
Chapter 868 Origin of Heavenly Dungeon

Chapter 868 Origin of Heavenly Dungeon
Empress Alizee was taken away, and the imperial capital of Ghent was captured by Carter. The three-year-long war left the imperial capital of Ghent in chaos. Callett armed with nothing to do.

The heavens need help, and the imperial capital needs allies.

Audrey He left the Heaven Realm just to find a reliable ally, and it was precisely for this reason that Marlene Kishika came to the continent of Arad via the Magadha airship.It's just that none of them thought that the first batch of Arad mainland powerhouses who entered the heaven would be thrown into prison, and the first meeting between the two sides was also in prison.

Ma Lin was very angry. The chief maid who had always been graceful and always maintained her etiquette turned pale at this moment. This kind of situation was very rare, and it only happened once when the imperial daughter was taken away.Marlene was really angry, because those stupid police not only captured the adventurers in Arad, but also planned to shoot them as Kalat militants.Damn it, are these policemen all pig-headed? They didn't even interrogate them, they just shot them dead. When did the policemen in the heaven degenerate to such an extent?

Audrey He was also very helpless. She had been away from the heaven for so long. When she came back this time, she had to report her affairs to Queen Rose. It was for this reason that Ma Lin left for a while, but she didn't expect that such a short period of time would happen. A lot of things happened, and even almost caused a catastrophe.But fortunately, the worst did not happen.

"I'm really sorry. These are all my mistakes. We will compensate you for the losses caused to you. If you have any conditions, you can bring them up."

Yue Chuan on the side also secretly wiped off his cold sweat.When he was in Arad Continent before, Yue Chuan asked about the world outside the town. He was told that once the player walked out of the town, it was equivalent to being involved in the history of the outside world. To history, will also be affected by history.In other words, once the player walks out of the town, there will be birth, old age, sickness and death, and if he dies accidentally, he cannot be resurrected.

There is no "safe zone" for players in the heavens. This is equivalent to the world outside the town. If a battle breaks out in the weapon shop, the dead will really die and will never be resurrected.Correspondingly, there will be a record in the history of the Heaven Realm, "At the end of a certain year and a certain month, a group of thugs tried to rob a weapon store, but were suppressed by the police who arrived in time..."

so dangerous...

Although those adventurers were not angry, under the comfort of Ma Lin and the temptation of a lot of practical benefits, all the previous dissatisfaction disappeared, and they left one by one satisfied. After a while, only Yue Chuan, Ma Lin, and Ao Chuan were left on the scene. Derek and several strange women.

According to Audrey He, these women are all powerful figures in the imperial capital of Ghent. In other words, the current imperial capital of Ghent and even the imperial guard are in the hands of these women.

Yue Chuan blushed for a while, Tianjie is really a feminist society, women's status here is more than half the sky.But this is also something that can't be helped, all of this is caused by the status quo of the heavens.It's no wonder that NPC Pera Wayne keeps saying, "The women in the heavens are all tigresses, and I don't know how women in other places are."

"Your Excellency, I heard that you have a great reputation among these adventurers and can represent a large part of the people. Moreover, you are the king of a country and have mastered many worlds. Therefore, on behalf of Ghent, the capital of gods, we want to discuss something with you. "

Yue Chuan nodded, "I would like to hear the details."

"There are many remnants of Cutler's armed forces around Ghent, the capital of gods. Although they retreated due to insufficient supplies, according to our current information, Cutler is gathering strength to make a comeback. We hope that you and those warriors can help us conquer those cards. Lett armed."


Yue Chuan was keenly aware that the Karat armed forces around Ghent, the capital of gods, should refer to the dungeons outside Ghent, the east gate of Ghent, the south gate of Ghent, and the north gate of Ghent. However, these dungeons have not yet appeared, or in other words, no specific offensive tasks have been formulated.

"Well, there is no problem with this. The purpose of our coming to the heaven is to hone and hone our strength. Our desire for battle is far beyond your imagination. Even if you don't say it, we will go find those Carter's unlucky."

That's great!

Almost instantly, all the women stood at attention in unison, and then saluted Yue Chuan. Yue Chuan was taken aback, unexpectedly, these women were all from military background.

A map was spread out, on which was a bird's-eye view of Ghent, the capital of gods, but circles were circled with red pens around Ghent, the capital of gods.

"This is the Kalet armed forces running around the outskirts of Ghent. Their leader is Bendinck, a professional arsonist. Although the battle is over, he is still actively arsonating, causing huge damage to the soldiers and civilians of our capital of gods. threaten."

"Here are Su Reid and his men who are entrenched in the east gate of Ghent. They are the motorcycle soldiers organized by Akat. With the mobility of motorcycles, they run amok in the east gate of Ghent. They not only harass ordinary people, but also Our garrison strikes."


Places that Yue Chuan was extremely familiar with were circled one after another, along with the leaders of these areas. It seems that there is no real dungeon around Ghent, the capital of gods, and everything has just taken shape.

"Yes, we can conquer all these places, but I would like to know what kind of reward you Heavenly Realms are willing to pay for this, or what kind of benefits you are willing to pay?"

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, especially fighting for life. Although the life of an adventurer is worthless, it cannot be done for nothing. Yue Chuan must fight for the welfare of the adventurers.

A female official said in a low voice: "We heard that the continent of Arad has specially designated some cities for activities with you adventurers, and different rules and systems are implemented in these cities. We can do the same..."

Yue Chuan thought to himself, this is just the most basic, can't you add a little more?
The female officer looked at Yue Chuan and said slowly: "We are never stingy with friends, what expectations and requirements does your Excellency have?"

Ahem... This is too straightforward, won't you be more tactful?

Yue Chuan snapped his fingers, and said slowly: "I want a munitions factory, and you will send someone to help me build it. At the same time, I hope you can help me cultivate some scientific talents. Finally, I have a large number of materials ordered from you, including A large number of mechanical items..."

The female officer shook her head, "Your Excellency, the problems you mentioned are all easy to solve. We have many paralyzed munitions factories here. We can dismantle the production lines and so on. As for training scientists, it is not something that can be seen immediately. We can agree. But you can't see the results immediately. As for the last large order of supplies, I wonder what you can pay for?"

(End of this chapter)

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