
Chapter 843 Comprehending the Power of Blood

Chapter 843 Comprehending the Power of Blood

Yue Chuan's speed increased in a straight line. Thousands or even thousands of zombies died under his hands every second. The speed at which the zombie puppets were broken was even a little annoying to the Demon Blood God. After all, these zombie puppets were from various Raw materials collected from the world are refined, although they are worthless, they cannot be wasted like this.It is said that cannon fodder is worthless, but cannon fodder can at least attract the enemy's firepower and wear down the enemy's strength, but these zombie puppets can't even play the role of cannon fodder, it is a pure waste.It's just that this kind of waste makes the Demon Blood God enjoy it very much. Regarding this, he can only say that he is rich and self-willed.

No, it's not pure waste. These zombie puppets also have another function, which is to provide the magic sword-Apophis with the power to grow.The Demon Blood God thought that no one could absorb and refine his blood power, but the Demon Sword-Apophis was completely beyond his expectations, and the evil of this sword was beyond his imagination.

There are more and more blood powers plundered in the magic sword-Apophis, and with Yue Chuan's killing, more blood powers are pouring in continuously, even the bloodthirsty magic sword-Apophis Feeling full.

Have you reached the limit?

Yue Chuan felt the limit of the Demon Sword-Apophis, that is to say, his killing speed has exceeded the capacity of the Demon Sword-Apophis. Empty the blood of the zombies, in that case, even if you cut off the heads of the zombies, you may not be able to kill them.Moreover, I am almost reaching my limit.

The speed mysteries of the law of the wind can be continuously accumulated to transform speed into power, but this accumulation also has a limit.In the duel with the Incarnation of Wind, Yue Chuan was overthrown by the Avatar of Wind because he exceeded the limit of his control.But now, Yue Chuan has gradually felt the strain, and the speed of accumulation has reached the verge of having to vomit.

However, once the accumulated speed power is exploded, he will be unprecedentedly weak, not even comparable to those continuously strengthening zombies, and in that case, he will really be finished.

At this time, the sword body of the magic sword-Apophis continued to heat up, and streaks of dark red light flowed and rose on the sword body, and immediately, streaks of blood energy poured into Yue Chuan's body.


Yue Chuan felt a little puzzled. Could it be that the magic sword-Apophis couldn't bear these energies and wanted to instill them into his body?But these blood powers can't be absorbed and refined at all, that's the power of zombies, once a living being is contaminated, it will...


Yue Chuan suddenly realized that he was misled by his habitual thinking.Zombies do have an infectious effect on living beings. Ordinary people will inevitably become zombies as long as they are scratched by a zombie.However, this transformation is a process, not an instant change.This means that human beings have a certain degree of resistance to the power of zombies, or that the power of zombies is not so violent, and can transform people from living creatures into zombies in a second.

The previous self was terrified of the blood power of the Demon Blood God, and did not dare to touch or try it at all. I had no understanding of the characteristics of the Demon Blood God's power. Be so passive.

When I first faced the incarnation of the wind, I was passively beaten, but I was immersed in the power of the incarnation of the wind, and even comprehended the power of the incarnation of the wind, the rules of the wind, the secret of speed, a thousand strikes... everything They were all learned from the Incarnation of Wind.

Why don't I try to comprehend the power of the Demon Blood God? If I can figure out the essence of the Demon Blood God's power, what are these zombies to be afraid of? according to.

If it is someone else, it is extremely difficult to achieve this, because gods have their own power, their own way, their godhead has been fixed, and it is impossible to change, everything about them is self-centered .But Yue Chuan is different, his godhead has not yet been determined, his power is full of variability and plasticity, and most importantly, he is proficient in the power of blood, so he naturally has the upper hand.

Yue Chuan tried to accept that wave of blood power, sinking part of his mind into it, comprehending it, and understanding it.

Yue Chuan, who was facing a great enemy, suddenly discovered that these blood powers were not as violent as he imagined, and could even be called docile. Then Yue Chuan understood that these blood powers were absorbed and refined by the magic sword Apophis. The power that has been tamed belongs to the magic sword-Apophis, and it is impossible to cause harm to oneself.

Wanting to understand this, Yue Chuan let go of the last trace of fear in his heart, and sank into it with all his heart.

Death, decay, wither, wither...

There is no power of growth in the blood power of the Demon Blood God, and it is full of death and decay. It feels like the opposition between life and vitality. It is also blood power. The blood power of the Demon Blood God is completely opposite to Yue Chuan's blood energy thing.

When Leng Shangqing was inherited by the Abyss Knight, he summarized all sword moves into stabbing and slashing. At that time, Yue Chuan thought about whether blood energy could be divided like that. Yue Chuan once thought about the two forces of life and death, and Tried to perfect it, but the effect was not satisfactory.

Now, Yue Chuan can finally confidently say that blood energy can indeed be summed up as life and death, the blood energy he has mastered is the life of blood power, and the divine power of the Demon Blood God is the death of blood power.

The power of the Demon Blood God is pure decay and monotonous death. When living beings come into contact with this power, they will quickly change into zombies. Dead and rotten corpses have strange powers, and they can still move, and even become stronger than before. powerful.

In the process of pondering the power of the Demon Blood God, Yue Chuan discovered the power of death that he was very familiar with. Yes, the blood power of the Demon Blood God contained the meaning of death, but there were some differences.

Yue Chuan tried to integrate the blood power from the magic sword-Apophis into himself, and he chose the most direct way of contact.Just like Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs, he used his own body to comprehend and summarize.

With the continuous infusion of blood power, a sense of enlightenment gradually rose in Yue Chuan's heart...

Blood represents life, the flow of blood means survival, and the cessation of blood flow means death. Blood carries all the living things that living things need, and all the nutrients that living things need to survive depend on the blood to transmit and transmit them.Blood is also the way for living beings to become stronger. If there is enough blood and blood, it is easy to achieve achievements in cultivation, while those who are deficient in blood and vitality are in danger of life at all times.

Blood can be said to be the most wonderful thing, but also the most terrifying thing...

(End of this chapter)

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