
Chapter 768 Death Stealing Soul Book and Book of Death

Chapter 768 Death Stealing Soul Book and Book of Death
There is nothing wrong with Yue Chuan's death-stealing book. There are some monsters sealed inside, and a few souls are contracted outside. This thing is bound by picking up. Yue Chuan is not afraid that the Lich King will take his own book Run in your arms.

The Lich King excitedly took over the Book of Stealing Souls from Death. Seeing the half-skull on the cover, he kneeled respectfully on the ground, silently recited the name of the God of Death, adjusted his appearance, and then slowly opened the book. Book of Death Stolen Souls.




Unwillingly, the Lich King turned the Book of Death and Souls from beginning to end. Except for some sealed monsters, there was nothing on it, no words, not even a single punctuation mark, let alone the will of the god of death.

Seeing that Yue Chuan's Book of Death was more exquisite than his own, the Lich King subconsciously thought that Yue Chuan's status was higher than his own, and he should know more things than himself. Who would have thought that Yue Chuan's Book of Death was blank at all. Nothing at all.

Yue Chuan wondered in his heart, is it not good to be empty? Only empty can seal things. If it is full, how can he seal so many monsters.

The Lich King returned Yue Chuan's Book of Death and Soul Stealing, and then opened his own Book of Death for Yue Chuan to read.Yue Chuan almost laughed out loud after taking a look at it. Damn, it's so funny.

The Grim Reaper is really a strange thing, he is definitely boring to a certain level.What the Lich King said about using the Book of the Dead to listen to the will of the God of Death, in Yue Chuan's view, was more like a Weibo post by the God of Death.It's a pity that the time for the Lich King to become the spokesperson of death is too short, and there is only one "movement" of the god of death in his book of death.

The content of this "dynamic" is roughly: the god of death bestowed a cultivation method, explained some precautions, let the believers experience it, and at the same time give feedback on the cultivation experience.

What surprised Yue Chuan the most was that there were thousands of replies under this post. There were roughly a thousand of them, and the content contained many published experiences and experiences, but most of them were about the mighty boss, the good guy, and the boss’s life is safe... ...very harmonious.

The Lich King's Book of the Dead does not have reply authority.I didn't expect that there were so many believers of the God of Death, and there were thousands of people who had the permission to reply, and tens of thousands, or even more, who didn't have the permission to reply, like the Lich King.It is conceivable how huge the influence of the god of death is.Of course, this also indirectly shows the vastness of the world, which is far from what I see in front of my eyes.

Yue Chuan flipped through his death-stealing book, and suddenly realized that this is a chat software. As for sealing dead objects, it is purely a subsidiary function.The god of death gathers his believers together through this thing, which indirectly means consolidating his influence and authority in the living world.I don't know if this method was figured out by the god of death himself, but it always feels very familiar.

Yue Chuan remembered that on Earth, many players debated the ranking of the world's top players in DNF. Naturally, this kind of question is one person's opinion, and the answers are also varied. Then there are more discerning parties who compare and measure based on various background materials, giving the DNF world The characters are roughly divided into a grade.But no matter which rankings, the final first and second battles are Death Dreyfus and the first apostle Kahn.

Yue Chuan has also seen many rankings such as top10, but most of them are the opinions of his own family, and it is really hard to say whether they are strong or weak.Take Xi Lan as an example. Xi Lan was at most a famous powerhouse during the period of exploring the Sorrow Cave, but he was only a man of influence. qualifications.However, Xi Lan, who had mastered the power of time and space, immediately counterattacked from a young age, and exploded all the rich and handsome, and directly jumped to become a key figure who controlled the Arad continent and even the Arad world for 500 years.

Another example is Lukexi. When she first met A-Gump, she was just a little thief blocking the way.But in the cave of mourning, Lukexi erupted with unimaginable power, and even killed the apostle Sherlock.It can be seen that the strength ranking is really meaningless. After all, many factors can affect and change the strength of these characters.

Yue Chuan is more inclined to divide these characters into grades. Taking the Four Sword Masters as an example, A-Gumpzuo’s influence is only limited to himself, Buwanga’s influence is Bantu, Baan’s is It's the De Los Empire. As for Xi Lan, it's hard to draw conclusions for now, but it's just that Xi Lan is awesome.Judging a person should not only be based on strength, but also on his influence and the role he played in the changes of the Arad continent and the Arad world.

It is much more intuitive to judge according to the influence of characters.King Borodin created the unified Borodin Empire, and he is considered an outstanding man.Kazan and Ozma controlled the structure of the Arad continent for 800 years, destroyed the Perus Empire, and even became ghosts and gods, even death and ghost heroes.As for other heroes, they also emerged like crucian carp crossing the river, writing the history of the Arad continent.

Behind the history, Alice and Herder have single-handedly manipulated the trajectory of the Arad world (note that it is the world, which can also be regarded as the DNF world) for thousands of years.Above Alice, the first apostle Kahn has remained steadfast. He has not published too much information about him, so it is not good to judge him, but his ranking can be above Herder. Herder calculated that There are many apostles but they dare not touch Kahn, which also explains a lot of secrets from the side.As for Dreyfus, players only know that he built three towers (some say five), and they don’t know much about the god of death, but there is no doubt that many heroes are related to him (after all, they are all dead) .

Thinking about the god of death in the DNF, and then looking at the death-stealing book in his hand, as well as the Lich King's book of death next to him, Yue Chuan vaguely had a clue in his heart.

The second apostle tearfully eyed that there was only one Alice under Herder's command, and Alice's strength was not too strong, at most it was because of her scheming and hidden depths, but even so, it caused continuous storms in the Arad continent in the past year, and even some Several apostles were calculated to die miserably.

The power of Death Dreyfus is not obvious, but it does not mean that he has no power. Just looking at his many followers, you can know how powerful his influence is. Those followers are definitely dominant in their world The existence of these forces constitutes Dreyfus's huge death empire.Among other things, Soderos and Liang Yue were seen in the Tower of Despair. How could they have nothing to do with Death.

Yue Chuan glanced at the replies under the "News" item on the Lich King's Book of Death again. How many strong men like Soderos and Liang Yue are hidden in these names?
The first apostle Kahn looked indifferent to the world, no matter how Herder ravaged him, he would not be moved. It is impossible to say that he knew nothing about these things. The only possibility is that he disdains attention and is too lazy to Take care, Herder's actions will not affect his interests at all, and Herder will not threaten his existence. In other words, Kahn is too busy to play these little games with Herder.

But here comes the question, what kind of world is the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors"? What is the relationship between the book of dead souls and the book of the dead? The tentacles of the god of death in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" touched the outside world? What kind of existence is the game world of "Dungeon and Fighter"?
(End of this chapter)

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