
Chapter 917

Chapter 917
The loud bang and shrill roar instantly pierced the silence of the night, and even the guy who slept like a dead pig was awakened by the bang and violent tremors, and then these believers looked at the Fire Temple as they used to. Seeing the abnormal fire light and soaring smoke and dust from the Fire God Temple, they suddenly became angry, and countless believers ran out of the house barefoot or even naked, and rushed to the Fire God Temple.


After the members of the fighting spirit training camp destroyed the Vulcan statue, they quietly hid. Countless believers gathered around the temple like headless chickens, but found nothing. .At this moment, the countdown to the self-explosive robot that had been installed in the temple ended, and there was a booming sound. Several load-bearing support points of the temple were blown to pieces, the temple shook, and finally collapsed.

Countless believers first avoided in a panic, and then became even more angry. Their supreme Vulcan was desecrated again and again, and the dignity of Vulcan was trampled time and time again.Almighty Vulcan, please send down divine punishment, let those blasphemers be purified in the fire.

Vulcan knew the moment the statues were destroyed. After all, these statues were closely connected with him, like a part of his body, but when he arrived, the entire temple had been razed to the ground, and the surrounding ruins There are still countless believers who have died, but none of the blasphemers have been seen.

But smelling the familiar smell of gunpowder in the air, Vulcan immediately understood that this was the group of people last time, they were not dead, or they had other companions.

But Vulcan became angry in the next moment, these damned ants, do they want revenge?Or are they just using this dirty trick to force themselves to submit?

Impossible, I will not give in!
In the darkness, the cannon fire flashed away, and a cannonball accurately hit Vulcan's forehead. Although Vulcan condensed a big flaming hand to block the cannonball, the flame of the cannonball's explosion instantly enveloped Vulcan. The impact force was dispersed around Vulcan as the center. Countless believers only felt the strong wind blowing in their faces, the heat waves hitting their bodies, and the painful wails and dying screams instantly became one.

Catch her!
Some quick-responsive believers took action immediately. The artillery fire just now reflected the position of the fourth final, and those believers rushed towards the fourth final immediately, but the fourth final had already disappeared, so they fired another shot at another place.

Those who have long-range attack means attack from a distance like the four finals, and those who do not have long-range attack means will suddenly rage among countless believers and give Vulcan a blow.Although all the attacks were offset by the flame armor and did not cause any harm to Vulcan at all, those believers didn't know what was tricky. They just saw Vulcan being beaten passively and had no resistance to those blasphemers.

It's not that Vulcan doesn't want to fight back, but that these enemies are hiding in the dark like mice, and they are constantly changing positions. Coupled with the noisy voices and chaotic breaths of countless believers, Vulcan can't identify them at all, let alone lock them .And with so many believers around, it is impossible for Vulcan to use offensive means, otherwise he would not be able to kill the enemy, and all the dead would be his own believers.

"Scatter all, scatter! Don't interfere with the supreme Vulcan's display of divine power."

Several priests received the oracle of Vulcan and immediately issued orders to the believers, but these priests were quickly named and killed, and those blasphemers blended into the crowd slipperyly after killing, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The crowd finally dispersed in a noisy manner. Although they were extremely furious and wanted to kill the blasphemer and defend the dignity of Vulcan, they also knew that there was no use for them to stay here, it was nothing more than adding chaos.

Vulcan can finally flex his muscles and use his flame power to punish those enemies. By the way, he can show believers his tyrannical power and strengthen their faith.

Sijue appeared swaggeringly in front of Vulcan, carrying the modified heavy firearm on his shoulders, aiming at the figure of Vulcan.At the same time, the Vulcan waved his hand, and eight flame runes appeared at the foot of the four finals. The eight flame runes expanded rapidly, and derived a series of mysterious lines, which interweaved into a complex magic circle in an instant. The whole process In just an instant, the Four Finals were enveloped and swallowed by the pillar of fire that soared into the sky.


Many believers cheered. In their view, the blasphemer was about to attack Vulcan, but Vulcan fought back first. The blasphemer had no time to resist and evade before being swallowed by the flames of Vulcan.There is only purification waiting for his end, and no one can survive Vulcan's wrath.

However, the slap in the face happened, and Si Jue in the pillar of fire remained motionless, without any howling, let alone any struggle, and her upright figure could still be seen through the light of the pillar of fire.Immediately, a white icicle broke out from the pillar of fire and hit Vulcan straightly. It was an ice blaster.

All the believers watched this scene in disbelief. The power of Vulcan could not do anything to these blasphemers. These blasphemers not only endured the wrath of Vulcan, but also fought back against Vulcan.

oh!impossible!The power of Vulcan is invincible, how could these blasphemers still be alive.

There was a sneer at the corner of Sijue's mouth. The training of the previous three days was not in vain. He had to know that all his long hair was destroyed in the lava, and he had burnt burns all over his body so many times that he could barely survive in the lava.Moreover, the combat uniforms and boots and helmets on his body are also remade, adding some nanofiber materials, which are extremely resistant to flames and high temperatures.

Of course, the four finals are only barely able to resist the blazing high temperature, and it is impossible to survive for a long time, but what about the ice ejector?Although it is the two heavens of ice and fire, Sijue can balance the power of flames and ice. The two extreme forces, one cold and one hot, are neutralized and offset by Sijue, and neither of them can cause harm to her.

On the other hand, Vulcan does not have this ability. Although he is not afraid of flames, he is extremely afraid of ice. Under the cover of the ice injector, the flame armor on his body immediately dimmed, and countless ice and flame armor collided fiercely. , Squeaking water mist boiled and burned around him, and pieces of solid ice hung strangely around the flame armor, and the more it condensed, the bigger it became.


The believers all watched this scene in disbelief.

They didn't know that the condensed ice was just an appearance, and Vulcan hadn't actually suffered any damage. Once the power of the ice injector ended, the ice on Vulcan's body would naturally melt.They just saw that Vulcan was frozen, and the power of the flames couldn't stop the enemy's ice power, and the radiant image of Vulcan instantly became riddled with holes.

Xiao Xiao, who was hiding in the dark, jumped out, sneered in his heart and said: You have to hit the face thoroughly, let me give you another shot!
(End of this chapter)

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