
Chapter 368 Comprehend the Momentum

Chapter 368 Comprehend the Momentum
Even stabbing is the basic skill of ghost swordsmen. It is a skill that [-]% of ghost swordsmen have forgotten. Except for pressing it occasionally, they basically don't remember that they have this skill.After all, they have too many powerful skills, and they don't have the time and energy to pay attention to Lian Tu.However, this doesn't mean that even stabbing is not worth mentioning. On the contrary, this skill is extremely powerful!It was when Yue Chuan realized the basics that he felt the power of this skill, so he chose to use it to fight against Borodin.

As the saying goes, stabbing kills hacking.That is to say, cutting people can at most cut people down, but stabbing people can definitely kill people.Even the little gangsters on the street know this truth. If everyone holds up a large area of ​​shining knives, they will be chopped at first glance, and they will definitely not kill anyone. Once all the knives are pointing down, they will not say a word, ha ha, Whoever is caught and stabbed is sure, this time it must be a big deal.

Therefore, although stabbing is just a small move, it is a lethal killing move. Liantu stab has added some changes on the basis of stabbing, not only stabbing harder, but also stabbing more fiercely.Even though it was just a single stab, it contained multiple attacks.

It is precisely because of this that Yue Chuan was able to deflate Porodin in the confrontation with Porodin, because Yue Chuan was in a desperate posture, even if he was shot to death by Porodin with a hammer, Yue Chuan would still make Porodin pay some cost.

But fortunately, Yue Chuan was not killed by Borodin's hammer. Although his situation is a bit miserable at this time, at least he is still alive, and he is still breathing, although he only has room to breathe.

In that last confrontation, Borodin used three hammers in one, which was so powerful that Yue Chuan's whole body was shaken with one hammer, his skin was peeled off completely, and his muscles and tendons were all like It exploded from the body like broken strings, and for a while, Yue Chuan only left empty bones, but even the bones were full of cracks, and there was a tendency to shatter.

Yue Chuan was indeed miserable, but Borodin was not feeling well either!
It would be fine if Yue Chuan was flattened and crushed, but Yue Chuan withstood the blow, and at the same time, Porodin also suffered an equivalent shock. Bright red blood also flowed out from the gaps in the armor. Obviously, under the seemingly solid armor, his body was also deeply traumatized.

Death resists!

Today, the red blood qi gushes out like a spring, and the power of life and death changes immediately. Yue Chuan's bones are wrapped in rich blood qi, and the dense cracks are repaired in the blink of an eye. , Not long after, Yue Chuan had a skinny appearance, and in the blink of an eye, his flesh and blood became fleshy and his skin was taut.

There was a trace of fatigue in Yue Chuan's eyes.After comprehending the power of extreme changes in life and death, as long as his vitality is not wiped out, he can recover with a glimmer of vitality, just like the legendary rebirth from a drop of blood.However, the power of extreme change of life and death is relatively rough after all, and Yue Chuan has not been able to master it purely. Although it can repair the body, it consumes a huge amount of money on itself. After using it, Yue Chuan immediately felt exhausted physically and mentally.

However, the fighting spirit in Yue Chuan's eyes was even higher, and the fighting spirit was even more high-spirited. The blazing flames covered up his fatigue and weakness little by little, and it spread from his eye sockets to all parts of his body, making Yue Chuan feel like he was burning.

On the other hand, Porodin, after his strongest blow was blocked by his opponent, his momentum became sluggish, and he didn't know whether his fighting spirit was bruised or his physical injury became more serious. As for the arm holding the sledgehammer, it was trembling slightly, and a thread of blood was dripping down as his palm was covered with the handle of the hammer.

"The only fate for provoking me is death!"

Borodin let out a low growl, and the aura on his body suddenly became crazy. Waves of turbulent aura surged towards Yue Chuan, and the three-hammer combined move was used again.And this time, the sound of the wind and the force contained in the hammer became more violent and domineering. The hammer suddenly became bigger and thicker, and its volume tripled.

However, the result was still the same, Yue Chuan stood firmly, and bumped into Borodin with a series of stabs, the new skin and muscles on his body melted and disintegrated strangely, and scattered in the air, leaving only a skeleton, but The skeleton still stood firm, like a reef in a raging wave, shaking Porodin so that he squatted on the ground, and rolled three times in embarrassment.

Borodin's attack was more violent than the first time, but the damage he received was also heavier than the first time. The majestic and simple armor on his body showed cracks, and finally it was like porcelain falling on the ground Crisp and crackling.

Borodin's Heavenly Prayer Armor, which is the crystallization of the wisdom of countless craftsmen of that era, is the most perfect armor of the Borodin Empire, and only such armor can be worn on Borodin's body and can bear the favor of King Borodin.This is undoubtedly a perfect armor. It has not been damaged after countless battles with Borodin, but today, it is broken.

Porodin stared blankly at the fragments on the ground. His pride and dignity were all like that armor, broken into pieces and covered with scars.

Yue Chuan's eyes dimmed again, and he was even unable to support the power of extreme change of life and death to repair his body.If he was given time to breathe, he could accumulate blood energy through cultivation, but the battle with Borodin was so fierce and short that he had no time to accumulate strength.

At this time, Yue Chuan was like a skeleton soldier. If he was a normal person, he would have died long ago if he became like him.But he is not a normal person, he is a berserker, he has death resistance, he is a person who can't help death, as a person who burns blood all the time, this kind of mortal injury is nothing to him, So he was still standing, even if it was just an unyielding belief that supported his standing, at least he was standing and Borodin was sitting.


Yue Chuan took a wobbly step forward, because he felt the blood and the power. The blood on Porodin's body was full of temptation to him. It was an instinctive temptation, and even more an instinctive desire.Of course, in addition to these instincts and desires, there is also a belief, defeat Borodin, kill him!

Seeing Yue Chuan approaching and feeling the crisis approaching, Borodin finally raised his head from the broken ground and regained his senses.

Porodin seemed to wake up from a dream, and in an instant he was furious.A humble human dared to challenge his majesty, and what was even more damning was that this humble human succeeded.

Damn it!If this great emperor still had a million knights, such little ants would be wiped out in the blink of an eye!If this great emperor hadn't met that person, how could he...

However, all of this is fantasy, there is no if in this world.Therefore, Borodin must face all of this, and if he cannot face all of this, then ruin it all.


Like the river flowing backwards, Borodin slammed down the huge hammer behind his back. This hammer was not as powerful as the three hammers combined just now, but Yue Chuan was not in the peak state as before. Both of them were seriously injured. Yue Chuan's body was already on the verge of collapse, like a sand sculpture, it would be blown away by the wind with a light push.

However, under Yue Chuan's firm and powerful will, this body, which was like a plate of loose sand, stood tenaciously, even more tenaciously raised the long knife, and stabbed out with all his might.

Borodin was overjoyed, because he felt that the opponent's counterattack was not as powerful as before. The opponent's strength was many times weaker than before. This opponent was already on the edge of the limit, and he couldn't hold it anymore!

Thinking of this, Borodin suddenly became excited. He seemed to see a chance to wash away his humiliation and revenge.He wanted to kill Yue Chuan, to kill Yue Chuan completely, and crushed his body into powder, sprinkled it under his feet, and trampled on him every day.

A hammer!
A hammer!
Another hammer!
Porodin was out of breath, but he still desperately squeezed the power in his body, swung the giant hammer, and attacked Yue Chuan. He longed to kill Yue Chuan and crush Yue Chuan with the next blow.It's a pity that every time, Yue Chuan stabbed flatly, even though he knew he was invincible, he still wanted to fight Borodin. It seemed that he was not fighting, but angry.

All the finger bones were shattered. After all, Porodin's strength was too strong. Although Yue Chuan withstood this move, his body also collapsed immediately, and the palm holding the knife collapsed completely.With the knife in his left hand, Yue Chuan continued to confront Borodin, without any surprise, his bones were still broken.Then Yue Chuan clamped the Slaughtering Blade between his bare arm bones, and collided with Borodin with all his strength, and then half of his body was directly blown to pieces.

The body is constantly being shattered, but at the same time as the body is being shattered, Yue Chuan increasingly feels a kind of power in the body, that is the power of thoughts, or fighting spirit.

Yue Chuan's body was already damaged, and he couldn't even repair it. At this moment, there was no energy in his body, but there was still a kind of strength that supported him to stand and fight.And this power is exactly the will and fighting spirit!
The body became more and more broken, and the strength of this fighting spirit became clearer.

Yue Chuan's body is like an iron ingot on a chopping board. Only through repeated tempering can the impurities in the iron ingot be removed, revealing the essence of steel in it.But now, what Borodin is doing is to swing the hammer vigorously to help the master Yue Chuan hone his mind, beat his fighting spirit, and let him obtain a qualitative sublimation.

It's still a straight stab!Gather all the spirit, spirit, fighting spirit, and thoughts in one point, pour them into one point, condense to the extreme, and explode to the limit.Constantly comprehend and break through in the straight stabs again and again.With his energy and spirit exhausted, Yue Chuan was able to feel the existence of fighting spirit and will more and more, and he was able to control and grasp these two forces more clearly.

However, the power of fighting spirit and mind is limited after all. Soon, Yue Chuan's remnant body fell to the ground with a crash, and the cracked bones were scattered all over the ground like building blocks. The flame also dimmed and extinguished a little bit.

Borodin was overjoyed, and finally, he finally killed this damned guy. After all, he was no match for him, and his hammer was invincible!

But seeing Yue Chuan's eye sockets that were still faintly flickering, Borodin was very restless.For the first time, he discovered that he hated something so much, was so afraid of something, the persistent fighting spirit in the eyes of that humble human made him afraid, even though he was dead, he still didn't want to face his eyes.

Holding the giant hammer high, Borodin gathered his last bit of strength, trying to smash this annoying head into pieces.But at this time, a bright golden light burst out from the void and sprinkled on the pile of broken bones.

Borodin was stunned, although he really wanted to attack, but the bright golden light possessed an inconceivable power that blocked him, and the hammer he held high couldn't fall down.

On the other side, the broken bones in that place were pieced together, and quickly derived flesh and blood, returning to life. In just a blink of an eye, that hateful human appeared alive in front of his eyes, as if reborn, exactly the same as before!
No, it's not the same, it's like two different people!
His eyes became brighter and sharper, and there was a special thing in his eyes, which was as sharp as a blade and condensed like a sword blade. The unyielding fighting spirit of fighting to the death.

Yue Chuan's whole body seemed to have transformed!
He has used resurrection coins countless times, and each resurrection is a rebirth, but for the first time, he has the feeling of transformation, and really feels the beauty of rebirth, not just resurrection!

That's right!

Yue Chuan felt Ruruo's substantive thoughts and fighting spirit. When his energy and spirit were exhausted, these two forces supported him, allowing him to continue to stand, continue to fight, and continue to fight Borodin to the death.I thought that this kind of power can only be realized in life and death, and it will disappear after resurrection, but who would have thought that this kind of power does not disappear, but becomes clearer.

It really flows in one's body, constantly rising and rising with one's breathing and heartbeat.

Like a candle in the dark night, it creates its own light in the dark night.At this time, Yue Chuan was like a lighted candle, burning crazily, opening up a domain of his own in the darkness of the eternal night.

The blood-colored light was incomparably hazy, but it could be clearly and truly felt. An aura was vented centered on Yue Chuan, like a typhoon passing through the border. Once it was out of control, it eroded a large area of ​​space in the blink of an eye.

Borodin let out a muffled snort, and suddenly took three steps back, and then his stalwart body slumped a little bit, because he felt a heavy pressure, a mountain-like aura.

Damn, this human being has actually comprehended power, and he is using power to oppress this great emperor!

Borodin roared in his heart, he was not reconciled, he was not reconciled to be oppressed by a humble human being, but he was helpless, because he had already exhausted all his strength, he thought that he could kill his opponent once and for all, but who would have thought that, A bright golden light shattered all his illusions.

Borodin is powerless to fight anymore!He didn't have Yue Chuan's crazy and unyielding fighting spirit, nor did he have Yue Chuan's mysterious means of resurrecting the dead, he could only retreat.

Failure is as unacceptable as death. As a proud emperor, Borodin has his own dignity, and he cannot bow to others.

Therefore, Borodin stood up slowly, ignoring Yue Chuan's imposing manner, walked behind him step by step, slowly sat on his throne, and then died of exhaustion.

Looking at the blood-stained figure on the throne, Yue Chuan felt a sense of admiration in his heart.

The reason why I can comprehend the situation is entirely due to my own fighting spirit and ideas, and because of my persistence and pursuit.I desire power, desire to become stronger, desire to improve.

Borodin also has his will and fighting spirit, but it is a pity that he did all this just to maintain his dignity and decency. He failed to burst out this kind of will and fighting spirit in the battle, but when death came, he Showing this strength, he walked back to his throne step by step.

But in any case, Borodin is a powerful enemy, an admirable enemy, it is his ruthless sledgehammer that shatters his body, hones his mind, and gives himself power after hard work!

Closing his eyes, Yue Chuan swept his momentum away, like changing from a candle to a torch, and finally into the sun in the sky. Originally, it could only illuminate a corner of the darkness, but now it can illuminate a large space, and finally makes the darkness invisible .

Where the aura is shrouded, everything is full of great light and clarity, all the secrets are presented in Yue Chuan's heart, and all corners become accessible, Yue Chuan is like a god overlooking all living beings.

Potential can achieve this effect, I don't know what the situation is in the field of higher potential.

Thinking of this, Yue Chuan couldn't help feeling eager, but he understood that domains were the marks of holy powerhouses, and he could only touch them after awakening.

However, after defeating King Borodin, Yue Chuan felt that he had once again made a breakthrough and improved his strength. He had some concerns and fears about Borodin at the abyss level, but now, Yue Chuan couldn't wait to fight with Porodin. Ding fights, try to see if it is his imperial aura that is powerful, or the aura that he has just comprehended.


You have to give yourself a name for the aura you comprehend first.

Looking at Borodin, his imposing manner is called imperial imposing manner. Such a majestic name sounds alluring. How can I call it nameless imposing manner?
But what is it called?

Is it called bastard air?This seems to be possessed by many protagonists in novels. It is basically the standard configuration for protagonists in novels. Without this kind of momentum, it seems that they are not the protagonists.But the name was too vulgar, and it was directly excluded from Yue Chuan's mind.

What is it called?

Looking at the faint blood-colored light around him, feeling the killing intent and fighting will filled in the blood-colored light, Yue Chuan slowly closed his eyes, thought for a long time, and said slowly: "Thousands of soldiers killing intent!"

[Thanks for the reward from the little brat who understands love!Thanks】

(End of this chapter)

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