
Chapter 887 Apophis' Weakness

Chapter 887 Apophis' Weakness

"follow me……"

Yue Chuan grabbed Qian Qian's hand, opened the window and flew out. The howling wind from Icewind Valley blew Qian Xi's soft long hair and lifted her thin clothes. If Yue Chuan was not beside her, she would be like a A fairy flying in the wind and snow, a goddess flying in the nine heavens.

She is indeed a goddess, and at this moment, she is already a veritable god, her divine name Watcher, her divine power of divination and prediction.

Her eyes see everything, and the unknown future is as clear and clear to her as palm lines. She is like a lighthouse on the sea, looking into the distance all the time, guiding humans on the sea and on the ground.

It's a pity that her field of vision is limited. When Apophis flooded in, she could no longer see the dawn of hope, and only endless darkness entered her sight.

Yue Chuan brought Sissi into the Sky City, and left Icewind Valley almost instantly, appearing thousands of miles away, in a mountain forest with singing birds and fragrant flowers.

Sissy looked at everything around her in disbelief, she was very curious, what was she riding just now?It's so magical, traveling through space is as easy as raising a hand and a foot.This kind of equipment, even the gods and demons have never owned it.However, the power of the gods and demons can easily tear apart the space, and they can shuttle through the space with their bodies. The effect of this kind of equipment is also very limited.

But Qianqian didn't know that Sky City's ability was not just to travel through space, and Yue Chuan couldn't use other abilities of Sky City right now.

"Sometimes, you need to lower your head and look carefully at your feet. In fact, the answer is always around us."


Sissy was very puzzled, the answer was at her feet and beside her?How can this be?I went deep into the darkness of Eternal Night, uncovered layers of fog of time, but failed to find a way to save the gods and demons. There is actually an answer I want here?How can this be.Could it be that the footsteps of Apophis have already set foot on the land of gods?
"Look there!"

Yue Chuan pointed to a big tree, Qianqian opened her eyes, raised her head, and immediately saw a beehive the size of a water tank hanging under a thick branch extending horizontally, and there were countless bees flying around the beehive Go, busy in and out.

With a wave of Yue Chuan's hand, a hazy blood shot towards the hive, and the next moment, the hive was imprisoned by an invisible force, and all the bees that were buzzing and flying stopped motionless as if they had been cast with a hold spell.

The powerful spiritual power penetrated into the hive, and all the details of the hive were presented in Yue Chuan's heart.Immediately, Yue Chuan photographed the bees one after another and arranged them out of thin air.

"A colony of honey bees. It consists of queen bees, worker bees and drones. There is usually only one queen bee per colony; worker bees range from thousands to tens of thousands, and drones generally only exist in the seasons needed by the colony. Although the number of queen bees and drones There are very few, but they occupy a vital position in the hive. Although there are thousands of worker bees, there is almost no difference between them. From time to time, these worker bees will also turn into soldiers and guard the hive."

Bees appeared in front of Sissy one after another under Yue Chuan's confinement. Yue Chuan let go of the confinement of several bees, and those bees immediately rushed towards Yue Chuan angrily, stinging at Yue Chuan's fingers.It's just that their attacks can't do anything to Yue Chuan at all, and they can't even pierce the skin.But all the bees continued to attack Yue Chuan one after another. The bee philosopher would die soon afterward, but they still attacked frantically, not sparing their lives at all.

"They have no self-awareness at all. They live like puppets, collecting resources, consolidating the hive, and guarding the queen bee. Don't you think they are the same as Apophis?"

Sissy froze for a moment, carefully compared the Apophis in her memory, and then looked at the bees that were still attacking Yue Chuan one after another, she couldn't help but nodded.Indeed, as Yue Chuan said, these bees are surprisingly similar to Apophis.

The invisible force separated the hive, and the huge queen bee appeared in front of Sissy.If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Sissy would never have guessed that it was also a bee, but its body was really...

"Don't be surprised, she is a bee. The other bees in this hive are born of her, and all the bees are her descendants."

Sissy shook her head in disbelief. She also likes honey very much. When she was a child, she always added a lot of honey to milk, but she never knew that the bee population could be so strange.

"A queen bee is a female bee. When she develops into a queen bee, she will secrete a substance that prevents other female bees from developing into a queen bee. Those worker bees are actually female bees, but they cannot develop to the level of a queen bee. Then the worker bees will They can only collect honey and build nests according to the will of the queen bee to help the queen bee raise their offspring until death."

"Too selfish!"

Sissy said a little angrily that bees are extremely hardworking in the human impression, but Sissy never thought that the king of bees would be so selfish and even vicious.

"That's how they live, there's nothing to be angry about."

In fact, there is something even more peculiar. The queen bee lays eggs naturally without the drone. The drone can only mate with the queen bee once in a lifetime, because the drone will die after a few minutes of mating, because they have been squeezed dry by the queen bee. The sperm are stored for later use.There are also some strange bee species, the organs of the drones will be obtained by the queen bee, and then the queen bee can reproduce without mating with other drones.

"Did you find anything?"

Hearing Yue Chuan's inquiry, Sissy shook her head in doubt, there were only some small bees in front of her, and she couldn't find anything at all.

"There are thousands of these bees, and the queen bee is multiplying all the time, but it takes time for bees to grow from pupae to bees, but there are too many of them, so it gives us an illusion, as if it is endless In the same way, Apophis needs a process from birth, gestation to maturity, but the speed of the mother laying eggs is too fast, and the Apophis that matures and enters the battlefield every second is like endless .”

Seeing Sissy lower her head thoughtfully, Yue Chuan continued: "Besides, Apophis, like these bees, is a group with a clear division of labor. They must have Apophis who is in charge of fighting, and Apophis who is in charge of caring for larvae." Fez, and Apophis, who is responsible for collecting resources. As for the mother body, her ability is to reproduce offspring. No matter how powerful she is, she has no combat power. At best, she has mastered some space power, sealed off the space, and put Apophis It's just sent to the battlefield..."

Then Yue Chuan said with great conviction: "As long as we can defeat Apophis, that's enough. The mother body can't pose any threat to us at all. On the contrary, as long as we find the mother body, we can destroy her, end her, and end this from the root. Disaster!"

(End of this chapter)

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