that he is favored by the God of Light and is the representative of the God of Light in the world, hahahaha..."

Yue Chuan rubbed his nose helplessly. No one saw through his bragging all the time, but he didn't expect to meet a person from the circle here, who was seen by an expert.

Anthony saw no one around, so he whispered: "You are also a clergyman, what level? Looking at you like this, you probably haven't changed your job yet, but I am already level 20, and I am no longer a clergyman." , It’s a paladin! Paladin, do you understand? I can use more and more powerful light magic, and I can get more enlightenment, you little liar are bluffing in front of me, just wait to be burned at the stake!”

Proud, unprecedented pride.Anthony looked fixed on Yue Chuan, staring at Yue Chuan like a cat playing with a mouse, his eyes full of mischief.

At this time, several clergymen wearing divine robes came one after another outside. They all rushed over to see what happened after hearing the dark power and holy power appeared here.

Although I didn't see the power of light, the awesome divine light on Yue Chuan and Anthony's body made everyone stunned, especially the cross made of pure golden light behind the two, which gave many saints Staff are under tremendous pressure.

"Anthony, Umont, what's going on here?"

Although he had already learned the outline of the matter from the messenger, Alexis still pretended to be unaware and asked the two about what happened here.

When Anthony saw Alexis, he nodded arrogantly, not saying hello at all.Yue Chuan, on the other hand, saluted Alexis. After all, Alexis had always taken good care of the Lei Ze family. In the confrontation with the Eugenie family, he even unequivocally supported Yue Chuan.

Alexis looked at the two people with very different attitudes, and secretly sighed in his heart.In all fairness, if it wasn't for Sissy's pure dark physique, Alexis would still prefer Yue Chuan. After all, Yue Chuan's contribution to the Guangming Church is clearly remembered every single piece of paper, or it is a donation of real money. Or the conquest with one sword and one sword is far beyond what a person like Anthony who relies on his family background can compare.Besides, after Anthony claimed to be the son of God, he showed his superiority in every way, and he was arrogant and rude when facing Alexis, which also made Alexis even more dissatisfied with Anthony.

But no matter how dissatisfied he was, when Alexis heard that Yue Chuan had used the evil dark power in the Bright Church, he was still uncontrollably angry.After all, the Guangming Church is the most sacred place, a pure land that cannot be desecrated. Yue Chuan's use of dark power here is blaspheming the God of Light and provoking the Guangming Church, which is an unforgivable crime.

Hearing Alexis' tone of incrimination and unfriendly eyes, Yue Chuan frowned slightly, but still said: "I am praying and meditating on a daily basis, feeling the vast and broad divine power of the God of Light, and listening to the spirit of the God of Light. Mysterious enlightenment. And Anthony broke in, saying that I cultivated the power of darkness. Hehe, that’s how things are, Archbishop Alexis has sharp eyes, and he will definitely be able to discern good and evil, and return my innocence.”

When Yue Chuan said this, Alexis' eyes showed a wave of fluctuation, but then he looked at Anthony, ignoring Yue Chuan's expectant eyes.

"As long as you can produce convincing evidence, you can take Wumont down!"

Alexis' mental fluctuations came from Anthony's mind. Hearing what Alexis said, Anthony was immediately elated.Unlike Anthony, Yue Chuan's heart suddenly became cold.

Alexis is a method of spiritual sound transmission, gathering his own spiritual power into one stream and projecting it into the target's mind.Although the mental power projected by this method is highly concentrated, there will still be a little dissipation. Under normal circumstances, unless the mental power reaches a very strong level or a magician who specializes in spiritual magic, ordinary people will not feel this kind of dissipation. Spiritual.However, Yue Chuan is just that special case, because he has just subdued the soul puppet. The soul puppet is a mass of pure soul, which is extremely sensitive to the soul and mental power, and those scattered mental power fluctuations cannot escape its perception. Therefore, Yue Chuan He also clearly heard the whispers between Alexis and Anthony.

At that moment, Yue Chuan's mind went blank.He didn't know what had happened to make Alexis so cruel to him.But this is not important anymore, the important thing is that this matter made Yue Chuan understand a truth, only the power he holds in his fists is the real power, and other connections and friendships are nonsense.

Times have changed, and people's hearts have changed.What's more, knowing people and faces but not knowing the heart.

With the acquiescence of Alexis, Anthony immediately held his head up like a proud little rooster, looked at Yue Chuan aggressively, and said very bluntly: "Umont, are you going to confess yourself, or let us collect evidence by ourselves? ?”

The light in Yue Chuan's eyes gradually turned cold, and the smile on his face gradually faded. He glanced sideways at Anthony, and said very plainly: "Frankly? What crimes can I confess? On the contrary, Anthony, do you think those things you have done are true?" Do people in this world not know God?"

What did Anthony do?
Hearing Yue Chuan's revelation, everyone looked at Anthony, hoping to see something.

But they were disappointed, because Anthony's face was full of anger, and there was no panic or panic.

"Umont, don't spit blood, what have I done wrong?"

"Tsk tsk, I didn't say anything wrong with you. Why did you not tell yourself so quickly? Do you have a ghost in your heart?"

"You..." Anthony wished he could slap Yue Chuan to death, but he also knew that after the hard publicity of the Guangming Church some time ago, Yue Chuan had already gained a lot of popularity in Bayne City, so if he didn't produce some hard evidence, he would just do it casually. Execution of Yue Chuan will definitely be attacked by public opinion, and those enemies of the Guangming Church will also take the opportunity to make trouble. This kind of consequence is something that Alexis does not want to see.

Evidence, evidence must be obtained!
Anthony didn't think he couldn't get the evidence, because he had clearly felt the cold evil force just now, which was a force that was born to be opposite to the light.Whether Yue Chuan possessed some evil props or practiced evil exercises, he would definitely be able to detect clues.

Hmph, since you don't cooperate, then we can only do it ourselves.

Anthony stretched out his big hand, as if he wanted to take off Yue Chuan's clothes for inspection, but Yue Chuan took a step back indiscriminately, avoiding Anthony's hands that made goosebumps all over his body.

"Anthony, what if you don't confiscate any evidence? You have to know, what kind of crime is it to slander a believer without reason, especially a believer like me who has been inspired by the God of Light? You are blasphemy, Because you are questioning the vision and decision of the God of Light in choosing a spokesperson."

Yue Chuan was a believer inspired by the God of Light, and Anthony questioned Yue Chuan. Doesn't that mean that Anthony was indirectly questioning the God of Light?If you say it too big, this is blasphemy.

"Hmph, it's just a matter of tongue. Let's wait until you get to the stake to say these words."

Anthony reached out his hand again and grabbed it, and used his fighting spirit even more, a dignified aura enveloped Yue Chuan.

Yue Chuan could use his blood to fight against Anthony, but in front of so many people, once he used his blood, he would not fight himself. Therefore, when facing Anthony's capture, Yue Chuan looked weak and powerless, without any resistance at all.

The palms of the two touched without fancy.

Although Anthony didn't use his full strength, but with the cultivation base of the fourth level of fighting spirit, he could easily stretch out his hand with a huge force. Although Yue Chuan couldn't use blood energy, his body had been transformed by dragon blood, and the level of tyranny could not be used by "human beings" at all. In the muffled sound, Anthony snorted, and Yue Chuan took a step back, obviously no one was taking advantage.

"Anthony, we are all believers inspired by the God of Light. We are the representatives of the God of Light in the world. We shoulder the glory of the God of Light. Any form of doubt and speculation is a blasphemy against the God of Light. Our good and evil, only The God of Light can judge, and only the God of Light can judge our life and death. How about we communicate with the God of Light in front of everyone, and confront the just and selfless God of Light?"

 Thanks [Xiaolou№风雨 cast 6 votes]

  Today I sat in front of the computer at eight o'clock, wrote three to five hundred words, and then couldn't bear the sleepiness, and fell asleep until around ten o'clock.I can't open both eyes, and I'm really not in the mood these days.

(End of this chapter)

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