
Chapter 577 Sissi Returns

Chapter 577 Sissi Returns
"It's good to be back, it's good to be back..."

Yue Chuan turned his body sideways, and Sissy walked past him, entered the room, waved to Paul lightly, and Paul bowed and walked out.Paul couldn't resist that kind of plain hidden dignity. Of course, Paul wouldn't resist, after all, he was the housekeeper, and Sissy was half the master here.

Yue Chuan looked at Qian Qian, she was no longer the little girl who needed to hide in the house and protect herself, she had grown up.Qianqian also turned to Yue Chuan. Although she didn't open her eyes, Yue Chuan could feel that she was looking at him very carefully.

Sissy frowned at times, smiled lightly at times, all kinds of expressions kept changing on her face, and finally shook her head slowly, "Why do I feel that you are very familiar, but also feel that you are strange? It's a strange feeling. Brother, are we too far apart? The reason why it's been so long?"

It seems to be talking to himself, and it seems to be eager for Yue Chuan's answer.

Hearing this, Yue Chuan finally understood where the strange strangeness in his heart came from, because he also felt that Qianqian was very familiar yet strange.The only difference is that he can see Sissy's changes, but Sissy can't see him.

"Brother, do you know that when I first practiced magic, I wanted to use the power of magic to open my eyes. I wanted to see this world. Of course, before seeing this world, I wanted to see you first. I want to see you first. The only one who sees is you."

Yue Chuan felt that a soft place in his heart was touched. He had never felt this kind of intimacy and attachment to Qianqian in his two lifetimes. It was strange and moved him.

"So, have your eyes recovered now?"

Sissy shook her head. At this moment, her small face and nose were slightly wrinkled. The baby's fat face had already become an oval face, but when she was unhappy, her small face would always wrinkle into a bun.This scene made Yue Chuan very familiar.

"No. But I also know that my eyes are not a disease, but a seal. When I entered the magic ruins for the first time, the whole ruins reacted to me, and extremely powerful magic energy poured into my body. According to the theory, that level of magical energy should drown me, and instantly wiped out. But no, that level of magical energy merged into my body, like a drop of water flowing into the sea, without even making a wave. Then, I opened my eyes, but only for a brief moment..."

Sissy sighed regretfully.

"It's a pity, brother, you weren't by my side at that time, it's a pity."

Yue Chuan's jaw on the side almost fell to the ground.Back then, the Magic Guild took a fancy to Sissi's aptitude and asked her to stay in the Magic Guild to practice. In Yue Chuan's mind, Sissi was at best a little bit better, but according to Sissi's words, this was more than just one point.Of course, what surprised Yue Chuan even more was what Qianqian said about opening her eyes.

"From that moment, I knew that my eyes were seals, and there should be a secret in me. I saw the ancient magic relic, and the buildings there had many talismans and characters. I had never seen those things before, but very Strange, I know them, I can clearly identify them, I can decipher them more clearly, and understand the information between the lines accurately."

"The masters of the magic guild say that studying ancient characters is very exhausting, especially the characters of gods and demons. Every word contains countless mysteries. A single word can exhaust a magister. Therefore, no one in the magic guild is willing to It’s not that I don’t want to study the characters of gods and demons, but I dare not, because at any time, I may get lost in the characters and cannot extricate myself.”

"I didn't tell this secret, because I know what this secret means. I can only study those materials and documents secretly. However, many characters from the period of gods and demons cannot be copied and rubbed. I have to visit the scene in person. I can contact There are too few real objects.”

Shaking her head distressedly, Qianqian looked at Yue Chuan and asked in a pleading tone: "Brother, do you know something?"

Yue Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly, the younger sister in front of him was really strange to him.

"I can understand your distress, but why do you seek answers from me?"

"Brother, although I can't see it, I can hear and feel it. I pay attention to your deeds every day. Although I am not by your side, I understand many things. You only spent a year, As for revitalizing the Lei Ze family, I know exactly what you were like before, and with my elder brother's ability, it is a bit of a fantasy to establish the Great Qin Kingdom."

Yue Chuan was silent.Everything that happened to him was incredible. If it was an outsider who didn't know Yue Chuan, they might think it was a "legendary color", but Sissy and Wu Meng got along day and night. She also knows how much it is. Everyone regards Yue Chuan as a legend, but she doesn't.Although she can't see it, she is the only one who will not be blinded by illusions.

"Brother, do you know something? Can you tell me? Why do I have a seal on my body, why am I born familiar with ancient scripts, why..."

Yue Chuan secretly thought that he thought that his identity as a time traveler had been exposed, and Qianqian suspected that he had returned from the corpse and asked her to blame her.It turned out that she was troubled by her own affairs, but she was eager to find the answer from herself.But Yue Chuan didn't know either, it was basically two different things.

Gently pressing Sissi's shoulder, Yue Chuan just wanted to soothe her excited emotions, but suddenly felt a shock in his hand, and then saw a jet of black brilliance emerge from under his palm, and immediately, boundless darkness spread from Sissi Emerging from the body, the day immediately fell into the darkness of eternal night.

Sissy apologized, and then restrained her strength.Although the surroundings were bright again, the shock in Yue Chuan's heart could not be calmed down for a long time.


Yue Chuan could feel that it was the power of the sanctuary, and Qianqian actually entered the sanctuary.In one year, in just one year, she went from a magic idiot to a sanctuary magician.Moreover, how familiar is that pure dark power.


Yue Chuan suddenly found that his throat was very dry, making it very difficult to say every word.

Qianqian immediately raised her head to look at Yue Chuan, her face was full of anticipation, waiting for Yue Chuan to unravel the secrets about her body.But Yue Chuan didn't.

"Have you entered a magical world?"

Qian Qian was shocked, although she didn't answer, Yue Chuan already knew the answer.

"Are you called Feng Hua Xue Yue?"

Ah... Sissy let out a scream.

That's right, definitely not wrong.Yue Chuan invited Sissi to enter the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" before, but the invitation failed inexplicably. In fact, it was not a failure, but Sissi had already entered it, but she had a godhead, and everything about her was "insufficient authority." ", so the system will feedback a failure prompt.

Just as Yue Chuan was about to say something, a small white hand covered his mouth, and his cold fingers were printed on Yue Chuan's lips, causing Yue Chuan to suck it involuntarily, and then he realized that this action was inappropriate.

"Brother, stop talking, listen to me first, I came back to announce the good news." A smile appeared on Qianqian's face, like a child who had scored [-] points in the test and was waiting for his parents to praise him, "I am the best in the world !"

Although Yue Chuan already knew the news, he still pretended to be surprised, and then laughed, patting the top of Qian Qian's head lovingly. Only at this moment did Yue Chuan feel that Qian Qian was the one he was familiar with. It was not that Sissy who was so indifferent that she felt strange to her.

[Thanks to the initiator for rewarding "Creation" with 588 book coins!Thank you very much]

[Yesterday I guessed the tenth level list, someone guessed the sword soul, hehe, there is no sword soul on the ranking list, hehe, one is enough—w—]

(End of this chapter)

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