
Chapter 840 Fighting against the Demon Blood God

Chapter 840 Fighting against the Demon Blood God

The four wings of the Supreme Phantom flapped rapidly, and Yue Chuan's figure shuttled through the sea of ​​blood like a fleeting shadow. Those blood waves failed to touch Yue Chuan at all, and Apophis had already appeared in front of the Demon Blood God.

A thousand blows!
The magic sword-Apophis slashed thousands of times at an unimaginable speed, and all the slashing movements were completed in an instant. The speed and power of thousands of slashes were merged into one stream by Yue Chuan's perfect piercing, Finally cut to the face of the Demon Blood God.


The Demon Blood God didn't take Yue Chuan seriously at all. After all, Yue Chuan was just a mortal, even a strong man at the peak of the holy level was a mortal, and the gap between gods and non-gods was insurmountable.And after discovering that Yue Chuan had a godhead in his body, the Demon Blood God despised Yue Chuan even more. He believed that Yue Chuan's power at the holy level was also inherited, rather than cultivated by himself. With this kind of strength, he dared to challenge himself.

The blood sea with a radius of hundreds of miles disappeared in an instant, and all the blood waves fell into the palm of the Demon Blood God in the blink of an eye, and then a huge spring of blood spewed out from the hands of the Demon Blood God, and a big handprint was imitated on the top of the blood spring, facing towards Yue Chuan's magic sword.

The Demon Blood God didn't take Yue Chuan's attack to heart at all. His blood handprint not only wanted to disintegrate Yue Chuan's attack, but also captured Yue Chuan in one fell swoop. There's that baby who travels through space.

"Ignorant human beings, because you have brought me so many benefits, I will show mercy and turn you into a zombie, and let your soul perish in this barren world forever."

Yue Chuan didn't have time to care about the nonsense of the Demon Blood God. He just kept twisting his body, and with the help of twisting his body to rotate the edge of the sword, the Demon Sword made countless slight rotations. Each rotation brought huge power, unparalleled speed, and blood. The moment the handprints collided, Yue Chuan completed dozens of strikes with one strike.

An unimaginable loud noise came from between Yue Chuan and the Demon Blood God.I saw the blood handprint of the Demon Blood God instantly collapsed and disintegrated, and the palm of the Demon Blood God was covered with blood. With the power of his blood and the power of Yue Chuan's blood energy, the magic sword - Apophis instantly tore the blood of the Demon Blood God. bloody handprints.

The power of dozens of strikes is unimaginably powerful, not to mention the innate bloodthirsty instinct of the devil sword-Apophis, which is simply a natural restraint against the blood god, even without the bonus of one strike, Apophis Apophis can also devour the bloody handprints, and with one strike, Apophis disintegrated the bloody handprints almost instantly, and even slashed heavily on the palm of the blood god, leaving him with a scar that is deep and visible , even devoured a little of the blood of the Demon Blood God.


The Demon Blood God retreated abruptly, looking at the deep bone-deep wound on his palm in disbelief. Although it closed and healed in an instant, the severe pain just now still lingered in his heart.How many years, how many years have I not been hurt, and today, I was hurt by an ordinary human.This is simply a disgrace, a great shame!
Especially that sword!

The moment his body was scratched, the Demon Blood God actually felt a tremor from the depths of his soul. The sword made him feel threatened, and it was a threat to his life.

It's ridiculous, I am a god, my strength is not comparable to that of ordinary humans, how can it be possible that an ordinary human weapon can make me feel the threat of death!

Fierce blood-colored rays of light also rose from the Demon Blood God, dark red blood spewed out from his body, burning fiercely, a blood-colored wolf smoke shot up into the sky, and the range of more than ten miles was illuminated by the blood color of Demon Blood God Bright and transparent.A finger-thick blood column flowed from the Demon Blood God, and flowed out in all directions centered on the Demon Blood God. The blood column twisted and twisted, like a paintbrush, outlining a magic circle on the ground in the blink of an eye. The ground rose and protected the position where the Demon Blood God was, making it airtight and impeccable.

This shield is like the shield on the statue of the Demon Blood God that Yue Chuan faced before, but compared to the shield on the statue, this shield is stronger and more powerful. This is the housekeeping skill of the Demon Blood God. The cost of saving his life is that when he confronts the enemy, he first protects himself, and then he can summon all kinds of zombie puppets.The means of attack of the Demon Blood God are all on the zombie puppets, and all the means of defense are on this shield.

A thousand blows hit the shield without even a single ripple. This shield is incredibly powerful.Of course, if Yue Chuan is given enough time to gather momentum, he will eventually break the shield after adding up a thousand blows again and again, but the Demon Blood God doesn't give him a chance at all, let alone stand up .

Under the light of the blood, the zombie puppets summoned by the Demon Blood God all opened their eyes, and their pupils exuded a bloodthirsty light. They received orders from their masters and started hunting.In addition to the zombie puppets summoned before, more zombie puppets appeared continuously, filling the range illuminated by the blood light in an instant, and there were also roars of many zombies outside the range illuminated by the blood light. In the blink of an eye, the number of zombies has exceeded one hundred thousand, one million!
Countless zombie dragons, zombie titans, and zombie behemoths flew or jumped to attack Yue Chuan, and blood sources poured into these zombie puppets in an endless stream. The zombie puppets had countless changes every moment. What is more powerful and more terrifying is their number.As described in those zombie movies, the most terrifying thing about zombies is their number, which is like a sea and boundless. Any elite human beings are powerless in the face of these zombie seas. No zombie movie has ever appeared Shots of beheading all zombies with one's own strength.

But today, Yue Chuan was going to try to kill the group of zombies with his own strength. He wanted to see whether the number of zombies summoned by the Demon Blood God was more or the number of zombies he killed was more.

Yue Chuan also vaguely understood that the fighting ability of the Demon Blood God is not outstanding. His forte is to summon zombies and use all kinds of zombie puppets to fight for himself. powerless.The most disgusting thing about the Devil Blood God is that even if he can't defeat a certain god, he can use zombies to destroy the world of that god, turning all his followers into zombies, and losing the power of a god based on faith Nature is greatly reduced, and the only result of a god who has lost his faith is to fall.

If Yue Chuan ignores the Demon Blood God and escapes with the help of the Sky City, the Demon Blood God will have nothing to do with Yue Chuan. It is a pity that the monk can't escape the temple if Yue Chuan escapes. The Continent of God is close at hand, and the Demon Blood God wants violence It is only a matter of time before the God's Continent is destroyed. If he can escape, the God's Continent cannot.That being the case, it's better to keep the enemy out of the country and kill the Demon Blood God in advance. Even if it doesn't work, he can also consume his zombie puppets.

These zombie puppets are made one by one. They are not summoned at will by chanting a few spells. They belong to killing one and one less. Once there are no zombie puppets, the Demon Blood God is just a tiger without teeth, and is not a threat at all.

[Thanks to Two-dimensional Mengwu for rewarding "Creation" with 100 book coins!Thank you very much]

(End of this chapter)

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