
Chapter 820 Crazy Confrontation

Chapter 820 Crazy Confrontation

Leng Shangqing, Grian and other powerhouses who were practicing in the Devil's Continent were also called back by Yue Chuan, and they were dispatched to various directions to fight the fire. The dragon and elf powerhouses also turned into rays of light and disappeared into the teleportation array , The Church of Light has also organized its own believers to reinforce the past to the nearest city, and the members of the founding guild have mobilized their own strength and rushed to the nearest city...

Yue Chuan didn't go anywhere, he was in the Great Qin Kingdom, hanging in Celia's hotel, he needed to be in the middle, and needed to provide various supplies to those members who were fighting on the front line.

Leng Shangqing took the lead in arriving at a city infested with zombies. That city had already become ruins. The zombies in the city were like waves slamming against the defensive walls built by the surviving humans. Countless buildings were knocked down and houses were demolished. All kinds of rubbish were piled together to form a barrier, and the surviving humans relied on these barriers to resist desperately.

There were streaks of blood-colored lightning falling down from the sky, one after another zombies mutated and improved under the power of the Demon Blood God, their tyrannical strength and brutal instincts made them crazily attack the human positions, jumping and climbing for everything Extremely, although he was repulsed or even killed many times, as long as he succeeded once, it would be a disaster in the position.

"I...I can't..."

The middle-aged uncle with the kitchen knife knelt down weakly, and the wings condensed by the runes behind him also gradually dimmed, and finally disappeared.I can't remember how many times this is the first time to activate the dark sky wave eye. In short, I use the dark sky wave eye as soon as it cools down, and rely on the huge power of this skill to kill those zombies.It's just that the consumption of the dark sky wave eye is too high, he doesn't have a small colorless crystal, all the consumption is to use his own battle energy, and when the battle energy is exhausted, he is burning his life to continue.But now, he was exhausted, looking at the crazy zombies in front of him, he wanted to use the ice blade wave sword, but he couldn't even swing the noodle cutter.

He lowered his head and glanced at his noodle knife. The inferior steel had already been cracked and damaged in the battle, and now he only had the handle of the knife in his hand.The middle-aged uncle couldn't help laughing at himself, this nima is really like the weapon called Wuyingjian that burst out of his abyss, but unfortunately, the weapons and equipment there can't be brought to the real world.Hey, if I can use that weapon in reality and kill a few more zombies, I can rest in peace even if I die.

At this moment, a feeling that cannot be described in words emerged, and a cold voice emerged in his mind: open the authority, adventurers can use the character's equipment and weapons in reality...

The middle-aged uncle immediately recognized this voice, yes, it was the system voice of that world, and he would hear this voice every time a major event happened.By the way, what did that voice mean?
The handle of the noodle knife in his hand fell to the ground at some point, and there was a heavy weight and a cold touch in his hand. When he looked down, he saw a simple and simple hilt, which was so bare that he could not see the sword Blade——wait, isn't this the Shadowless Sword?Could it be true what the voice said just now?

It's a pity that I have run out of energy and have no energy to fight anymore, and I can't even lift the Shadowless Sword steadily.

Ding!New mail has arrived!
An email immediately appeared in the mind of the middle-aged uncle, and the sender of the email was Yue Chuan.Almost every player knew Yue Chuan's name, but they didn't expect Yue Chuan to send him an email, and even sent the email directly to the real world.

When I opened the email, there was only a short sentence in it: Warriors, for the peace of the mainland, let's fight!

There are also some attached items under the mail, which are 1000 small colorless crystals, 100 big blood potions and big blue potions, 10 healing potions from heaven...

Everyone who saw this email was shocked. Although they had many guesses about Yue Chuan's identity, they never thought that Yue Chuan would have such an incredible ability. understand what.


Heaven's healing potion was poured into his mouth, and the middle-aged uncle, who was exhausted just now, instantly stood up, full of blood and blue, and threw himself into the battle with the zombies.

Yue Chuan, who observed various battlefields through system power, kept sending emails and granting permissions.Rescue forces from the outside world are still on the way, and they can't quench their thirst from far away. If they want to survive this disaster, they can only rely on those warriors who are fighting on the front line. He is no longer his confidant, as long as he has the strength, Yue Chuan will not be stingy with materials and authority. In short, everything is for defeating the Demon Blood God.

On the battlefield, from time to time, a Shadow Tiger Knife, a giant sword, etc. appear strangely in someone's hand. Occasionally, you can see Jue Dao, Wanren Holy Light Sword, and even the impressive Meteor Star Knife, Yulong Benlei, etc. stick.The Demon Blood God is constantly improving the power of the zombies, and Yue Chuan is also constantly improving the combat effectiveness of the warriors. The only difference is that the Demon Blood God can impart skills without brain empowerment, but Yue Chuan can only choose those players with outstanding strength for targeted enhancement.

However, reinforcements from all walks of life are on their way. Those warriors only need to persevere. Their only goal is to survive and bring more people to live.

Fortunately, Yue Chuan has Ya Deyan to receive the goods, and all kinds of items in the warehouse are piled up like a mountain, but the speed of Yue Chuan's prodigal is also at the speed of light. Ya Deyan's goods that have been saved for more than a year were destroyed by him in just a few hours If everything is clean, even if all these things are collected cheaply, it will be a loss of tens of billions or even hundreds of billions.

But it's all worth it, because every penny is used in the most appropriate place, and it has played a thousand times its value.The accumulation of these equipment, materials and medicines in Yuechuan's warehouse can only be worthless stockpiles, but when they are distributed on the battlefield, they become life-saving supplies for countless human beings. Every small colorless crystal block may affect a The life and death of a strong man is related to the safety of dozens or even hundreds of ordinary humans behind that strong man.

Looking at his empty warehouse, Yue Chuan said bitterly in his heart: "Damn, Demon Blood God, I must make you look good. I have dealt with the zombies in these cities, and I must find your lair. I must take your world The world is turned upside down, and I will slaughter you sooner or later! You are a muddy horse, you sell your strength in wars, and what I throw out in wars is money! Money!"

The reason why this disaster was so difficult was that, to put it bluntly, he lacked a teleportation array. Although he had the ability to quell the disaster, he couldn't appear on the battlefield immediately.I don't understand the power of space, teleportation within a short distance of more than ten meters is okay, traveling thousands of kilometers, tens of thousands of kilometers, or even traveling across the world can only be a dream.

It would be great if I had a baby like the Lich King's Skeleton Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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