
Chapter 336 Beware of the Archangel

Chapter 336 Beware of the Archangel

Yue Chuan has figured out the top combat power of the Church of Light. Besides the twelve angels, there are three holy-level powerhouses, one of whom is Innocent, and the other two are the director of the tribunal and the leader of the Dark Hall.Although there are still a few saint-level powerhouses in the Church of Light, these people are factions that are hostile to Innocent, and they don't buy Innocent's account at all. At this time, they are all sitting in the Great Cathedral, and they did not go out with the army at all.

Perhaps, Innocent also left people to sit in the base camp, otherwise it would be impossible for him to go out with such peace of mind.But that's not important anymore. What's important is that there are only so many strong players he can use right now, and among them, the best Archangel is even defecting.

Yue Chuan didn't bring many people with him on this trip, but they were all strong.

In addition to Frank and Maninstein, Guyar, Taishan, and Claria also followed, and there was also Audrey. Although Audrey has not yet reached the holy level, her combat power should not be underestimated, especially the black lights. Hei Qiang, her combat effectiveness is probably higher than that of ordinary saint-level powerhouses.

"My lord, who are you doing this time?"

The Jihad Legion of the Illuminati Church is not monolithic either. According to their affiliation, they are divided into relatively independent camps. Although these camps hang the Golden Holy Cross flag of the Illuminati Church, they also have the flags and badges of their respective countries or forces. , indicating their origin.If Yue Chuan wants to attack someone, he just needs to follow the map to find someone.


With so many camps, who should we get first?

When the Church of Light attacked the Great Qin State, the first target was the Magic Guild, in order to scare the chickens and monkeys. Although the Magic Guild responded immediately, it did deter many forces. Not as determined as before.

Therefore, the first goal is very important. They must be beaten to death and maimed, so that they can understand the fate of going against the Great Qin State.

Choose the stronghold of the Bright Church?Uh, this bone is a bit hard. Even without the top combat power of the Archangel, their holy powerhouses still have the upper hand in numbers. The Daqin Kingdom sneaks up and plots, and it’s okay to go as soon as they touch it. I'm afraid that I will suffer a big loss, and if I don't steal the chicken, I will lose a lot of rice.

But Yue Chuan also looked down on those other small shrimps and small fishes. Even if they wiped out their entire camp, it would only increase the laughing stock, leaving people with the feeling that the Great Qin Kingdom only bullies the weak.

Simply, follow the example of the Magic Guild and do a map bombing!

Hearing Yue Chuan's plan, Frank and the others were all dumbfounded.Saint-level powerhouses are indeed very strong, but there is a limit to being strong, and it is not enough to reach the level of destroying heaven and earth.Killing must be done one by one. Even if there are so many people in the Jihad Legion lined up for them to kill, they will have to kill until noon tomorrow.Smoothing out the entire camp is not so difficult.

However, Yue Chuan did not change his mind.

"Don't worry, you don't need to take action directly later, I have other means. When the fight starts later, you just need to keep an eye on those guys who show up."

Frank and the others were all puzzled, and only Audrey He vaguely understood Yue Chuan's intentions.

While Yue Chuan and others were discussing how to steal the camp, Pope Innocent was sitting in the tent with a sad face. The magic spar in the lampshade emitted soft and bright light, illuminating every corner of the room, but The only thing that can't be uncovered is the gloomy black under Innocent's high brow.

Innocent's mood at this time was fearful and angry. The angry one was naturally that the "saint" An Qi betrayed the Church of Light again, and the one who was frightened was Angie's strength that was comparable to the gods. In addition, there was also the God of Light in the sky. wrath and reprimand.

How to do?
Now, there are two paths left for Innocent!
The first one is to continue to serve the God of Light, do things for the God of Light, welcome the God of Light to descend his divine power, and judge the world as before.

The second is to change the family, serve the rising goddess of light, submit to her, spread religion for her, attract believers, and collect beliefs.

Careful weighing, it seems that the second road is better, and can obtain more tangible benefits. After all, this goddess of light is a god walking in the world, unlike the god of light who is separated from the two worlds and descends to the gods. It is very difficult to give an edict, let alone give a reward or something.

However, the God of Light is the God of Light after all. He is a god who has existed for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years. His strength and power cannot be described by words and words, let alone imagined by human knowledge.Although the Envoy of Light cannot intervene in the human world for a while, sooner or later, the human world will usher in his anger and reckoning.

After much deliberation, Innocent decided to continue hugging the thigh of the God of Light.

Innocent is a person with a strong desire for power. If he takes refuge in the goddess of light, then all the religious encyclopedias will inevitably fall under the control of the goddess. At that time, he will not have the most expensive and rights to speak of.But the God of Light is different. He is also a god, but he is not in the world. Everything has to be handled by himself, the Pope, which means that he still has the power in the world.

Now that the decision has been made, the archangel must be guarded from now on. If she is cruel and evaporates herself silently, everything will be ruined.Although Innocent is also a saint-level powerhouse, after seeing the strength of the archangel, he knew that he would not be able to sustain a move under the archangel's hands. Once the archangel let go of his bright field and enveloped himself Going in, all the light power and the law of light will be imprisoned, and you will become no different from ordinary people.

After pondering the pros and cons of the matter, Innocent decided to call the other saint-level powerhouses over to communicate with them and let them know the news.

Soon, all the saint-level powerhouses except An Qi gathered.

"Hey, where's the Archangel?"

More than a dozen people looked left and right, and immediately realized that something was wrong.Everyone was present, but the most powerful Archangel of the Church of Light did not arrive.What exactly is going on?The Pope said there was an important announcement, could it be...

Innocent's face darkened, and he said: "What I want to announce is related to the Archangel!" Seeing everyone's puzzled looks, Innocent lowered his voice and said seriously: "Archangel, I have abandoned my faith and stole The belief of the God of Light in the world has been broken. The God of Light is furious, and has already begun to deploy his forces, preparing to send many angels down to capture the archangel."

The tent almost exploded, especially the other eleven angels, because they are the same group of people who took the angel's heart as the archangel, and they are also closer to the archangel, almost as a whole with all glory. Abandoning the light and even stealing the faith, everyone was at a loss and looked at each other suspiciously.

Innocent saw what these people were thinking, and immediately said: "Don't worry, the Archangel is just a special case. I have no doubts about your loyalty and purity. You are still the most devout believers of the God of Light."

When the eleven angels heard this, they immediately fell to their knees in unison, thanking the God of Light and the Pope.

Innocent nodded, signaled the angels to return to their seats, and then continued: "In order to prevent the archangel from attacking one of us, from now on, we will try our best to disperse our actions and keep in touch at all times, so as not to be caught by the archangel." The angels are defeated one by one. At this moment of crisis, we must preserve our useful bodies to welcome the arrival of the angels. Don't act recklessly!"

"Follow the Pope's decree!"

Innocent nodded in satisfaction, and finally felt at ease. In this way, he had the capital and confidence to fight against the archangel.

But at this time, panicked shouts suddenly came from outside, the crowd ran, and the horses neighed, as if some catastrophe had come.

not good!

Innocent and the others inside the tent were beating wildly in their hearts, and they subconsciously realized that it was the archangel who launched the attack and wanted to eradicate the foundation of the God of Light in the world.

"Be on alert, don't go out easily!"

More than a dozen saint-level powerhouses nodded at the same time, and then moved closer to Innocent in unison. Milky white light shone from each of them. Rich light elements circled around them, and the fields of light between them merged with each other. Strong and powerful, they controlled all corners of the entire tent in a short time. No matter which corner the archangel attacked from, they could immediately detect it and make corresponding counterattacks.

"Report the Pope, a monster has appeared outside, that monster is destroying our camp and slaughtering our soldiers..."

Hearing the report from outside, Innocent remained silent. Seeing more than a dozen pairs of eyes looking at him, Innocent said in a low voice, "Just turn the tiger away from the mountain!"

Everyone pondered for a while, and felt that this was indeed the case.If people like myself rush out in a hurry and scatter to save people in every corner, it is very likely that the archangel will take advantage of the opportunity to defeat them one by one.Thanks to the Pope's sharp eyesight, he easily saw through the Archangel's tricks.

He wanted to flatter Innocent, but he felt the heavy and stagnant atmosphere around him, so he didn't open his mouth in the end.A dozen or so people huddled together like this, standing still in the tent like a mountain, and even turned off the magic crystal lamp for lighting, making an appearance that there was no one in the tent.

The messenger outside did not hear the Pope's response for a long time. Although he wanted to open the tent to see what happened, but after thinking about it, he finally didn't dare to challenge the Pope's authority. He sighed, turned around and ran away quickly.Since you can't find the pope, let's find other adults.

But immediately after, the messenger collapsed, because he ran to more than a dozen tents in a row, and all the adults were absent without exception.At this critical moment, all the saint-level powerhouses of the Church of Light disappeared, including even the most powerful archangel.

"Could it be that the pope and the archangel were all captured by monsters?"

Seeing the monster raging in the distance, the messenger had a bad feeling in his heart.

【First Update】

(End of this chapter)

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