
Chapter 379 Fighting the Black Dragon

Chapter 379 Fighting the Black Dragon

Yue Chuan took a few steps forward, and casually looked at the four young dragons. Although they were simply standing, the four young dragons exuded amazing auras. Their vertical pupils, which were slightly different from human eyes, were even more It contains an astonishing murderous aura, just looking at it, you can feel a murderous aura rushing towards your face, the dragon power contained in the murderous aura has a heavy suppressing effect, any creature lower than the dragon clan will Suppressed by this kind of dragon power, the strength is reduced.Don't underestimate this point. In a battle, the slightest difference will determine the tendency of victory or defeat. The incomparable strength of the dragon clan is mostly based on this unsolvable dragon power.

And as Yue Chuan looked at him, the four dragon youths frantically urged their aura and momentum, and pressed towards Yue Chuan. Although they knew that these were useless to Yue Chuan, they still did so, because only in this way could they vent their hearts. anger.

Dragons have inverse scales, you will die if you touch them!
Yue Chuan's behavior of selling dragon blood and other things undoubtedly touched the Ni Lin of the dragon clan and became a character that the dragon clan must kill.It's just that the elder has explained that it's enough to repair it severely, and don't kill anyone.Although these young dragons didn't dare to disobey, they still made up their minds to "ruthlessly" repair Yue Chuan so that he would never forget it.

However, after Yue Chuan sized up these young people from the Dragon Clan, he shook his head and walked back to his seat. The young people from the Dragon Clan who thought Yue Chuan was going to fight all roared angrily.

"Cowardly human, don't you dare to fight?"

"Okay, as long as you kneel down and kowtow a few times, and admit your mistakes to our Dragon Clan, we can let you go!"

"Spineless bastard, trash!"

"He is a human being. Do you expect those despicable, shameless, treacherous and cunning human beings to become strong heroes? Ha, we don't know what happened to the heroes in their epics?"

Hearing the vicious ridicule of several dragon youths, Aipel couldn't help but flushed with anger, and her pointed ears were also full of blood.This time, it was the family who asked her to invite Yue Chuan as a guest, but she did not expect the family to invite the Dragon Clan over this incident. April felt hurt and angry, but couldn't do it.

April is not a fool, on the contrary, she is very smart and wise.Yue Chuan came to be a guest today, which is a very secret thing in the family, even the clansmen outside don't know it at all, how did the dragon clan who are thousands of miles away get the news?If he got the news afterwards, it would take half a day or even a day just to travel, and Yue Chuan would have left long ago.The Dragon Clan came so cleverly, they must have got the news beforehand, they were already on the way before Yue Chuan came.How could Aipel not know what this represented.

It is false to discuss bank cooperation, but it is true to want to use the hands of the Dragon Clan to get rid of Yue Chuan.The Dragon Clan is impulsive and irritable, advocating violence, and a little provocation will lead to madness, not to mention that Yue Chuan also sells dragon blood and other things. Remember these exhortations.And once something happens, the dragon clan will be the one to blame, and the elves can reap the benefits.

"This world is too small to allow a third different world to intervene. We do this for the sake of the family, for the race!" The head of the elf clan sent a voice transmission to Aipel with his spiritual power.

April remained silent, with a mocking sneer on the corner of his mouth.For such a high-sounding slogan, can you deceive yourself and use yourself?What do you think of yourself in the eyes of these elders?piece?

However, what makes Apper even more chilling is that the words of the patriarch clearly regarded himself as a pure elf. He seems to have forgotten that there is still human blood flowing in his body, although only part of it.

Over there, Yue Chuan sat back on the chair, and said lightly: "Hehe, I didn't steal these things, nor did I snatch them. They were given to me by the people behind me. They asked me to sell them. I also obeyed orders." , I cannot agree to your duel conditions."

Hearing Yue Chuan's words, several Dragon Clans felt that this was indeed the truth, the will of those big men could not be resisted, and it was really inappropriate to use such a thing as a bet.But the dragons immediately thought that it was Yue Chuan who was wrong, not themselves.

"Haha, coward, you must be scared, so prevaricate with the people behind you."

"Don't dare to fight if you don't dare to fight, you are a coward!"

"Hmph, if it weren't for our dragon clan not being able to appear in the human world at will, we would have crushed you long ago."

"Don't worry, the forces under your command will definitely be greeted by our Dragon Clan!"

Although dragons cannot appear in the human world, they can still drive some monsters. Just imagine, if a behemoth makes trouble in the Great Qin Kingdom, even if it is killed in the end, the loss will be immeasurable. What is even more annoying is that the dragons can continue to flow Send this cannon fodder.

Yue Chuan smiled, "Who said I won't fight anymore?"


Several dragons choked, Yue Chuan only said that the conditions for the duel were not appropriate, but he didn't say anything about admitting defeat.However, several young people immediately licked their tongues excitedly. The lizard-like long tongue even had slight forks, which looked disgusting and ugly.

"I'm an envoy from another world, and I'm a person with status and status. Even if I want to fight, I'll fight with the patriarch of your dragon clan. You guys are not qualified yet, understand? Little brat!"


Several dragon clans including the elder were all furious at Yue Chuan's words, and flew into a rage!
Originally, this elder of the Dragon Clan brought in a few young juniors just in order not to bully the young, but who would have thought that he would be reprimanded by Yue Chuan in such an old-fashioned way.How old is this damn human being?It's less than 20 years old, and our Dragon Clan can find a dragon egg casually for more than [-] years.

"Kid, die!"

Being repeatedly irritated by Yue Chuan, one of the fiery dragons finally couldn't help but make a move. His figure leaped towards Yue Chuan, his long arms stretched out, and his five fingers changed instantly. Sharp claws burst out from the fingertips, faintly more There are dragon scales emerging.That is no longer the palm of a human being, but the giant claw of a dragon clan.

Seeing that they had successfully provoked the battle, the elves retreated one by one, hiding their achievements and fame.Now, all they have to do is watch the battle, and wait for them to die and one to be injured or both to lose.No matter what kind of result, it is beneficial to them and not harmful.

Only April did not retreat, she stood beside Yue Chuan, and she used her actions to show her position.Yue Chuan was a guest she invited, and she had to be responsible for the safety of the guests.Therefore, Aipel's body moved slightly, and stood in front of Yue Chuan, facing the fierce giant claw.

However, a palm was pressed on Aipel's waist, which could not be grasped, and then a gentle but irresistible force came, and Aipel was pushed to the side.

"Don't worry, I don't pay attention to these little dragons!"

A khaki-yellow light appeared in front of Yue Chuan, and a tall figure wearing armor and carrying a huge shield appeared on the path of young dragon people rushing forward.

Guardian of the King·Guardian!

The one who appeared in front of Yue Chuan was one of the five knights under Borodin. Yue Chuan was recognized by Borodin. The most resolute fire knight who resisted fiercely also wanted Yue Chuan to bend his knees.Now, they are loyal to Yue Chuan as they are to Borodin, and regard Yue Chuan as his king.

The young man of the dragon clan saw a giant shield warrior appearing in front of him, and a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Even those hypocritical human epics have to admit that the breath of dragons can easily melt human weapons, the sharp claws of dragons can tear open human shields and armor like leaves, and human arrows can be shot at the scales of dragons. On the armor, it is as thin and weak as thatch.

The strength of the Dragon Clan is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, there is no doubt about it.Although the dragon in front of me is young, his strength is stronger than that of ordinary adult dragons, especially in terms of attack power. As a black dragon, their strong physical body endows them with unparalleled power. Paper shields!

Break it for me!
The black dragon roared, and the dark light spread from the claws to the arms. In the black light, the fine dragon scales were clearly visible, and the bulging muscles kept wriggling, pouring waves of stronger power into the claws, and he wanted to tear the face apart. The shield, by the way, the cowardly human who will only hide in the turtle shell after tearing the shield.

Dead—the dragons and elves watching the battle all thought so.This method of summoning is very strange, but the summoned thing is too vulnerable!But the death of his subordinate should make that Wumont realize the truth.In this world, who has the final say.

But in the next moment, something blinding to the dog's eyes happened.

The dragon's giant claws slammed heavily on the giant shield, but the scene of the shield shattering and killing people did not appear. Instead, the black dragon let out a miserable roar of pain, and the whole person was bounced back by an unimaginable counter-shock force. Several young dragons were in shock, they didn't even have time to catch up with their companions, allowing him to fall to the ground and roll around a dozen times.

When they came back to their senses, they saw that the black dragon's dragon-shaped arm and claws were all broken, and all the muscles, bones, skin and flesh were separated. This blow, not only failed to tear the shield, but was shattered by the shield's shock force. arm.If it weren't for the black dragon's physical strength, I'm afraid that this arm would be shaken to pieces.

One move, just one move, abolished a dragon clan.If the black dragon lost in the magic that he was least good at, the dragon clan would still feel unconvinced, but the black dragon lost in the power confrontation that he was best at. Therefore, several dragon clans were all speechless. Can't tell.

After a long time, the dragon elder came back to his senses and shouted loudly: "Quick! Heal him!"

(End of this chapter)

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