
Chapter 863 Give me strength, Xi Lan!

Chapter 863 Give me strength, Xi Lan!
Fishing needs bait, and Audrey He is this bait. Although she is powerful, she can only be a small bait in front of the demonized Forrest Gump. Chance to cut.

The control time of Soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash is very long, but the preparation time of Soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash is also very long. As long as A Ganzuo is not stupid, he will never stand there and let Yue Chuan attack.But with the bait, it’s different. A-Gump left obsessively kills Audrey He because he needs to plunder Audrey He’s blood and life. one will.

A-Gump's giant sword easily sliced ​​through the leather armor on Audrey's body, piercing Audrey's fair skin, and the blood spattered, but was pulled and absorbed by a strange force, and all of them splashed towards A-Gump , there was a crazy smile on A-Gump Zuo's ferocious face, which seemed to be satisfied, but also seemed to be more eager.But at this time, the power of Soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash had enveloped him, and for 5 seconds to 6 seconds, the demonized Forrest Gump couldn't move.

The demonized A-Gump Zuo didn't care at all. Although he was controlled by the Soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash, the grin on his face became thicker, and he looked at Yue Chuan with a playful look, as if he was thinking about how to eat this delicious snack. It was more like a silent taunt, telling Yue Chuan—— Xiao Mian, you can jump to your heart's content, and see if you can still jump for a few seconds.

When Soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash is in progress, Yue Chuan cannot move. If he moves, it means that Soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash will end early. In the current situation, it is natural that the longer Soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash lasts, the better. Yue Chuan even thought about how to inhale infinitely. If it is possible to do this, it would be abusive to fight any boss.

It's a pity that now Yue Chuan is fighting alone, and three of his teammates were killed one after another, not even half a minute before and after.

This is the real fight. One move determines the outcome, and the judgment of life and death is instant. The real battle is a duel faster than racing. It is impossible to have a three-day and three-night battle. It is often decided in a few seconds. Win or lose life and death.

Xi Lan, give me some strength!
Yue Chuan couldn't help but glanced at Xi Lan from the corner of his eye. He had put all his treasures on Xi Lan. If Xi Lan couldn't comprehend the power of time and space to save everyone, he would lose his wife and lose his army.

But when Yue Chuan saw Xi Lan, he couldn't help vomiting three liters of blood.

Not far away, Xi Lan has already changed beyond recognition, not to mention blood dripping all over her body, and pieces of flesh are still peeling off and cracking under the tyrannical force. Yue Chuan can't help but wonder, what is going on with this shit? As for power, why did it play with the disintegration of the demon.

It is indeed a bit similar to the legendary disintegration of the demon, but it is more powerful and domineering than the disintegration of the demon, because this is a top-secret esoteric truth comprehended by Xi Lan.

Forbidden Mysteries·Dream Breaking Remnant Light Slash!

At this time, Xi Lan has entered an incomparably mysterious state, a critical point between death and existence, existence and non-existence flow around him, existence and death rippling in his heart.This is a realm that cannot be expressed in words. Many people will inevitably come to this point, but no one can turn back.

Xi Lan couldn't turn back, but he stopped here, even if it was only for a moment.

The 37 years of her life appeared in Xi Lan's heart like a fleeting image.

From being born to a toddler, from a toy bamboo knife to the current demon knife, from a penniless rookie warrior to today's strong sword master, everything that has been experienced in life has emerged in Xi Lan's mind, whether it is deeply engraved or long ago Forgotten, all clearly emerged at this time.

That's right, surfaced!
Bahn opened his mouth in disbelief, and even shook his hands into a fist, because he was afraid that he would accidentally exclaim and disturb Xi Lan's comprehension.Buvanga also stared wide-eyed, and the corners of his eyes were even cracked.Yue Chuan, who was not far away, was also shocked in his heart, and he almost couldn't help throwing out the last knife of Soul-thirsty Sealing Demon Slash ahead of time.





The scene in front of me is unimaginable. No one can explain this scene, let alone believe it. Everyone is wondering, can this be done by human power?
A chubby baby walked out of Xi Lan's dilapidated body. The baby's body had an unreal feeling of hazyness, and it even shone with magnificent colorful light, which seemed real and unreal, like a dream.Seeing this baby, several people thought at the same time, could it be that Xi Lan was giving birth just now?

But then the baby grew rapidly, growing taller, stronger and stronger at an unbelievable speed. In the blink of an eye, the baby turned into Xi Lan's appearance. Everyone finally understood that the moment just now was Xi Lan's life At that moment, Xi Lan's life was recalled.

baby?juvenile?youth?prime of life?Which one is Xi Lan?Is this Xi Lan?

After hearing the questions from several people, a voice replied: "I am Xilan!"

No, it's not one voice, but tens of thousands of voices, even billions of Xilans, countless Xilans, but all the voices are surprisingly consistent, the ah-woo of a baby, the crispness of a child, and the self-confidence of a young man. , the calmness of a mature man... All kinds of voices merged into one. They were different from each other, but they were surprisingly consistent.

"The flowers are similar every year, but people are different every year. I am Xi Lan, and Xi Lan is me!"

Like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's hearts, they finally understood what kind of move Xi Lan used. This kind of move is simply shocking and breathtaking.

Xi Lan, he has actually comprehended the rules of the years. What appears in front of everyone is no longer the pure Xi Lan, but the real Xi Lan, because every year, every month, and even every minute and every second of Xi Lan's life Melt together.Although it is just a light and shadow in front of me, every minute and every second of Xi Lan's life is integrated into it. How many Xi Lans are there in it - it is hard to count, and it is even more hard to imagine!
The past is like a dream - every day is a brand new self, yesterday's self has gone with the dream.Tomorrow is unpredictable, yesterday cannot be retained, and even today's self is fleeting.

Xi Lan is an optimistic person, he lives wonderfully and brightly every day, every day is positive and optimistic, even when the thatched hut he lives in is washed out by the heavy rain, and Nuo Yu is so frightened and crying, he is still Hearty smile, because this is also a wonderful.

Xi Lan thought that she could always face life with a smile until she faced death with a smile.It's a pity that when he saw A-Gumpzuo's ferocious face and pupils filled with killing, he realized that his heart was twitching.Maybe this is also a necessary experience in life, but this kind of experience will only become a memory that Xi Lan can't bear to look back on, a yesterday that she can't face.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Xi Lan, who had already turned into a pile of rotten meat, whispered to the light and shadow in the air, "Give me strength, Xi Lan!"

[Thanks to Two-dimensional Mengwu for rewarding "Creation" with 100 book coins!Thank you very much]

[Thanks to Two-dimensional Mengwu for rewarding "Creation" with 100 book coins!Thank you very much]

[Thanks to Two-dimensional Mengwu for rewarding "Creation" with 100 book coins!Thank you very much]

(End of this chapter)

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