
Chapter 192 Swordsman VS Force Method

Chapter 192 Swordsman VS Force Method
The Gaul family is a family with a long history, and it is also an ancient nobleman. The fief of the Gaul family is rich in fine wine and beautiful women. There are men who drink and make trouble and men who are jealous every day in the fief. duel.As the most honorable place in this place, the Gallic family's admiration and love for duels has reached an unimaginable level for outsiders.

Every year, the empire holds court swordsmanship performances, inviting famous swordsmanship masters from all over the world to perform for the emperor and important ministers of the empire. The Gaul family will also send outstanding swordsmen to perform. Members of the Gaul family sometimes even take the top few places.

The Gaul family is martial arts and has a high level of duel, and the younger generation of the family has relatively higher attainments in swordsmanship. It is definitely not a mediocrity to be brought here.It can even be said that the young man from the Gaul family may be qualified to perform in the Imperial Palace after a few more years of practice.

Appearing gracefully and slowly drawing his sword, the young man from the Gaul family squinted his eyes, staring at Yue Chuan's direction, and even staring at the row of brats beside Yue Chuan. opponent.

He saw one of the brats with a sword on his waist, so a slight arc appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he stretched out his hand gracefully as an inviting gesture.When the boy from the Viking family came on stage, he was like a butcher and executioner, with a strong aura, but a bit too vulgar, while the boy from the Gaul family was like a handsome nobleman, elegant and elegant.

However, to the disappointment of the young man from the Gaul family, Yue Chuan didn't let the brat with the sword go shopping, but pointed at Helen.

Seeing that the other party sent a girl to fight him, the young man from the Gaul family blushed suddenly, not shy or embarrassing, but angry.However, he didn't say anything, but pulled out the half-drawn saber completely, and twisted a sword flower in a fancy way. The slender sword tip trembled more than 30 times in an instant, and outlined a gorgeous flower in front of everyone. silver flowers.

"Beauty, are you asking me to destroy flowers with my hands?"

As soon as the words fell, the tip of the sword stopped suddenly, changing from extreme movement to extreme stillness, and the flowers outlined on the tip of the sword disappeared instantly, as if they had never appeared before.

The small details showed that the young man of the Gaul family had control over his strength and sword, almost to the point of microscopic detail.If it was an ordinary opponent, seeing this scene would probably make her want to retreat, but Helen is different. Although she is a girl, she has a stronger will to fight than a boy; Fighting skills, because her profession is a battle mage!
At the beginning of the battle, the young man from the Gaul family let out a slight sinister smile, the slender sword in his hand trembled slowly, and faint rays of light condensed and lingered on his hands and the tip of the sword, and a stagnant momentum centered on him, began to rise up.

Helen held sticks in both hands, her long hair was already tied up with a cloth belt, and a ponytail was pulled out behind her. At this moment, waves of stagnant magic power emanated from Helen's body, and the big ponytail that was originally drooping slowly Floating up, like the tail of a swimming fish, slowly rippling and swaying.

The young man of the Gaul family united their swords together and stabbed suddenly, the sharp and sharp sword energy instantly locked Helen.This is a very commonly used sword move in the Gaul family. It is like a goshawk tearing up the sky and falling to the ground to grab its prey. Two for one, unrivaled.

Dragon tooth!

Facing the swift and fierce blow of the young man from the Gaul family, Helen used the dragon's tooth without any hesitation, and the long stick in her hand was instantly covered with a faint luster. Vision, the faint outline of the dragon is condensed on the surface of the long stick, and the top of the long stick is the sharp and sharp fangs of the giant dragon.

A flat stab without fancy, but like a giant dragon opening its mouth wide, tearing the enemy with its fangs, the domineering aura instantly shattered the Goshawk's artistic conception of piercing through the air. After all, no matter how the goshawk Ferocious, it is impossible to compare with the giant dragon.

The two collided without fancy. Although Helen was defending passively, her moves were superior to the young man of the Gaul family in terms of proficiency and subtlety. Therefore, the young man of the Gaul family suffered a dark loss. , let out a muffled snort.

However, the young man of the Gaul family did not feel discouraged because of this. Instead, there was a hint of joy. Even the head of the Gaul family, who was on the sidelines, had a smile on his mouth, as if he saw the smile of the goddess of victory.

The piercing slash is not just a simple slash, it can also be used for the second time. Some powerful masters of the Gaul family can even perform the third or even the fourth time without interruption. Slash through the air.In fact, the Gaul family defeated countless opponents with piercing slashes during the palace swordsmanship show, and very few people were able to survive the successive blows of piercing slashes intact without revealing their flaws.

The young man of the Gaul family has practiced the piercing slash for more than ten years, and he has been able to perform the second piercing slash proficiently. Therefore, after the first piercing slash was blocked, he secretly used his strength to accumulate the second piercing slash. Cut through the air for the second time.There was still a long distance between them in the first piercing cut, giving Helen time to react, but this time, the two of them were almost face to face. With such a close distance, it is impossible for Helen to have any chance to react and adapt room.

However, the young man from the Gaul family suddenly changed his face, because he found that a powerful grasping force imprisoned him, faintly restraining his muscles and bones and even his fighting spirit.Although the grudge was only imprisoned for a moment, and then it was broken through, but this moment is enough to do a lot of things.

Round dance stick!
The moment Longya hit the young man from the Gaul family, Helen used the waltzing stick, and swung the magic stick in a big circle from the front to the back. As the arc of the circle, the young man from the Gaul family was captured The magic stick was picked up and dropped again, and fell hard to the ground.

In the face of the seamless combo of Longya and Yuanwu stick, the Gaul family boy had no chance to make a second air-piercing slash.

Pressing the palm of his hand on the ground, the young man from the Gaul family bounced up quickly.The original handsome white face was covered with a lot of dust on the ground, and the nostrils and corners of the mouth were even stained with red blood. The handsome noble boy can play the role of a clown without makeup.

"Bitch, you dare to hit me in the face!"

Hearing the other party's yelling and cursing, Helen's icy face showed a hint of sternness.Originally, she wanted to keep her hand, so as not to cause conflicts between the family and the Gaul family, but the other party's "bitch" touched her murderous intention.

Dragon tooth!

The magic stick poked forward again, and the dragon-shaped silhouette flashed on the magic stick. The sharp and sharp fangs made the Gaul family boy feel a piercing crisis.

Can't stop!
The young man from the Gaul family didn't bother to yell and scold, he stomped his feet on the ground, and then his body quickly swayed from side to side, and three phantoms appeared on the spot, making it impossible to distinguish the real from the fake.

This is a relatively inferior method of blinding eyes, which is to use high-speed movement to deceive vision and produce phantoms.In fact, there is only one real body in place, and the other two are afterimages left by high-speed movement, but the key is that if the perception does not reach a certain level, it is impossible to distinguish the real from the fake, so as to attack.

If it is Yue Chuan, the soul puppet will directly separate three tentacles, and you can tell whether it is true or not by sensing it separately, or use the soul puppet to leave a mark on the other party's body, and then no matter how the other party acts, it will be clear at a glance whether it is true or not.But it's a pity that Helen doesn't have a soul puppet, let alone that kind of strong mental power and insight, so she randomly chooses a clone, and then ruthlessly pokes at it.

The empty feeling from the magic wand made Helen understand that she was empty, and at the same time, a cold wind came from the left side to her ribs, and the sharp wind from the front spine made Helen's ribs The involuntary tightening, wriggling, and spasm of the muscles between the muscles—that is the instinctive reaction of human beings to crises.Just like some people can't help calf cramps, double-strand wars, and even incontinence when they encounter danger.

"Die! Bitch!"

What the sanctimonious Gaul family boy said was so disgusting, but the head of the Gaul family didn't mean to apologize, but laughed out loud.

"Rudolph, the rest of our child is fine, but it's hard to accept that he likes to kill his opponents. If there are any bloody scenes later, don't mind."

When he said this, the Patriarch of the Gaul family was full of complacency, as if Helen was bound to be beheaded by the sword, and then tortured and whipped to death.However, neither Yue Chuan nor Rudolph showed any worried expressions. When they heard what the Patriarch of the Gaul family said, they even asked: Are you sure you don't mind?

The Patriarch of the Gaul family was a little dazed, shouldn't it be that the other party said he didn't mind, why did he say it instead?However, when asked by the two at the same time, he could only nod his head, expressing that he didn't mind.

However, the Patriarch of the Gaul family never thought of what the phrase "don't mind" meant. When he understood, it was too late.

Seeing that Helen's slender waist was about to be pierced by the long sword, a tyrannical light appeared in the eyes of the young man from the Gaul family, as if he was killing a begging slave.

Thinking of that scene, the already dirty face of the young man from the Gaul family became even more ferocious and ugly.


At the moment when the sharp sword was about to pierce Helen, Helen's body disappeared strangely, and what stayed there was only a little straw man pointing his middle finger.

This scene had already happened once in a duel among several teenagers within the Eugenie family. Helen used the straw dummy to seize the opportunity and killed the opponent.After Yue Chuan's targeted training and improvement during this period of time, Helen's fighting awareness and skill utilization have improved qualitatively. Before the Gaul family boy could recover, the magic stick in Helen's hand suddenly poked out.

Dragon tooth!

It seems like a millennium kill, right somewhere in the middle!

With an inhuman scream, the Gaul family boy stood on tiptoe, trying to relieve the pain in his body, but at this moment, Helen hit a sky strike and raised the magic stick in his hand.


It sounded like the sound of cloth being torn, but the sound was more ambiguous and dull, but this subtle difference was covered by the high-pitched screams of the young man from the Gaul family.


The wave of magic power lingering on the magic stick condenses into a round magic ball. The moment the magic stick hits the enemy, the magic ball is launched extremely quickly, making a crisp sound.Accompanied by this sound was the high-pitched scream of the young man from the Gaul family.

First, it was stabbed hard by Helen, and then it was torn apart by Gao Ling. Immediately afterwards, this Chaser magic ball exploded in the indistinct flesh and blood, adding salt to the wound like adding insult to injury.

The Gaul family boy wanted to gather his fighting spirit to counterattack, but before he could raise his fighting spirit, the energy in his body poured out along the wound on his body, and even spurted out with a lot of blood.

The human body is like a balloon. The energy generated by exercise and cultivation is like the gas in the balloon. Only when the balloon is intact can energy be accumulated and cultivation level improved. Once the balloon bursts, the energy in the body will dissipate along the wound. Give way.At this time, the young man of the Gaul family had such a big wound on his body, and almost all of the fighting energy that he gathered had dissipated along the wound, and the remaining [-]-[-]% was useless at all.

Every attack will condense a Chaser, and after each attack, the Chaser will be automatically launched, hitting the attack point, and for a while, only the sound of crackling can be heard, dense and endless.

At first, the young man from the Gaul family was able to threaten and curse at Helen, but Helen was unmoved at all, and kept attacking, hitting, and ravaging the fragile wound of the young man from the Gaul family with the magic stick in his hand. A Chaser even exploded in his body, exploding loudly.With Helen's torment, the young man of the Gaul family finally succumbed to his softness and fear, and began to beg for mercy, but Helen remained unmoved.Still numbing and relentless blow, blow, blow!
Later, the young man from the Gaul family could no longer make a sound. Every time he opened his mouth, large streams of blood foam, pieces of internal organs, and some dirty filth would pour out of his mouth.In the end, he finally didn't even have the strength to open his mouth, and was blasted to death.


The young man of the Gaul family was like a hollowed out burlap sack, his shriveled body was thrown in front of the head of the Gaul family, blood splashed all over the face of the head who was furious from embarrassment.

"The rest of our family's Helen is fine, but it's hard to accept that he likes to kill opponents. Don't mind these bloody scenes."

On the side, Rudolph gave full play to the spirit of changing careers to make up for the knife, returned the words that the Gaul family had just said, and sprinkled a handful of salt on his wounds.Although the Patriarch of the Gaul family gritted his teeth, he couldn't speak a single word.

The life and death of the family's children is second. The key point is that the Patriarch of the Gaul family did not see why his children lost or died.How did the girl from the Eugenie family escape when she was about to die? Is that special skill of teleportation and transposition a martial skill or magic?By the way, when we were fighting the Viking family just now, the Eugenie family boy seemed to have used a similar technique. One of these weird skills is already against the sky, and the Eugenie family actually has two at the same time.The most frightening thing is that such difficult skills are usually only mastered and comprehended by masters, but the two little kids from the Eugenie family can use them proficiently.

What does this mean?
When the Patriarch of the Gaul family looked at Rudolph again, there was a hint of fear in his eyes.Reminiscent of the process of Rudolph's ascension, he seemed to know something in his heart.

"In the second round, it seems that our Eugenie family won."

Rudolph chuckled.It never occurred to him that he would win two rounds in a row when he thought he would definitely lose. As a result, almost half of the new trade route had already belonged to the Eugenie family.However, while Rudolph was happy, he was also very surprised.Others don't know the strength of these brats, so how could Rudolph not know.In a short period of time, in just a dozen days of contact with Yue Chuan, the strength of these bear children has undergone earth-shaking changes.In the past, the bear children were at best a bit strong in the family, but they could not reach the point of being outstanding, but now, they did not lose the slightest in the confrontation with the best children of the other three major families. This is simply unimaginable.

The brats were indeed strong, but Yue Chuan, who made them stronger, was even stronger.Although it is said that famous teachers produce high-quality apprentices, no matter how famous a famous teacher is, it is impossible for him to reach the level of Yue Chuan.

"Even though I value Umont very much, I still underestimate him." Rudolph thought silently.

After shaking the blood and pieces of meat off the magic wand, the cold look on Helen's face slowly faded, and she turned into that harmless young girl again.Just thinking of her cold-blooded and cruel appearance just now, Helen and her little friends felt a certain part of their body tense at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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