
Chapter 358 Wrong Soul Armor

Chapter 358 Wrong Soul Armor
The King-level Headless Horseman is indeed powerful, but during this period of time, Yue Chuan has also improved qualitatively.This is not a simple level improvement, but a comprehensive improvement in consciousness, mentality, experience and skills. Whether it is the perception of guns and martial arts or the true meaning of berserk, Yue Chuan has a qualitative improvement.Therefore, when facing the Headless Horseman of the Abyss again, Yue Chuan has a lot of confidence and certainty.

In the abyss of madness, the kind of oily green full of strange vitality is overwhelming, filling the field of vision. Under the erosion of this strange vitality, all the monsters in the abyss of madness have been strengthened and mutated to varying degrees, not only the enhancement of individuals, but also overall enhancement.

The barriers are clear, the camp is rigorous, and the skeleton soldiers with knives and shields are marching forward with sonorous steps. Their steps are evenly paced with drum-like haste, but in their haste there is a mountain-like calmness, immobile as a mountain. The body has obtained the perfect expression.

Now that there is immobility like a mountain, how can there be no aggression like fire.The rows of zombie archers raised their bows and set their arrows one after another, and their eyes with strange lights had locked onto Yue Chuan's figure.The world of the undead does not allow the intrusion of living beings. Since he has invaded, let him stay in the world of the undead completely.

Before he walked three steps into the dungeon, Yue Chuan felt the pressure like a mountain, and dangerous breaths enveloped him like dense spider webs, and he, like the flying insects in the spider webs, was approaching death step by step.


When the enemy pointed the blade or arrow at Yue Chuan, Yue Chuan would feel the danger coming, and dodge at that moment, breaking away from the opponent's lock.

But in the face of ubiquitous dangers, Yue Chuan truly realized what it means to say "the world is so big that there is no place to stand".That's right, every inch of his body was locked by the enemy, no matter whether he turned left or right, he still felt the ubiquitous dangerous aura, the dense sense of crisis was as wide as the sky and the earth, which made Yue Chuan feel suffocated .

The breath of death is so strong, the shadow of death is so heavy, the world is so big, but there is no place for oneself.Originally, Yue Chuan thought that with his understanding of guns and martial arts, he could accurately grasp the coming danger and clean up these small soldiers like chopping vegetables, but it was not until this moment that he realized how superficial and naive his thinking was.

It is also a dangerous aura, but the dangerous aura emitted by the sword and shield hand cannot be compared with that of the archer. After all, the sword and shield hand must be close to threaten Yue Chuan, and before that, it is impossible for them to kill with their eyes. No matter how much they released their murderous intent to target Yue Chuan, it would be of no avail, so they could wait a while before dodging their murderous intent.But the archers are different, they can attack Yue Chuan immediately, they can attack Yue Chuan by locking on to Yue Chuan, the murderous lock of the zombie archers must break away in time and quickly.As for the few ghost mages lurking in the dark, the threat level is still higher than that of the zombie archers.

But now, the murderous auras of the three are mixed together in a mess, Yue Chuan can't distinguish the source of those murderous auras, let alone avoid them one by one. In this way, guns and martial arts have become a decoration.

Facing the densely packed arrows, the blood flames on Yue Chuan's body exploded in an instant, and the power of rampage gushed out. Yue Chuan's figure no longer dodged left and right, but rushed forward directly.

There is no life behind, but there is a road ahead.Let the kettle sink, risk your life!
At the moment of rushing forward, Yue Chuan made a movement of swinging a knife, and a pitch-black crack in space appeared in front of Yue Chuan. Yue Chuan's figure disappeared instantly as if he had escaped into a water curtain cave. They passed by, but at that moment, the two were no longer in the same dimension.


Yue Chuan's figure advanced more than ten meters, behind him was the black rain of arrows, and in front of him, there was a flat river.

Seeing that Yue Chuan escaped the first round of arrow rain unscathed, the headless horseman sitting on the undead horse not far away looked over in surprise, and the uncertain face on the chest armor seemed to appear There was a trace of astonishment, but it was immediately replaced by a crazy fighting spirit.He seemed to feel the desire to fight, eager to fight Yue Chuan, but before that, Yue Chuan had to pass the test of his subordinates, otherwise, he was not worthy of a duel with him.

Three rounds of arrow rain, as well as a few scattered magic attacks, were all avoided by Yue Chuan with three shuttles, and he appeared in front of the sword and shield skeleton soldiers unscathed. At this position, the skeleton sword and shield soldiers could not attack. At this time, the zombies Archers are drawing arrows, ghost mages are chanting.

This is a vacuum period, and this is also the moment for Yue Chuan to fight back.

The long-prepared landslide smashed heavily on the ground, and an unimaginably tyrannical force of blood burst out instantly from the blade of slaughter, piercing through the ground, communicating with magma, and the earth cracked in a straight line, as if the earth's crust was changing. The shock caused more than half of the sword and shield skeleton soldiers to lie down in an instant, and the remaining half just barely kept standing, and the strict formation disappeared.

Immediately, blazing blood-like magma erupted from the feet, and the scorching magma firepower and mighty blood energy mercilessly hit the skeleton soldiers, archers and ghost mages. This masculine flame power has innate restraint on the undead. Coupled with the damage caused by the eruption of magma and the explosion of blood energy, those fragile ghost magicians were completely purified without even screaming. Those were also wrapped in flames, and soon became ashes on the ground.

Most of the mobs were cleaned up in an instant, and most of the dangerous aura that suffocated him like silk like a cocoon dissipated in an instant. Although those mobs that survived by luck still attacked Yue Chuan unyieldingly, but Yue Chuan, who had expected the enemy first, could be defeated When they succeed, they always strike first, and when they shuttle around a few times, they will kill them all under the knife.

King to King!
It's a pity that the Headless Horseman is recharging his energy and waiting for work with ease, while Yue Chuan has just experienced a battle and is not breathing well.

Yue Chuan's power to go berserk slowly subsided, and a feeling of fatigue emerged from the deepest part of his body. This was the sequelae of a short-term outbreak. After a period of time, he couldn't use berserk again. The icon of the skill has entered a gray state, and the blood energy in his body is somewhat unsustainable after the explosion just now, so he must slow down.

However, the Headless Horseman was obviously unwilling to give Yue Chuan time to reply.


The same posture, the same movement, but when the headless horseman in front of him made it, he had an unusual feeling.

The murderous aura, if it is real, is bundled with killing intent, extending with the spear, pointing directly at Yue Chuan, the sharp feeling makes Yue Chuan's whole body cold, as if he is sealed in a ten thousand zhang glacier, he can't feel the slightest vitality and warmth.

If the murderous locks of those little miscellaneous soldiers before were just like cobweb threads, the murderous lock of the headless horseman is a piece of eternal ice. It doesn't target a specific point at all, but directly locks Yue Chuan as a whole.

At this time, Yue Chuan was like an insect in amber, suffocated, drowned, unable to move.He could only watch helplessly as the headless horseman approached, threatening to kill himself.

Yue Chuan's slightly tired body seemed to be unable to bear this invisible heavy pressure, and his knees softened and he knelt down, as if surrendering to the Headless Horseman.However, neither the Headless Horseman nor Yue Chuan thought so.

For the Headless Horseman, whether Yue Chuan surrendered or begged for mercy, he could not escape death, and anyone who dared to break into the Dark City would have to die.As far as Yue Chuan was concerned, he would rather die than submit. No matter to anyone or anything, even if the other party was a god, he could not make Yue Chuan surrender.

I am a person who swears to fight God!
Battle God!

Thinking of this word, Yue Chuan's figure suddenly trembled, and he could not help but think of the day when the archangel subdued the angel's heart, the passage in the sky that connected to the unknown world, and the blurred face on the other side of the passage.Is that the god?Just one look made him unbearable, so that his soul collapsed.

It's just that that look didn't kill him, but made him condense into a godhead.Even Kamui has tried it, so what is the aura of the Headless Horseman!
A scorching fighting spirit and fiery fighting spirit rose and brewed in Yue Chuan's heart.The blood energy rolled, boiled, and burned, and finally turned into infinite power, bursting out from the godhood, pouring into Yue Chuan's limbs and bones, helping him resist the murderous lock like a seal.


Run away forcibly!

Yue Chuan's figure fell into the brink of collapse in an instant. It was because this force was too strong, and Yue Chuan's body was too weak. He had just gone through a rampage, and he hadn't recovered yet. He used the rampage again, and his body immediately appeared. Bad sign.However, Yue Chuan is using the power of life and death he has comprehended to repair and maintain his body, so as not to explode and die.

The result of the berserk was a crackling sound coming from beside Yue Chuan, as if some invisible object had broken, and the headless knight's murderous lock on Yue Chuan immediately collapsed, and Yue Chuan was like a tiger coming out of the gate, a sleepy dragon ascending to heaven, rushing to the sky in an instant. To the Headless Horseman.

Facing the charge of the Headless Horseman, Yue Chuan did not dodge or evade. Instead, like a brave knight, he chose to hedge.

When Yue Chuan broke free from the lock, the Headless Horseman was very surprised. He couldn't lock the target, which meant that the shot might miss, and even if it didn't miss, it was very likely that he would not be able to deliver that kind of killing blow.

But then the Headless Horseman saw that Yue Chuan chose to confront him. At that moment, the Headless Horseman couldn't help but wonder if Yue Chuan was out of his mind and made such a self-defeating move.

Since you didn't choose to run away, but confronted the tough with head-to-head, why did you resist my aura just now?The Headless Horseman couldn't figure it out.

It is also a collision. The collision under the murderous lock of the headless horseman and Yue Chuan's unfettered free play are fundamentally two concepts. Yue Chuan will not follow the rhythm of the headless horseman. If the headless horseman controls the rhythm of the battle , Waiting for one's end is definitely a dead end, the headless horseman will squeeze and obliterate one's own vitality and way of life little by little, making oneself a prey worn on the point of his spear.

This kind of thing will never happen!Die, also the Headless Horseman!

Pure blood energy condenses on the Slaughtering Blade, and a spar-like bloody blade emerges. As soon as the golden-red bloody blade appears, it breaks away from the Slaughtering Blade and flies forward like an arrow. , hitting the headless horseman's spear in the blink of an eye.

The Blade of Blood Qi exploded instantly like a dynamite bag. When the golden-red blood gas exploded, it even took on a pitch-black color. This was clearly the power of space. Crash and shatter.

Space can be shattered, so what about the headless horseman?
The blood energy dissipated, and the figure of the headless horseman appeared in front of Yue Chuan. It was different from Yue Chuan's imagination of being blown up and lost half of his body. At this time, the headless horseman was intact, not to mention that his body was not damaged, and even the armor on his body did not appear. What damage, it seems that he didn't suffer any damage from the explosion just now.

On the headless horseman's body, a layer of white smoke-like matter emerged, and the headless horseman looked like auspicious clouds hovering around, flying clouds and mist.However, in the next instant, Yue Chuan could clearly see the true colors of these white smokes, there were hideous faces on them, countless needle-sized faces densely packed together, strange and terrifying.

Where is this auspicious cloud and smog? This is clearly an innumerable number of wronged souls!
I don’t know where the Headless Horseman found these grievous souls. Each of them suffered great injustice or inhuman torture during their lifetime. When he got up, it turned out to be a layer of extremely strong armor.

This is indeed a layer of armor, and the blood energy from the blood energy blade impacts on it, and the countless grievances suddenly devour them like gluttons who have encountered delicious food. How can they bear the domineering energy of blood energy? Therefore, countless wronged souls and fierce souls all dissipated with the explosion of blood energy, turning into the most primitive soul and spiritual imprints, and dissipated.Under the washing of blood energy, waves of grievances and souls shattered invisible like waves crashing on a rock.


The Headless Horseman laughed wildly, because these ghosts were all the dead residents of the Dark City and the invaders he beheaded, and these were his trophies and collections.These innocent souls were accumulated by him with a secret method, and refined into a piece of armor.

Ordinary chain mail is made of iron wires and iron rings, but the armor on the headless horseman is woven by souls. Those souls are the most basic iron rings, and they will bear all the hardships. Attacking and devouring all flesh and blood spirits, under their protection, the Dulled Horseman is basically immortal.

However, these unjust souls are too weak, and there is a limit to the damage they can bear, and if they exceed this limit, they will collapse. The bloody blade just now blew up one-third of the unjust souls on the headless horseman Li Po.However, in the face of this loss, instead of being angry and angry, the Headless Horseman laughed heartily.

After these wronged souls collapsed, they turned into the most basic soul breath and emitted, and these soul breaths were quickly swallowed and digested by other wronged souls around them, and these wronged souls became more powerful after absorbing those soul powers, Their defenses have also become stronger.Yue Chuan's attack not only failed to weaken the armor of the unjust soul on the headless horseman, but like a blacksmith who has been tempered and tempered, he helped the headless horseman temper the impurities in the armor, making it more refined and producing qualitative changes little by little.

Feeling the change in this armor of innocent souls, the Headless Horseman laughed wildly.He can't refine these wronged souls himself, it can only be achieved through the hands of others.Yue Chuan's strength surpassed the headless knight's imagination, but the stronger Yue Chuan was, the happier the headless horseman would be.

Yue Chuan slashed out violently, and then flew backwards with the help of the counter-shock. He frowned and looked at the thick layer of indissoluble smoke on the headless horseman, feeling agitated in his heart.

This layer of smoke is really annoying. If you cut it with a knife, you will receive invisible resistance. If you hit it with blood, it will be quickly swallowed. What the hell is this? It's so abnormal.What made Yue Chuan speechless the most was that with the increase in the number and strength of the supply, the armor became tougher and stronger.Those ghosts before were as thin as a pinprick, and their numbers were as numerous as a cow's hair.But after several times of ravages and blows by myself, the number of those wronged souls has dropped a hundred times, but the size of the wronged souls has also increased a hundred times, each of them is the size of a soybean.

The Headless Horseman is like wearing an armor made of pearls. If it weren't for the faces full of hatred that emerged from these "pearls", this armor would really be eye-catching, but now, it feels There is only horror.

Yue Chuan didn't dare to continue attacking anymore, even if he was in a state of berserk right now.It is true to risk your life and forget your death, but you have to find out the purpose and direction of risking your life and forgetting to die. Reckless recklessness is just the courage of a common man.

Attacks will only make this armor stronger and stronger. In just a few breaths, the armor has undergone a qualitative change, and Yue Chuan no longer dares to take it lightly.

However, at this time, the headless horseman moved.After being suppressed and beaten by Yue Chuan for so long, even though he knew that the opponent's attack would only improve his armor and not cause any harm to him, he still couldn't help feeling annoyed.

The only way to appease the anger was to kill him, cut off his skull and grind it, make a wine cup and hang it in front of the saddle.This is a formidable opponent, and only such an opponent can enjoy the honor, hanging in the saddle.


The headless horseman swung his spear vigorously, and densely packed ghost knights jumped out of him.However, these ghost knights are not mindless straight-line charges and never return, they gather together, assemble, and form an array.

In the blink of an eye, the Knights of Ten Thousand People of Will appeared beside the Headless Horseman.At this time, the fine pearl-like armor of wronged souls on his body also disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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