
Chapter 200

Chapter 200

When Yue Chuan returned to Starn City, the cathedral had already been completed, and the final finishing work was being carried out gradually. Many halls were ready for use, and after a little tidying up, they could be opened to the public.

Yue Chuan felt the importance of his own strength after his conflict with Alexis in Bayne City.The main reason why Yue Chuan took refuge in the Guangming Church was to find a reliance, but what if this reliance secretly used a knife against him?What Alexis did made Yue Chuan vigilant, and even more vigilant. Although he was in the Guangming Church, everything in Yue Chuan's Guangming Church remained on high alert.

Alexis asked Yue Chuan to re-establish the Guardian Knights, and sent some people. Originally, Yue Chuan was going to entrust these people with important tasks, but after returning from Bayne City, Yue Chuan changed his mind.The high-end powerlessness of the Guardian Knights must be in their own hands no matter what, and they must not be left in the hands of outsiders.

Therefore, Yue Chuan sent the people sent by Alexis to enshrine statues, copy scriptures, supervise property and other positions that are important but have no real power. Sit big.

The Twelve Saints, who had been practicing hard in the backyard, finally got to see the light and became the backbone of the Guardian Knights, and began to screen and train those who signed up.

At the beginning, those applicants were still unconvinced. After all, they were either in their thirties or in their twenties. How could they let a few kids in their early teens take care of them.However, after the saints showed some abilities, they all tamed them one by one. Even though they were unwilling in their hearts, they all recognized the strength of the saints.

Although it was a bit embarrassing to be under the control of a few yellow-mouthed children, those who thought about quitting held back when they thought about the treatment they received in the church.After struggling for a while between face and face, they decisively chose actual benefits.

The magnificence and beauty of Starn City Cathedral is beyond everyone's imagination. After all, this is the classic condensation of thousands of years of architecture on the earth. In the eyes of the common people in Starn City, this is simply a miracle, and only a miracle In order to explain why such a beautiful building appears on the ground.

As a result, the number of believers in the Church of Light in Starn City has increased sharply. Every day, an endless stream of believers enters the cathedral. Although there are many people who go sightseeing, there are always some people who will change their beliefs and become believers in the Church of Light. As a result, more and more people believe that this church has incredible divine power, which can make believers who enter it sense the existence of gods, and then generate faith.

The churches of the Church of Light in other surrounding towns have long heard that a new church was built in Starn City. Whether it was out of curiosity or out of etiquette, after the completion of the Xin Church, they all sent people to observe and congratulate them. After the church in Encheng, everyone was amazed and called out miracles. Many priests even resigned from their previous positions immediately, and those who cried, made trouble and hanged themselves stayed in the church in Starn City to serve the gods.So the legends outside became more and more exaggerated.

As the owner of this place, Yue Chuan wears a priest's robe every day, pretends to chant scriptures, pays homage to gods, prays, and takes time to meet believers who come here because of their reputation, to answer their confusion and heal some unwell Whether it is a minor injury or a serious illness, Yue Chuan will also find a way to treat them.Moreover, no matter what the disease was, Yue Chuan would not take any money, nor would he ask those people to believe in the God of Light with any kindness.

Originally, the Guangming Church was poor and financially short. In addition to the donations of believers, believers had to pay a fee when they went to the church to ask for exorcism and medical treatment.This fee is not high, it is just a symbol. Second, these meager incomes have become the main source of income for the Illuminati Church. Many churches have to hand over their income to the diocese, and the diocese has to hand over their income to the Pope.

With the circulation of money layer by layer, it is inevitable that there will be some embezzlement and embezzlement. This is an unspoken rule.The Pope’s money is indispensable, and the gaps can only be found from the lower levels. Therefore, the originally meager expenses have gradually increased, and can even be described as heavy.And as the Guangming Church grows step by step, this heaviness will gradually reach a heinous level.

But now, Yue Chuan didn't take any money. He just said that the God of Light bestowed his divine power not for self-interest, but for the benefit of the public and to save the suffering of all beings. How could he charge fees to civilians who were already living in dire straits?

Regardless of whether Yue Chuan said these words from the bottom of his heart or just for show, in short, the common people just like this. Those who have received Yue Chuan's favor simply worship Yue Chuan as a deity who has fallen into the mortal world. But after hearing Yue Chuan's deeds, he couldn't help but develop a good impression of Yue Chuan, and unknowingly became a believer in the Guangming Church.

Yue Chuan's actions were sought after by the common people, and inevitably hated by some people, and these people were some people in the Guangming Church, especially those high-level church leaders who held power.After all, believers who entered the Church of Light to ask for purification of disasters and expel sick people voluntarily paid part of the money, and some believers even donated part of their property to the God of Light every year. This is a tradition that has been left over for thousands of years.Naturally, these money cannot be sent to the hands of the God of Light, and can only be used by the church for private use.

Let's weigh gold and silver together, hello, hello, hello, everyone, what's inharmonious?But you, Wumont, jumped out and said that the divine power bestowed by the God of Light is for the benefit of believers, and you don't take any money, and just cast spells and give medicines to believers.You made a show to increase your face and gained your reputation, but you stepped on the faces of many colleagues. Do you know that the donations and fees received by the churches around Starn City are less than ten percent of last month? One-third, when many believers donated their belongings, they would rather travel hundreds of miles to Starn City to donate than to donate nearby.

Cutting off people's wealth is simply killing their parents. This feud is irreconcilable!Coupled with Umont's unscrupulous prying corners (in fact, those people jumped ship by themselves), priests and other clergy in many churches around the city of Starn became more dissatisfied with Umont, so they reported Umont to the Archbishop of the Bava Diocese one by one. Monte.

The archbishop of the Bava diocese is Alexis. Alexis originally valued Yue Chuan very much, and even planned to entrust Yue Chuan with a heavy responsibility, but because of Sissi's purely dark physique, Alexis became suspicious. , and because of Yue Chuan's overwhelming response in the Bain City Cathedral, many fanatical believers sent Anthony to the stake, Alexis' respect for Yue Chuan turned into fear.Although he didn't dare to attack Yue Chuan blatantly, Alexis would definitely spare no effort to weaken Yue Chuan's strength and curb his development.

It's just that Yue Chuan has a special status. He can use almost lost magic, and he is the "Holy Son" bestowed by the God of Light. Alexis can't use the power on the surface to deal with Yue Chuan at all, but he can use dark methods to deal with Yue Chuan. Are you looking for a killer?Alexis was suddenly a little entangled, because he never thought of using an assassin, so he had no contact with those assassin organizations, and even if Alexis found a way to the assassin organization, the other party might not accept his order A patriarch of the Illuminati Church wanted to assassinate a priest of the church. Who knew that this was not some kind of conspiracy by the Illuminati Church.

After thinking about it, Alexis can only suppress Yue Chuan through the power of the world, and the power of the world is naturally the nobles.

At the beginning, Alexis wanted to find the Sotheby family and let the Sotheby family suppress Umont. After all, the Sotheby family is the owner of Starn City, but Alexis is in Starn City. After living there for a while, I also knew the extraordinary relationship between Yue Chuan and the Sotheby family, so after thinking about it, I decided to give up the Sotheby family.Afterwards, Alexis found another target. This target was a Viscount whose fief was close to the city of Starn. In name, Baron Sotheby would also be controlled by him.More importantly, this viscount is a believer in the Church of Light. When he first joined the Church, Alexis gave him the baptism of light. He has always been loyal to the Church of Light. He will never refuse such a trivial matter. .

So Alexis wrote a letter to the believer.When the viscount received Alexis' letter, he didn't stop at all, and immediately went to Starn City.

On this day, Yue Chuan, as always, answered questions for many believers in the church, healed illnesses and exorcised evil spirits. The sound, for fear of profaning the gods and disturbing Yue Chuan, the thousands of people in the cathedral were quiet and peaceful, only Yue Chuan's soft voice circled around.

But at this moment, a series of noisy voices came from outside the door, and several church guards guarding the door were thrown in. They rolled around a few times like rolling gourds, lying on the ground, moaning and unable to get up.At this time, a nobleman dressed in gorgeous noble costumes and with a beautiful long sword on his waist walked in with graceful steps, and behind him were four burly men, who looked like wolves. Gu, after stepping into the gate, he glanced around, and then moved his body slowly, protecting the nobleman without a trace, forming a tight defense.

Seeing this scene, Yue Chuan understood that these four big men were masters, and this nobleman was by no means an ordinary person.But, why did they go to the church in Starn City, and why did they act like they were picking quarrels?
Yue Chuan's first reaction was that his opponent came to find a place, but there were too many people who committed Yue Chuan's crimes, many people who hated Yue Chuan, even Yue Chuan himself didn't know, so Yue Chuan didn't bother to think about the origin of these people.Standing up slowly, he cast an apologetic look at the bewildered believer in front of him, and the believer was moved to kneel down and worship Yue Chuan. Yue Chuan walked by him, and the man knelt all the way, stroking Yue Chuan's The footprints seemed to have received great honor, but the other believers around him did not despise him, but showed envy one by one.

"Several, I don't know what you are doing in the church?"

Yue Chuan scolded me in his heart for buying a watch last year, but he kept smiling, showing no anger at all.Seeing Yue Chuan's energy-raising skills, the nobleman was also a little surprised, but thinking of the purpose of his trip, he couldn't help but snorted coldly.

A burly man next to him took a fierce step forward, and his broad feet fell on the ground like a heavy hammer, making a dull bang. Yue Chuan even suspected that if this church was cut corners during construction, it was made into tofu Scum, if you step on it, it might really collapse immediately.

"Boy, blind your dog's eyes. What you see in front of you is the honorable and great Viscount Dasabi, the lord of Muni County. When you see the viscount, hurry up and kneel down to salute!"

Seeing this big man yelling at Yue Chuan, the believers around were immediately angry, and gathered around one by one involuntarily, looking at the burly man and his friends with hatred, although no one spoke, but the cold eyes It made Viscount Dasabi's heart treacherous, lest these fanatical believers would be incited to become a mob and attack himself.At this moment, even if there was no order from Alexis, Viscount Dasabi was determined to kill Umont in the cradle.Nothing else, just because Yue Chuan's influence is too great, and it is just the beginning. If he is allowed to operate for three to five years, who knows what these believers will be brainwashed by him. Isn't it the first to be hit.

No, absolutely not!You can't let this uncontrollable force grow on your own land, you have to kill him in the bud.

However, when the big man called out the titles of Viscount Dasabi and Lord of Muni County, those believers who were originally extremely angry suddenly became like mice seeing a cat, and all of them cringed and lowered their heads timidly. He didn't dare to look at Viscount Dasabi and others.

Seeing this scene, Viscount Dasabi couldn't help feeling proud, while Yue Chuan sighed heavily.Nobles have always been the supreme existence in the eyes of commoners. Even a lord who has no real power at all cannot be offended by commoners. This kind of thinking has been passed down for thousands of years and has formed a fixed thinking. The common people's awe of nobles is even still Above the God of Light.


Yue Chuan only had these two words in his heart.But Yue Chuan also knew that this was not the fault of those common people.After all, they are natives of this era, and it is impossible for them to have thousands of years of experience and a world view of two worlds like myself.

"Well... Viscount Dashabi, although you have the status of a nobleman, I also have the status of a priest. I am the holy son blessed by the God of Light, I am the sustenance of the God of Light's will, and I am the representative of the God of Light in the world. You will only kneel to the God of Light, do you think, as you are, you can afford my big gift?"

Yue Chuan couldn't help laughing out loud when he called out the viscount's form. This child is really sad. It's not good to be born in any family, he must be born in the Dasabi family.Dasabi is simply a big bad guy. Whoever decided on this surname is really talented.

Viscount Dasabi naturally didn't know what was going on in Yue Chuan's mind, otherwise he would draw his sword angrily and fight Yue Chuan to the death.At this time, Viscount Dasabi was pondering Yue Chuan's words in his mind.That's right, it was rumored that Yue Chuan was the holy son who had received divine power from the God of Light, and was the representative of the God of Light in the human world.

However, Viscount Dasabi made Yue Chuan kneel down just to say something, and he didn't expect Yue Chuan to be subdued by just a few words. If the first plan fails, there is a second plan.

"Umont, you said that you are the holy son blessed by the God of Light, but this is just your own talk, there is no real evidence, is it a lie to say that you know it? Moreover, your identity as the holy son is recognized and affirmed by the Pope Have you been canonized and proclaimed by His Majesty the Emperor? With such an identity, it’s fine to coax a few countrymen behind closed doors, but you are so ostentatiously gathering people to preach. The purpose of human beings is secretly planning things that endanger the interests of the empire."

Hearing this, Yue Chuan couldn't help but tremble in his heart.Although Viscount Dashabi deliberately found fault, but it cannot be denied that his reasons were very good.The identity of the Son of God is just rumored by outsiders, and Yue Chuan just doesn't admit it or deny it, and then more people pass it on, so Yue Chuan simply doesn't expose it, acquiescing to his identity as the Son of God, after all, this identity can bring him Lots of convenience and protection.

But the key point is that this identity is only recognized among believers, and has never been recognized by the Pope, let alone the written recognition of the emperor.Some things, even if you are genuine, but not certified by some authoritative organization, it is fake.It's okay if no one is serious about it, but if someone jumps out and pulls the pigtails, it's really accurate.

Yue Chuan coughed in embarrassment, "Well, Viscount Dashabi, let's change the topic and continue talking about saluting."

When Viscount Dasabi heard this, his jaw immediately lifted. In his opinion, this showed that Umont had subdued himself and was about to kneel down and salute him as a commoner.

With a high-spirited snort, Viscount Dasabi pulled out a snow-white silk scarf from his arms, brushed off the dust that did not exist on his cuffs, and said slowly: "Umont, do you know that the empire level Strict rules and strict rules of etiquette, if someone makes an excuse to be rude, or does not pay attention to salutation, will he be punished?"

Yue Chuan asked innocently and innocently: "What punishment?"

"Hmph, the light ones will be punished with a cane, the severe ones will be decapitated, and the whole family will be demoted to official slaves. Tsk tsk, you don't want those charming maids in your family coquettishly coquettish on other people's beds, and your sister, although a little flawed, is a skinny girl. It’s not bad, I really want to try the taste!”

Hearing this, Yue Chuan's face suddenly darkened.He may not mind others humiliating himself, but he absolutely does not allow others to make irresponsible remarks on Sissy, even if it is only verbally.

"Big Viscount, now I order you to kneel down and kowtow immediately, begging me to forgive your verbal offense!"

Hearing Yue Chuan's words, Viscount Dasabi couldn't help being stunned, then laughed while holding his stomach, and said to his subordinates: "See, this scumbag still calls himself the Lord, haha, with his nouveau riche background, Dare to use the word benjue, haha, benjue laughed so hard."

However, those four burly men did not agree with the words of the Viscount Dashabi, but instead all of them turned pale, with terrified expressions in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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