
Chapter 334 Conferred God

Chapter 334 Conferred God
The Magic Guild was used by the Church of Light to establish its prestige. Their anger was unimaginable, and they directly used forbidden power to summon meteorites from the sky.The power of this magic can no longer be described as siege of cities and villages. If it is hit by this meteorite, it can easily wipe out a city, extinction of life within a few miles, and no grass will grow.

In the era of cold weapons, the sharpest weapon for siege is the catapult, but how big is the stone thrown by the catapult?How strong is the kinetic energy of the stone thrown by the catapult?Compared with the Meteorite, it is as inconspicuous as a pearl of rice grains.A catapult can knock down the walls of a city, let alone a meteorite.

It's just that this magic involves too many details, such as the call of the meteorite and the guidance when the meteorite falls.These are all things that are very different. Don't think it's a joke when the meteor falls and doesn't hurt the other party, but smashes your own lair.But fortunately, the members of the Magic Guild are quite proficient in mastering this magic, and the meteor flew to the camp of the Church of Light outside the city with precision.

They are dead!
Many masters of the magic guild looked out of the city with a sneer. They knew that tens of thousands or even 10 people would die if this spell continued, but they didn't have any feelings of guilt or remorse.A magician is the existence of the pinnacle of power. He can easily trample on the rules of the common world and deprive all living beings of life and death.What's more, this time it was the Guangming Church who moved their people first, and revenge is a matter of course.

It's just a pity that this magic can kill some small fish and shrimp at most, and can't catch big ones!

Many magicians thought regretfully.Those strong people in the Church of Light can quickly escape when they see that the situation is not good. They will basically not suffer any damage. Only those with low strength who cannot escape will be killed by this magic.

However, it is enough to kill tens of thousands of people, just let the Church of Light know that we are not easy to mess with.

But immediately after, those magicians saw a golden shooting star rushing out of the camp of the Church of Light. Looking carefully, it was an angel flapping its snow-white wings.This angel didn't flee outwards, but crashed straight into the meteor. It looked as tragic as a moth to a flame.

The mantis arm is the car, beyond your own strength!
Although the opponent is an angel and the most powerful fighting force in the Church of Light, he is still a living being and a body of flesh and blood. How can he compete with the power of heaven and earth, let alone this is not an ordinary power of heaven and earth.

However, in the next instant, the sneers on the faces of the magicians froze, and then dissipated little by little, turning into astonishment.

The archangel held the shield of holy light with both hands, and her whole body exuded a strong golden light. Then, she heard her reciting mantras to bless magic one by one in a clear and majestic voice, and then saw rays of light emerge. , attached to her body, and under the filling and shadowing of those rays of light, her delicate body also became taller.

"Pray! Bless!"

Below, Innocent woke up like a dream, and quickly issued two orders.For those ordinary believers, their task is to pray, pray to the Archangel, to the God of Light, and pray that their strength can bless them through the difficulties. Even if the Archangel fails unfortunately, at least these believers can be silenced in prayer To die without breath, not to die dishonorably in a panicked flight.

As for the clergy, their mission is to bless the archangel with various buffs. Although their strength is weak, they can bring some help to the archangel if they gather together and accumulate sand into a tower.

When will human beings become religious?That must be a time when their lives are threatened, or even in fatal danger. Only at this time, they will take off their disguise, abandon their distracting thoughts, serve the gods wholeheartedly, and pray for the salvation of the gods, even those who have never believed in the gods People will also become firm believers in an instant, even if this firm belief cannot last for a few minutes.

For the jihad army, once this meteorite falls, it will definitely wipe out thousands of lives in an instant. Looking at the huge fireball that is constantly growing, feeling the scorching heat that almost dries the bone marrow, these ordinary soldiers of the jihad army All of them gave up running, or knelt on the ground voluntarily or infected and shouted the God of Light.

The power of faith diffuses, and if the actual power of faith gathers together, it diffuses like mist in the camp. Finally, these powers of faith seem to have found their destination, and they flock to the archangel in the sky, accompanied by the power of faith What's more, there are also various blessings blessed by those priests. The power of these blessings is poured on the wings and body of the archangel like raindrops, making her taller and mightier, and the Holy Light Shield held in her hand also It grows rapidly, becomes bigger, and finally covers a large area of ​​the sky like a sky dome.

The meteorite hit the Shengguangqin shield, and the Shengguangqin shield seemed to be vulnerable to a single blow. The cross inscription with a faint golden light on it flashed for a moment, and then exploded with a bang, turning into a sky full of light powder , disappeared, and under the impact of the meteorite, it couldn't even last a breath.

Seeing this scene, I don't know how many people feel sad, and how many people laugh coldly.

But in the next second, everyone saw that in the shattered light powder all over the sky, there was another Holy Light Qinshield. It appeared so abruptly and so strangely that many people didn't see it clearly. Where did it come from.However, many people immediately thought that Shengguang Qindun couldn't hold back even a second in front of Meteor, so what's the difference between having one more side and one less side?

However, this side of the Holy Light Qinshield is different. When the meteorite hit it, it trembled violently. Although it was on the verge of collapse, it still held on after all, and did not collapse and explode. It also seemed to have encountered strong resistance, and the speed of the fall slowly slowed down, and the two sides began the most direct wrestling.

If the archangel was alone, she would definitely not be able to stop Meteor, but when she had thousands of believers behind her, especially with the blessing of the power of faith, her power showed an incredible explosion Growth, when she chanted the spell, some mysterious energy was inexplicably triggered, and some familiar memories emerged from the depths of her soul, and a familiar yet unfamiliar magic bloomed from her fingertips.

Gemini Holy Light Qinshield!

The two Holy Light Qin Shields, one in front and one in the back, are stronger and stronger than ordinary Holy Light Qin Shields on either side. Even if the force of the meteorite hits them, they cannot be crushed and crushed, but turned into a stalemate between the two sides.

However, the kinetic energy of the meteorite is purely the accumulation during the fall process, which is constant and constantly weakening, but the power of the archangel comes from itself, and there is a steady stream of power of faith to replenish and continue, if it is just pure power In the competition above, the Archangel still has a huge advantage.

However, things are not as simple as she imagined.

When the external pressure reaches a certain limit, the energy inside the meteorite finally loses its balance and bursts out, and the result is that the meteorite, which is competing with the Gemini Holy Light Qinshield, explodes with a bang, turning into a sky full of small meteors and falling down. .

Although the Gemini Holy Light Qinshield had extremely strong defensive power, the defensive area was too small. If such a shower of meteors scattered like heavenly maidens fell, how many people would die unexpectedly.

But at this time, the two layers of the photon holy light shield suddenly collided, and the two light shields instantly merged and exploded, creating a ripple in the sky like a shock wave.

The shock wave swept across the sky, completely shattering everything it touched, and this included the meteor shower that had just exploded. Almost none of them fell, and they were all affected by the energy ripples generated by the explosion of the Gemini Shengguangqinshield. When it was crushed and fell to the ground, it all turned into dust and dust, except for some choking, there was no other harm.

After all this was done, the Archangel stood majestically in the sky, her six wings flapping gently, her magnificent battle armor shone brightly like the sun, and the rich golden light intertwined behind her. , condensed into a quaint cross, and on the periphery of the cross, there is a circle of golden light that cannot tell how many rounds there are.

All the believers below looked at the Archangel in mid-air with fanaticism. They didn't know what the golden cross and the complicated circle of light represented, but they knew one thing, the Archangel saved them, no, no, no, To be precise, the God of Light heard their prayers, so he sent an archangel to rescue them.Well, it must be so.

Therefore, countless believers are praising the God of Light and praising the God of Light.However, they also looked at the back of the archangel very gratefully, keeping this figure that saved their lives firmly in their hearts.

Feeling the frenzied atmosphere around him, Innocent felt a burst of emotion in his heart.He has been in charge of the Church of Light for decades, and this is the first time he has seen such crazy beliefs.To put it bluntly, even the miracles of the God of Light before did not arouse this level of fanaticism.Human beings are indeed an incurable race, and there are always bad roots deep in the soul that cannot be concealed.

But looking at the archangel's back, Innocent began to wonder again, would this archangel threaten his status and prestige?

In the next second, Innocent shook his head to expel this thought from his mind.The Archangel is the most confidant of the God of Light. As a little servant of God, it is better not to think about confronting the Archangel. It will not benefit you at all.Moreover, the Archangel will definitely not be interested in these rights in the world, she has no threat to herself.

Then, it is time to use this opportunity to make a good hype and strengthen the faith of those believers by the way.


In the distance, the magicians of the Magic Guild saw this scene, and they couldn't believe it.There is actually someone in this world who can counter the power of heaven and earth with flesh and blood.This is not scientific at all!
Angels, they are no strangers to this kind of creature. However, these angels are all created by mortals who take the heart of an angel, just like taking some natural treasures that increase their skills. No matter how powerful they become, she After all, she is a mortal, her potential and potential are fixed, and it is impossible to break away from the category of human beings.

But this angel is a little different!

Angels were also mentioned in the records of the Magic Guild, and the strength and sharpness of the Humanity Battle Weapon of the Church of Light was mentioned.However, according to the records of the Church of Light, angels have two wings, how could there be six wings?
Angels, the more wings they have, the stronger they are. An angel with two wings is usually a choice to walk sideways, but now she has six wings. She is definitely a well-deserved leader in the Church of Light.

"Have you seen it clearly? It's fine if there is a cross on the back of that seraph, but there are circles of faith halos behind her!"

"Halo of Faith?" Many people immediately exploded. "Are you sure you read it correctly? Halo of Faith is a way to easily absorb faith and transform it into cultivation."

Legend has it that only gods can accept the power of faith, only gods can condense and use the power of faith, and only gods can enjoy the power of faith.Although the power of faith can greatly enhance people's strength, not everyone can encounter it, let alone absorb and use it freely.

The Archangel was purely an accident. This accident caused all the believers to worship devoutly, exuding the power of faith to the limit. However, the Archangel at that time was their backbone, and these powers of faith naturally turned to the Archangel. Gather the past.Under normal circumstances, the archangel would not be able to absorb and use these powers of faith, but in that critical situation, these powers of faith were actively invested in her, allowing her to initially use this power.

"The halo of faith is the symbol of a god. A god must have a godhead. Only with a godhead can the power of faith be gathered. Every line on the halo of faith is a believer. The more believers believe in her, the more she gets. The power of faith will increase, and in time, no one of us will be his opponent."

That's right, the reason why gods are gods is because they can continuously obtain the power of faith from believers, and the power of faith is a kind of magical power, which cannot be obtained through cultivation, but many cultivation methods of gods need to use Because of the power of faith, those miscellaneous sects will appear on the mainland, because these gods need believers, the more the better, the more the better.

It's just a pity that now, apart from the God of Light, the Guangming Church has another object of worship.The belief in remittance to the God of Light immediately became shallow.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful angel in the Church of Light, and they would be able to forcibly resist Tianwei. In time, we would be more than rivals."

"What should I do? Kill her?"

"No, this is a matter of the Great Qin Kingdom. We shouldn't think about it. We have completed the task by defending the city wall!"

A group of magicians nodded.They just wanted to take revenge on the Church of Light. Now, their goal has been achieved. Although no one was killed, such an attack has already told the Church of Light that our Magic Guild is not easy to mess with!
At the same time, the information about An Qi's display of power was also sent to Yue Chuan.

Seeing the familiar name and the unfamiliar figure from the back, Yue Chuan felt emotional.However, this emotion lasted less than a second in his heart before being dispelled by the cold decisive lock.

She must die!

The archangel has demonstrated her infinite power, keeping her is a disaster, and she must be removed.

But, what means to use?

After this incident, the camps of the Bright Church are no longer as disorganized as before. Many slave countries and believer countries have begun to pay attention to the site selection and construction of the camps. They must advance and attack, retreat and defend, and if they can’t, they can be decisive. run away.

In this way, the archangel changed suddenly and became an object worthy of worship for many believers besides the God of Light.

Because she is strong enough, even the power of heaven and earth like Meteor can compete.

Because she saved herself, shouldn't she repay the savior.In comparison, the God of Light who should not live for ten thousand years is really a bit inferior.

Of course, more people regard the Archangel as the object of their worship because they have learned from some gossip that this Archangel is a very beautiful woman with a noble status and powerful strength. This kind of perfect woman naturally won Sought after and loved by many men.

However, even Archangel herself didn't know that she had become a target that must be eradicated in the eyes of some people.

Night, lonely!

The archangel had already taken off her wings and armor, and she no longer had the majestic aura before, and she changed back to a soft and graceful image.If you don't know what's inside, it's really hard to connect her with the radiant archangel during the day.

An Qi, she quietly left the camp, and sat quietly in the wilderness, leaning against a big tree behind her, looking at the sky and the galaxy with lonely eyes.Staring wide-eyed in the dark night sky looking for the existence of light.

"Don't hide, come out!"

An Qi didn't look back, as if the people behind her were not enough to make her turn back.Indeed, with such strength and capital, she still has a faint disdain for the person behind her!
Yue Chuan walked out of the night, followed by several figures. These people all came together to strangle An Qi tonight.

"You don't want to face me?"

"Facing? What qualifications do you have for me to look directly at you?"

Hearing this, Yue Chuan choked immediately.That's right, what right does he have to make An Qi look directly at him?Perhaps, when An Qi had just awakened her archangel power, Yue Chuan could even fight her, and even hit An Qi hard.But during this period of time, An Qi completely awakened everything about the archangel, and after receiving the blessing of the power of faith, her strength has already undergone earth-shaking changes.She can compete against the power of heaven and earth, what qualifications does Yue Chuan have to compare with her?

"You, do you feel my presence, the threat to you?"

Yue Chuan didn't speak, but still nodded silently.

"So, you want to get rid of me when I'm at my weakest?" An Qi sneered, "You're wrong, the fighting during the day didn't consume me at all, and instead of declining, my state has improved!"

Yue Chuan felt a chill in his heart, it seems that he didn't think well...

Angie paused, "But you are lucky, because I don't want to kill you today!"

[Thank you Xiao 1888 for the reward, Khan, how many times is this the first time?The little blushing accepts]

(End of this chapter)

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