
Chapter 321 Suspicion

Chapter 321 Suspicion
The Archangel was devastated, with ruins everywhere, and there were no complete buildings or objects. Everything melted away with the wanton eruption of magma, and sank into the ground along the spider web-like cracks.

The damage caused by the landslide slash is really against the sky. Even the Archangel was severely injured by this move. While the erupted magma was eroding the Archangel's armor, the fierce force was also attacking her. Her body, her inner organs and even her mind.

Every attack made the archangel spit out a mouthful of bright golden blood. After several attacks, the archangel almost spit out all the blood in his body.However, the eruption of magma has not stopped, and there is even a trend of intensifying.

The archangel no longer dared to contend with Yue Chuan.Although she has a sick heart to eliminate demons and defend the way, it is only against the evil spirits and ghosts she can fight. When she encounters the level of a big devil, she still understands what it means to stay in the green hills.

"Undead Asylum!"

A brilliant golden light curtain appeared on the surface of the archangel, and there was a huge cross-shaped pattern on the light ball. Under the protection of the cross-shaped light, the six wings of the archangel flapped rapidly, splashing a lot of blood beads at the same time, His figure disappeared into the clouds in an instant, and he didn't know where he was going.

The rage that had been imprisoned by the magma in the center of the earth finally calmed down, the cracks slowly closed and disappeared, the choking sulfur smell in the air also gradually faded, and the peace on the ground returned to the past.

It's just that some people know that this place can never go back to the way it used to be.

Bai Zhanhan struggled out of the ruins, came to Yue Chuan's side with three crutches, lowered his head, without saying a word.

Yue Chuan wanted to say something, but he shook his head after all, "Go back and take a good rest for a while."


The fight just now was very fierce, especially the confrontation between the Heaven and Earth Cross Sword and Bending Mountain Cracking Earth, which almost razed half of the palace to the ground. Fortunately, this place belonged to Yue Chuan and An Qi's residence before, and it belonged to the inner house, so it did not cause any damage. What a disastrous loss of life.

Yue Chuan took a deep breath and looked up at the sky.The light hole from before appeared in my mind again, and the pair of eyes full of supreme majesty behind the light hole appeared...

"There is a kind of person called Fighting God!"

In the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", the division of duel levels is level, segment, and supreme. Above the supreme, there is an existence called God of War.As the name suggests, Supreme is already an invincible existence in the world, while God of War is a higher level than Supreme, because the goal of God of War is not limited to the world, but has challenged the divine right, and they want to fight with God!

God's will can distort good and evil, God's order can cut people's lives, God can wantonly break human rules, and can trample on human dignity at will.It is because God has power that is unmatched and unattainable by human beings, and human beings simply do not have the courage to refuse, let alone the strength to resist.

However, this does not mean that human beings do not have the heart to resist!
At this moment, Yue Chuan remembered the three eras on the mainland.The age of gods and demons, the age of dragons and elves, and the age of humans.

The dragon and the elves were dissatisfied with the rule of the gods and demons, they revolted and became the masters of the world.Human beings were dissatisfied with the rule of dragons and elves, and launched a rebellion to become the masters of the continent.Any era is full of slavery and oppression, and it is also full of struggle and resistance.The path of pursuing power is, in essence, the path of resistance.

"God of Light, one day, you will fall into my hands. Your blood will become a sacrifice for my inextinguishable blood flame!"


The state machinery of the Great Qin State began to operate crazily, and unprecedented purges were carried out throughout the Great Qin State.

First of all, those clergy and believers who fell to the Church of Light. According to the list, all of them were wiped out, and there was no trial procedure, and they were executed directly and publicly.Among them are the lunatics who rushed to the palace to clamor for the death of the blasphemers, as well as the rebellious guys who secretly flirted with the Church of Light.Since he is a blasphemer, there is no need to cover up anything, Yue Chuan directly uprooted the power of the Bright Church in the Great Qin Kingdom.

In fact, after such a long period of subtle influence, the power of the Bright Church in the Great Qin Kingdom has long existed in name only. The stinky feet were not far away, and this time, they finally got their wish and were all sent to see the God of Light.

Instead, it was a brand new sect.They still advocate light, but there is no light god in their teachings. They still wear crosses, but the cross is not only a decoration, but also a weapon.Everything they have is bestowed by the Lord, and their philosophy of living in the world is redemption, and everything they do is to promote the light and help the poor and weak.

The power of the new sect is very weak, relying only on a group of a hundred or so people, their backing is just a tiny place like the Great Qin State, and what they have to face is the behemoth Church of Light, and there are gods Brace for the Big Mac.After the miracle of the God of Light, the Church of Light swept away the decadence of the past, and gradually gained the appearance of a religious hegemon.Numerous countries of believers and slaves obeyed their advice and went through fire and water.Therefore, no one is optimistic about the new sect in the Great Qin Kingdom.

But at this time, the Great Qin State showed a banner.

The yin and yang fish, which contain endless truths, rotate in the gears of fate. The mysterious hexagram closely connects the two, and the three patterns blend together, giving people a mysterious and inexplicable feeling.

If it is an ordinary person, seeing this flag is just a good-looking at most, but those who have entered the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" saw this flag and immediately understood what it meant, because the flag on this flag The pattern is the symbol of the founding guild.

Those large-scale forces and organizations clearly understand the strength and background of the guild, and they know that this guild has a mysterious great god to protect them. Although they have never seen this great god show their power in the world, no one dares to conclude that this great god is inferior to him. God of light.And for the vast majority of people, if they offend the God of Light, the God of Light will be beyond their reach. Why not themselves, and offend the great god who created the guild? Hehe, it depends on that person's mood if they are sealed for one year or forever.

"This shit is a battle between the gods. Those of us with small arms and legs should not participate..."

In fact, there has long been a saying on the mainland that in the real world, it is the magic guild, mercenary alliance, alchemy association and other major forces that compete with each other, while in the Arad continent, it is the one that created the guild. Organizations such as the guild also have to please the founding guild everywhere.

Because he knows the background and potential of the founding guild, maybe the strength of the founding guild is not very strong at the moment, but as long as enough time is given to the founding guild, they will definitely burst out with amazing power.The development of other organizations and forces is calculated in years or even by proxy, while the development of guilds is calculated in days or even hours. The development speed of the two is not at the same level at all.

The news that the Great Qin State erected the banner of the guild quickly spread throughout the continent.If it is only based on the speed of news spread on the mainland, it is definitely not that fast, but don't forget that many people on the mainland are active in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors". What happened in the easternmost reaches the westernmost part of the continent.

Especially the Moonlight Tavern in Socia has basically become the source of news for all the top forces in the mainland. Those big organizations and big forces have placed their best intelligence personnel here in order to inquire about news and collect information, and those who have obtained unique People with first-hand information are also very happy to come here to sell.And the fact that the Great Qin State hung up the banner of creating the guild naturally spread from here.

"What is the relationship between the Great Qin Kingdom and the Founding Guild?"

"It should be established by members of their guild."

"Nonsense! If you were an ordinary member, would you dare to show off your banner so ostentatiously?"

"It must have been the permission and instruction of their president."

"Tsk tsk, it looks like this is the work of the Bright Church and the Founding Guild."

"You are too naive. Don't you know what sect the priests believe in? I think it should be a contest between two sects or two gods!"

Everyone thought about it, and this is indeed the truth.It's not that they haven't seen religious wars before, but they were all two sects, or different factions of the same sect, at least the two sides of the war belonged to the same world.But now, they actually saw a cross-world religious war, which is really unprecedented.

While there was a lot of suspicion outside, there were also heated discussions inside the founding guild, and the pink fonts in the guild channel were scrolling like water.

"Which buddy established the Great Qin Kingdom?"

"Umont Razer, if you are here, please say something."

"Brother, do you want to support me? My territory is not far from the Great Qin Kingdom. I have now developed more than 3000 paladins."

Yue Chuan was in the game right now, and immediately some people began to ask Yue Chuan for confirmation, "President, that Umont Lei Ze could be you, right?"

Seeing this sentence, Yue Chuan was shocked all over. Is this shit so obvious?Grass, is it an explanation or a cover-up?

But at this time, someone immediately retorted: "How is that possible! Our president is absolutely wise and powerful. If he was born on our continent, he would also be the ruler of the continent. How could he live in a small place like the Great Qin Kingdom?"

"That's right, you are insulting my idol!"

When the truth was drowned out by saliva, Yue Chuan wiped off his cold sweat and said calmly in the guild: "Umont Lei Ze is a member of our guild, don't guess who it is, remember the confidentiality rules! "

Immediately, the group of people felt awe-inspiring. After living a happy life for a long time, they even forgot the iron law of confidentiality rules.

However, while a group of people were chattering wildly, a certain little loli was lost in thought—the Great Qin Kingdom unfurled the banner of the guild, so my brother...

(End of this chapter)

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