
Chapter 306 Arrive at the Temple

Chapter 306 Arrive at the Temple
"There are several cylindrical weapons on the EX Dornier airship, which will launch powerful things like crossbows. Don't be targeted by them, and don't face them in a straight line..."

"Master, I have been killed by that thing more than ten times, and I already know how to deal with it."

"Well, there is also a single-shot sniper rifle on the EX Dornier airship, which usually kills in one shot, so don't expose it to those few windows..."

"Master, if you are beaten to death by that thing once, you won't be beaten to death by it a second time."

"Okay. If the EX Dornier airship doesn't come down from the sky, remember to peel off the ice layer on the ground. Under the ice layer is the back of the sky-curtain giant beast. If you attack the sky-curtain giant beast, it will cause the sky-curtain giant beast to emit a powerful With the suction force, the EX Dornier airship will crash-land."

"Ah? So that's it!"

Through the window, Yue Chuan explained some key points of dealing with EX Dornier. Little Lolita is not stupid in the first place, on the contrary, she is extremely smart and has a great talent for fighting. I understand that many places will be difficult, but with the guidance of Yue Chuan, a master who is almost omniscient and omnipotent, little Lori can theoretically deal with all maps.

However, hearing the simple words of little lolita made Yue Chuan's heart ache.Without her own help, the little loli ran into a wall in the abyss again and again, was killed by various strange tricks of the abyss lord, and returned to the city helplessly.There were so many dungeons before, how did she clear them one by one?Others only see her position on the ranking list, but they cannot see her blood and tears behind it.

Did I make a mistake in deliberately ignoring her?


But on the other hand, Feng Huaxueyue exudes majesty, like a god, and is inviolable. The blazing elemental power reflects a magnificent ocean of light around her, and various colors of light are intertwined and rendered around Sissi's body. , eventually blending into one color, a deep black.It was pitch black, without any light, like a night sky without the brilliance of stars and moons, and like a black hole that could easily swallow even light.

Black, just the background.

Black is just the beginning.

The background of destruction, the beginning of death!
Sissy didn't dig through the ice to attack the Skyveil giant beast, although it was easy for her.She chose the most direct way of fighting, the most straightforward solution.

Fly up and step in!
The black energy lingering around her and the coercion so strong that it can stop the wind and snow produced a wonderful and incredible power. Qianqian's body strangely broke away from the gravity, rose with the wind, and soared upwards.

Sky Curtain Giant Beast can change the gravitational force, causing all the surrounding objects to fall on its back, and Sissy also used the same principle to directly shield its own gravity, allowing it to fly.Whether it is making objects fall or making oneself fly, there is one thing in common, that is, one's own strength is extremely powerful. Only in this way can one distort the rules, change the rules, and make the rules work for oneself.

After EX Dornier was captured by GBL believers, after a period of research and restoration, its flight function has been initially restored, and its combat functions have also been restored, whether it is the machine gun under the pod or the sniper gun inside the pod, It has a fatal blow to adventurers on the ground, and coupled with its superior characteristics, adventurers of almost all professions have nothing to do with it.

In the past, GBL believers bullied those short-handed and short-legged adventurers condescendingly, abused them recklessly with the weapons in their hands, and let them taste the pain of despair and the taste of death a little bit.But today, those GBL believers suddenly discovered that the adventurers on the ground flew up strangely.

How can this be!How can humans fly!This is not in line with the great blue truth ah!Could it be that that human being already possesses the strength of the holy level and can get rid of the shackles of the rules?

Now is obviously not the time to think about these issues. The human must be killed because she threatens the airship.

"Kill her!"

"Flying in the air, this is an excellent target!"


The leader of the GBL believers with a heavy mask on his face issued an order to several subordinates around him. Those believers who manipulated the machine guns immediately calibrated their guns and locked on Sissy's figure. Knocking on the deck of the gondola, there was a tinkling sound, and the gondola was immediately filled with thick gunpowder smoke.

Da da da……

The gunfire stopped abruptly after a few shots, because the gunpowder smoke in the cabin had obscured their sight, and even the pilot had to wave his sleeves to disperse the choking smoke.

Although they occupied the airship, and studied a lot of things through the things left in the airship, and repaired the airship.However, the technology they have mastered is not perfect, such as the problem of gunpowder smoke after the machine gun is fired.Therefore, they had to stop after firing a dozen or so bullets, and wait for the smoke to clear and their sight to resume.

However, a dozen bullets are enough to destroy any enemy. No one can escape these precise bullets, let alone four guns.It's fine for ordinary people to dodge left and right on the ground, but that woman was flying in the air, she was looking for her own death.

"You must be dead!"

None of the GBL believers in the airship had any doubts, because no one had ever been able to escape from their guns.

However, when the gunpowder smoke dissipated slightly and their sight regained a little bit, they were shocked to find that the woman was still in the air, and judging from her current position, it seemed that she had climbed a bit higher than before.

"She's not dead?"

"Not even hurt!"

"how can that be?"

Keep firing!
Without the leader's explanation at all, the few GBL believers manipulating the machine gun immediately pulled the trigger, pressing the gun body that kept bouncing with their steady arms, causing the bullets to hit Sissy.

This time, they carefully watched the opponent who was climbing rapidly, and watched how she managed to remain unscathed.

However, they were quickly disappointed, because Sissy didn't do anything, just kept her face up, flying upwards with a light like night.When the bullets hit, the surrounding night like a black hole suddenly rolled, like a barrier to isolate the bullets, the dense bullets didn't even splash the slightest ripple on the night, they all lost their kinetic energy and fell helplessly .

From the beginning to the end, Sissy didn't make any movements, not even a change in her expression. That is to say, all of this was not her initiative, but the spontaneous reaction of the night.


The GBL believers on the airship were stunned. They didn't know what words to use to describe the shock in their hearts.They thought that the EX Dornier airship was already a powerful thing, something that surpassed the continent of Arad for XXX years, but when they discovered that the blue crystal of truth that they were proud of turned out to be amazing when facing traditional magicians. Vulnerable, they couldn't help questioning their persistence.

"Idiot! Hurry up, hurry up, what are you waiting for!"

It was the GBL leader who was sober-minded, the first to wake up from the shock, scolded the driver, and ordered to go up.The pilot also woke up like a dream, and quickly operated the airship.The huge EX Dornier airship is climbing upwards at a speed that doesn't match its huge figure.

The machine gun failed, the sniper immediately picked up the heavy firearm, opened the observation window, the black muzzle poked out, facing the choking cold wind to observe the enemy below, the bloodshot crosshairs slowly covered Sissy's eyebrows and chest.

Two clear gunshots were heard, and two bullets carrying powerful kinetic energy shot at Sissi's thin body, but an unbelievable scene happened, the night-like black light wrapped around Sissi's body like a nebula Slowly twisting and spinning like a vortex, it wriggled rapidly as if alive.

Black hole!

It turned out to be a black hole.However, the black hole did not activate just now, but now, the black hole has truly shown its ferocious face and amazing power.A real black hole is an existence that can be swallowed by light. Although the black hole created by Sissy's magic is not as good as the black holes in the universe, it is more than enough to swallow a small airship.

The bullets of the two sniper rifles were quickly swallowed by the black hole, without any waves at all, and the small bullets obviously couldn't satisfy the black hole's desire to devour, and could only be satisfied if the entire EX Dornier airship was in its arms.

"Boss, our airship is out of control..."

"Is that thing called the engine broken again?"

"No, there is a huge attraction below that is pulling us down. I have already ascended at full speed, but our airship is still descending rapidly."

Sure enough, by observing the scenery outside the window, even if they didn't look at the instrument, they knew that their airship was sinking rapidly. Moreover, they obviously felt a terrifying pressure of suffocation. The air in the airship was plundered crazily, gradually becoming Into a vacuum, those GBL believers all had their eyeballs protruding, and the blood vessels on the skin surface protruded high.They opened their mouths wide and moved their mouths, trying their best to inhale some air into their lungs, but they still took in less air and let out more air.

bang bang bang...

The dense cracking sound came from the bodies of these GBL believers, and then they saw their bodies explode strangely, the most thorough explosion, blood, flesh and flesh sticking to the pod bulkhead, emitting a pungent smell like inferior paint. smell.

However, at this time, no one could feel the pungent smell anymore, because including the leader of the GBL believers, the eight people in the pod were all fried into meat paste, and none of them survived.

The black hole enveloped the EX Dornier airship, and then the black hole disappeared, and Sissy, pale and crumbling, appeared outside the EX Dornier pod.

Following the method taught by Yue Chuan, she opened the hatch.His eyes didn't stay on the sticky flesh and blood, and he found the joystick exactly as Yue Chuan described in an instant, and tried to control the EX Dornier airship according to the steps Yue Chuan said.

As Audrey He said, if it is just a simple operation of the airship, it is not a difficult task. Anyway, there are no traffic rules and no obstacles here. Don't care about twists and turns, as long as the airship does not fall.

Sissy brought a box and stood on it to barely see the outside scenery while touching the joystick, and then operated the airship to go in the direction Yue Chuan said.A tidal wave of exhaustion swept out from her bones and quickly spread to her whole body, even to the depths of her soul. Sissy's eyelids were as heavy as lead, and there seemed to be an abyss beneath her feet, constantly leading her to fall.

But Sissy gritted her teeth, and moved the box under her feet forward so that it was just stuck at the root of the joystick. With a given flying height, if she was flying in a straight line, she didn't need to hold the joystick all the time.You can be a little lazy.

However, Sissy didn't fall asleep right away, she kept telling herself that she couldn't fall asleep yet, and she still needed to control the airship to land and have a round with the master.How can I fall asleep if I haven't seen Master yet!


"Sissy, please remember that although it is also an annihilation black hole, the one you are learning now is different from the one circulating outside. The one circulating outside is just a simulated black hole generated by the movement of elements, while the one you are studying is a black hole in the communication universe. , to show its power. I know you are very talented, especially dark magic, but this kind of magic that borrows the power of ghosts, gods, heaven, earth and stars is extremely heavy on yourself. , if it is not necessary, please do not use this magic..."

It's just that Sissy broke her promise, she didn't obey the teacher's warning.However, she excused herself from the bottom of her heart: "This is not the real world, this is another world. The consequences should not be that serious... Besides, the teacher won't know..."

However, the weakness in her bones let Sissy know that regardless of the real world or this world, she will be punished for exerting power beyond the limit of her ability to bear. Before she has the ability to transcend the rules, she cannot surpass the rules.

"No, I can't fall down yet, I have to see Master! I want to join Master..."

Under this kind of crazy obsession, Sissy's consciousness is like a lonely boat in the sea. Although it is in danger of capsizing at any time when floating up and down, it is tenaciously moving forward in the wind and rain, and is quickly approaching the distant coastline.

"My boy, I saw you!"

Finally, Qianqian received the message from Yue Chuan, and her already numb and numb body shook slightly. She wanted to stand up, but she still couldn't stand up.Her body was limp, like cotton, and she couldn't exert any strength.

"Correct the direction, turn the rudder 26 degrees to the left, turn left..."

"Forward, ok, we'll be there soon, keep heading..."

"It's ready to land, ready to land."

"My dear disciple, it's all up to you to help me this time. How are you going to ask Master to thank you?"

A series of operations had drained the last of Sissi's strength. At this moment, she was lying on the deck blankly, Yue Chuan's voice sounded in her ears, and she replied weakly: "Master, from now on, take I……"


Yue Chuan didn't expect that little loli would raise such a condition, and he didn't know how to answer it for a while.Do you agree, or do you not agree?
But at the moment of his hesitation, the system message prompted: Player Fenghua Xueyue quit the game.

going offline?
Yue Chuan didn't understand why little loli went offline at this time, this is an abyss.

But at this time, there was a bang, and the huge EX Dornier landed on the ice field.

At this time, EX Dornier and Yue Chuan saw many changes, such as some special symbols and patterns taught by GBL on it, and many repair marks that affect the appearance, such as...

Thankfully, though, it can still fly.For Yue Chuan, this was enough.Remembering the abyss lord's long-legged Rotes in his heart, Yue Chuan didn't worry too much about the little loli's inexplicable offline issue. Let's thank her next time he sees her.

Audrey He had already jumped up, stepping into this familiar airship again, Audrey He was full of emotions.Looking at the traces of repairs and changes in the pod, Audrey He shook her head and nodded at times, but it was obvious that there were more shakes than nods.

"Okay, don't talk about it, let's get down to business!"

Yue Chuan subconsciously searched in the pod, but the traces of those GBL believers have been refreshed by the system, and Sissi has already gone offline. Now the EX Dornier airship is empty, with nothing left.Although Yue Chuan knew that there would be no traces, he still had a little hope that a miracle would happen, but it was a pity.

Audrey He took over the piloting job skillfully. Under her control, the EX Dornier airship made a rumbling vibration for a moment, and then lifted off smoothly and sailed.

There was a strong cold wind blowing in the sky from time to time, but under Audrey He's superb driving skills, the EX Dornier airship only shook slightly, and there was no such overwhelming situation.

The long journey has become very short under the rapid progress of the EX Dornier airship. Through the observation window, Yue Chuan can already see the densely packed monsters below, they are constantly fighting, pouring the strange blood in their bodies on On the snowy ice field, the blood mist rises, the ice melts and the snow melts, leaving a clear pool of water.Compared with when they left, the area of ​​the water pool was wider. Looking down from the sky, one could even see the blurry back of the sky-curtain giant beast through the water pool.

Yue Chuan didn't know what the Beast of the Sky Veil would turn into after the glaciers in the Ice Abyss melted, but he knew that if the Ice Abyss ceased to exist, the entire "Dungeon and Warriors" game world would be difficult to appear, or even impossible. There is an awakening task, and there is no awakening task, which means that you cannot get the power of the holy level from here.This is fatal to Great Qin.

"Rotes must be stopped!"

No matter how tragic Lottes is, Yue Chuan chose the latter without any hesitation when choosing between his own interests.

"Target Appears!"

Audrey said coldly, unlike little Lolita who needs to stand on the box to see the things outside, Audrey can even look down at the scenery below, and at this time, appeared in her vision A huge temple covered in ice and snow.The upright ancient statues are covered with traces of ice and snow, and the thick stone pillars are also covered with a thick layer of ice armor. The entire temple is like the legendary palace of the Snow Queen.

However, there is no queen in this palace, only a livestock.Roots is indeed a beast, a beast to be slaughtered.


Thank you Xiao for rewarding 588 gold coins. I didn't see the post in the book review area yesterday. I'm sorry, but I'm belatedly thanking you.

(End of this chapter)

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