
Chapter 865 The 4 Juggernauts Who Parted Their Ways

Chapter 865 The Four Sword Masters Parted Ways
After all, the present will become the past. What can last forever is not the future, but the past, so the present Xi Lan is dead, and the past Xi Lan is alive...

Xi Lan stood up slowly, glanced at the demon knife on the ground, and said apologetically, "After all, I couldn't save you, sorry..."

Bahn and Buvanga on the side naturally didn't know who Xi Lan was talking about, they thought it was the four adventurers.Bahn helped Buwanga to look at the four corpses on the ground, and then the three of them bowed at the same time, silent.But when they raised their heads, they were surprised to find that the bodies of the four adventurers had disappeared.But the three of them didn't show too much surprise. What happened today has already numb their nerves, and they are no longer surprised.

Afterwards, Xi Lan dug the earth and buried the demon knife. He didn't plan to use this knife again, because it was a past he couldn't face.This knife not only cut to himself, but also to his friend and an unknown benefactor.

The buried knife, like the dead Xilan, is the end of their journey and the destination of their lives.

Looking at the small mound of dirt on the ground, Xi Lan silently thought that she was too weak after all, if she could be stronger, Lukexi would not die, and A-Gump would not have to be possessed by a single thought, nor would she. The four adventurers will not be in danger and lose their lives by activating Dream Shattering Remnant Light Slash.

Strength, strength, I thought I was strong enough, but compared with some existences, I was still extremely weak, and I didn't have the qualifications to compete with them at all.But luckily...

"Xilan, that's your saber."

Xi Lan smiled freely, "A cursed knife, let it be buried here."

A-Gump left in a coma, Xi Lan didn't wake him up, let him sleep at this time, hope he can forget everything that happened after waking up.

At this moment, when A-Gump helped him up, the four of them suddenly discovered that there was a knife falling beside A-Gump.

"Cross knife - who?"

Xi Lan picked up the knife, and immediately realized the tyrannical power of the knife, Bain and Buwanga also felt the power of the knife, and the three of them understood at the same time how the adventurer treated A-Gump left Inflicted that kind of heavy blow.

"When you meet a thick-skinned guy, use this knife to chop him!"

After finishing speaking, Xi Lan gestured at Buwanga with a cross knife, because Buwanga was the most "rough-skinned and thick-skinned" among them.

Buwanga smiled honestly, and then his face turned pale as he touched the injuries on his body.But there was still a bright smile on his face, because the always optimistic and unrestrained Xi Lan had returned, and this was the Xi Lan he was familiar with.

Bahn supported Buwanga, Xi Lan carried Aganzuo and hugged Lukexi, and the four came to the outside of the cave of mourning, looking back at the dark and deep cave like a devil's mouth. Silent.

Buvanga was relatively simple. He thought in his heart that the outside world was too scary. He should go back to the tribe and practice hard.

Not only should I practice hard, but the little boys in the tribe must also practice hard, lest they all go out and wander around without knowing the heights of the sky and the earth.Well, go back and get a practice field, and put all the clansmen in it to hone.

But Bahn thought that Lukexi could arouse the power of ghosts and gods, and Xi Lan could also launch that incredible trick, and they could all make a life-threatening blow, causing a fatal blow to the enemy.And myself...but I don't even have the capital to work hard.

He is known as the youngest sword master in the empire, and he used to be very proud of this, but now, this title has become a deep irony.Young means inexperienced and lacking in strength. Among the Four Sword Masters, I am the weakest, and I have always been dragging my feet. If it wasn't for taking care of myself, this battle wouldn't be so difficult.

Power!Not only his own strength, but also the incredible strength like Lukexi and Xilan.Human beings themselves are too fragile and small, and the power that does not belong to human beings is the most powerful.It doesn't matter even if it is an evil force, at least he can save his lover like Luxie.

Thinking of this, Bane couldn't help lowering his head in pain, and looked at the silver dagger hanging from his waist. The name of that sword was Emily's silver makeup knife. It was the saber of Bane's beloved wife, and it was also used when she committed suicide. sword.

Xi Lan felt even more embarrassing in her heart. Compared with the secrets of herself, the secret of the mourning cave was nothing, and what she had experienced could no longer be expressed in "adventures".Incredible, absolutely incredible.

After an unknown amount of time, A-Gump left slowly opened his eyes, and then closed them tightly. Two lines of blood and tears slowly overflowed from the corners of his eyes.

The other three were all silent, and the most miserable person present was definitely A-Gumpso.Losing his lover, he drew his sword against his friend with a single thought, causing the tragic death of four innocent people in the process.Those four adventurers fought against A-Gump to rescue Xi Lan and others. They were the saviors of Xi Lan and others, but they were all killed by A-Gump.

Xi Lan knew what A-Gump was suffering, whether it was Lukexi's tragic death, his experience of being possessed by demons, or the loss of four lives, he couldn't face it.Although it wasn't A-Gump's fault, it was four lives after all.


A-Gump screamed wildly, pulled out his saber, and then leaned towards the side of his neck.This movement was so swift that Bahn didn't even have time to react as he supported Buvanga.Fortunately, Xi Lan had been paying attention to A-Gump left, and raised his hand to knock down his giant sword.The extremely heavy giant sword was like a straw in front of Xi Lan.

Xi Lan kicked A-Gump over, and said in a solemn tone: "A-Gump, your life was bought by Lukexi with my life, and your life was also bought by me, and your life is even more so. Four adventurers traded their lives for it. Remember, you bear six lives on your body, you cannot die, you must live well! I know that living is extremely painful for you, but no matter how painful it is, you have to live Go on. If you are willing to atone for your sins, then live on, because living is the greatest punishment for you."

After saying this, Xi Lan silently thought in her heart: It is indeed six lives. Lukexi is dead, so is she, and those four adventurers.Perhaps A Ganzuo will fall into endless regret and pain in the future, least he will live.

Fast forward more than ten years, in a certain martial arts gym in Xu's motherland, Xi Lan was carefully wiping a golden long knife with a snow-white silk, the brilliant golden light on the blade was as dazzling as his golden hair.After wiping, Xi Lan put the knife on the altar, and picked up three incense sticks.But when he was about to light the incense sticks, a strange scene happened.This long knife, which he had enshrined for more than ten years, disappeared under his nose, as if it had never existed.

At the same time, Yue Chuan, who had just been kicked out of the abyss dungeon, checked his package. The trump card of chaos was still there, and the magic sword-Apophis was still there... Hey, what about the cross-cut knife? It fell?
But in the next moment, the cross knife appeared strangely in Yue Chuan's package.Yue Chuan rubbed his eyes, did he see it wrong?
Taking out the cross knife, looking at the sharp blade, Yue Chuan always felt that this knife had become a little different.

(End of this chapter)

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