
Chapter 996 The Second Battle

Chapter 996 The First Battle

Qinglan World is an ignorant and desolate world. Reptiles have just been bred in this world, and it is dominated by lizards, poisonous snakes and all kinds of reptiles. Until one day Yuechuan fell from the sky, Qinglan World became a side branch of Yuechuan World Tree.

The development plan of the different world has brought countless mercenaries and adventurers into the Qinglan world, aiming at exterminating the many threatening poisonous insects in this world. Countless busy figures can be seen in every corner of the Qinglan world, and all kinds of people are attracting monsters. , killing monsters, and harvesting materials, it looks like killing monsters guarding the monster refresh point.

Under the hunting of mercenaries and adventurers, the number of poisonous insects in Qinglan World has dropped sharply, and the scales and teeth of countless poisonous insects have become commodities and poured into many worlds under Yue Chuan's command. This place has also become a place suitable for human habitation. In the ordinary world, the places where mercenaries and adventurers settled down gradually developed into villages and towns.

Sunset Town is a very ordinary village. There is a huge moat around the periphery. The moat is filled with kerosene, and the surface is covered with realgar and other substances. Once the poisonous insects gather to form a tide, the ignited realgar and other substances will turn into poisonous smoke. Great damage to the bug swarm.Coupled with the simple but strong city walls and the mercenaries and adventurers staying in the village, this small village is nothing more than a fortress, so it can survive the insect swarms again and again and become a famous town in Qinglan world. .

In a tavern in a small town, a few travel-worn adventurers were drinking and chatting happily.

"I've been busy all day today, and I haven't moved yet due to fatigue. Later, I will change the harvest into money and go to brush pictures. Who will be with me, Headless Horseman, go and talk. Big head, let's form a team Bar."

"As for your rubbish white hand, you are already at level 50 and still use the Juno Star Sword. Why don't you save some money to buy a handful of Wanren Holy Light? Cut, it's just a hindrance. Don't go, don't go."

"Ma Dan, my Juno Star Sword is +8 anyway, okay? I bought it at a high price, it may not be worse than Wan Ren, and it can be sold after it's used up, you idiot."

"I met that mutated Scorpion King today. If it weren't for the Huagou gang who had a handful of holy light, a dozen of us would have to confess that there is a light attribute attack that can do super high damage to those dark and poisonous monsters." , I said brother, you should not save this money."

"Hmph, what's so good about Wanren Shengguang? If I want to buy it, I'll go straight to the black light. My money is almost saved..."

The few people next to me smiled and didn't take it seriously.Some people will invest in weapons and equipment when they earn money, but some people would rather put money in their backpacks than replace it with equipment and weapons in their hands. They always feel that such a waste is not worth it. Care about that money.Only when life and death are at stake will he understand which is more important, money or life.

"When I first came to Qinglan World, there were poisonous insects all over the place, and dozens of poisonous insects could be trampled to death with just one foot, and I couldn't collect all kinds of poisonous insect materials. At that time, earning money was really fast. Go out and pick up whatever you want. Those eggs and sloughs can make a fortune."

"That's right, the days of opening up wasteland are really nostalgic. Unfortunately, more and more people are pouring into the world of Qinglan, and all kinds of materials are not as valuable as before. You do more than before, but you get more than before. not enough."

"The masters with strength and equipment have gone to the higher-level world to hunt those ferocious birds and beasts, and we, who are neither high nor low, are here to catch bugs."

"I have been to the world of blood claws, it is a world of ferocious beasts, all kinds of ferocious beasts run everywhere, and the beasts at the level of beast masters have the strength comparable to that of giant dragons. I was killed by a two-headed wolf beast king within 10 minutes of meowing meow. I caught my eye, and I was caught in seconds as soon as I met him, and then I went back to the world of Qinglan in despair."

"Have you ever been to Blood Claw World? I heard that there are orcs there?"

"Orcs are similar to humans, except that their ears and eyes are a little different, and they have a few characteristics of beasts. However, they are deadly enemies with those ferocious beasts, and they fight every day. Orcs can also enter that world, and they are intelligent creatures just like us."

"Tsk tsk, I really want to become stronger quickly and go to a more advanced world."

"Come on, you don't even want to buy a handful of Wanren, you also want to go to the world of blood claws!"

While the few people were chatting and laughing, a blazing beam of light descended from the sky. The brilliant golden light was like a pillar of the sky, breaking through the sea of ​​clouds, penetrating the heaven and the earth, and straddling the world of Qinglan.The beam of light was so bright that it appeared clear and real even in the daytime. For a moment, countless adventurers and mercenaries in Qinglan World forgot what they were doing, turned around and looked at the beam of light in surprise and shock.

Wan... Wanren... Wanren Holy Light!
An adventurer cried out, the beam of light in front of him is too similar to Wanren Shengguang, and only such a beam of light can be worthy of the name "Wanren Shengguang".

Ren is a unit of length, just like meters and kilometers, it measures length, and the meaning of Wanren Shengguang is self-evident.In contrast, the beam of light in front of him is the veritable Wanren Holy Light.

"What's the matter with this beam of light?"

"Is there any big move in Qinglan World?"

"I'll go to the Mercenary Alliance to check!" After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and entered the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors".

The mercenary alliance in the town of Huttonmar suddenly exploded. More and more players who were hunting poisonous insects in the Qinglan world came online and came to the mercenary alliance to inquire about the news. They wanted to know what was going on with this beam of light, of course I also want to know in the first place if there is a chance to make a fortune.

Just like hunting poisonous insects, the first batch of land reclamation people simply stooped to pick up gold, but now those who follow suit kneel in the ground to scrape copper coins. They scrambled to lean upwards.

Of course, some people speculated that this beam of light was born from a strange treasure, and some even vividly attached the ins and outs of the "Wanren Holy Light Sword". Countless sword masters and sword masters rushed to the Qinglan world one after another. The teleportation array is overcrowded.

The Mercenary Alliance also got the news as soon as the beam of light appeared, and passed the news to the senior management. The senior management of the Mercenary Alliance naturally knew a lot of secret information, and they also understood the origin of the beam of light, so they did not disclose it immediately. Instead of making a notice, ask Yue Chuan for instructions.

The current mercenary alliance has been completely tied to the chariot of the Great Qin State. Although Yue Chuan did not concurrently serve as the leader of the mercenary alliance, the leader had to ask Yue Chuan for instructions on many important events. In the past, the mercenary alliance still had some objections. voice, but soon those disharmonious personnel were cleared out, one after another young and vigorous mercenaries were dismissed for retirement, and the mercenary alliance became unprecedentedly united and harmonious.

After receiving Yue Chuan's reply, the Mercenary Alliance quickly made an announcement.

"The beam of light that appeared in the Qinglan world is not a rare treasure, but a space channel set up by the enemy. In the near future, a large number of enemies will use this channel to invade the Qinglan world. Here, the alliance calls on all mercenaries and adventurers to enter the Qinglan world. Lan World, kill the enemy bravely, the alliance will give rewards according to the number of enemies killed..."

The detailed information of the enemy is also attached at the end of the notice.

"It turned out to be an angel!"

"Isn't this the god of the Church of Light?"

"You don't know this, the emperor of the Great Qin Kingdom used to be the holy son of the Guangming Church, but he was persecuted brutally, so that monarch started a new stove and revised the doctrine. The Guangming Church here has nothing to do with that god. "

"It turns out that's the case. I still think it's not easy for acquaintances to start, so I don't have any scruples now."

"By the way, I heard that the priests have a deep relationship with the Church of Light. This battle should be an opportunity for the priests. Do you have any friends who are priests? Hurry up and call them here. A good opportunity to get close."

In the past, when people in the Continent of Gods mentioned the Church of Light and the God of Light, if they didn't pay homage to them, at least they were in awe. After all, the gods are high and inviolable.

However, after many years of being in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", the people of the Continent of Gods discovered that the gods are actually the same thing. Isn't it just a few more years of life and more time to practice? What's so great about it.If he kept practicing, he would also have the opportunity to become a saint and a god, so why should he pay homage to those Laoshizi gods.

Therefore, instead of being afraid of the invasion of the Kingdom of Light, these players waited eagerly, looking forward to fighting the angels and fighting the gods. "Slaying the dragon" can no longer satisfy people's pursuit of strength, and "killing the gods" is the honor pursued by many powerful people.

The God of Light didn't know that before his army started, 10,000+ players had already gathered on the opposite side, and this number was still growing. In less than an hour, it was already a million, and in another hour, it would exceed 500 million, the teleportation array in Qinglan World has been overloaded, and the personnel of Daqin Kingdom have already built new teleportation arrays nearby. Once these teleportation arrays are set up, it is estimated that the influx of players will exceed tens of millions in an instant. It can be hundreds of millions.

There is no way, the human beings in the various worlds under Yue Chuan's command practice, fight, and improve every day, and almost everything is related to strength.Going to the dungeon to bully little monsters is a daily compulsory course, and going to various different worlds to wipe out ferocious birds, beasts, reptiles and ghosts is a further practice.

The dungeon is easy to say, it can be spawned every day, but the monsters in the other world are not waiting all the time like the dungeon, so many people are busy looking for enemies every day. Players rushed over in a swarm, and their desire to fight was so high.

On the other side, the God of Light and Lucifer watched the Jihad Legion quickly build a magic circle and set up a bright passage for marching. Both of them had expressions of satisfaction on their faces.

"The power of the world is indeed a troublesome thing, but we have a light shelter, which can project the world power of the light world to the target world to form a light sanctuary. As long as our believers and angels are bathed in the holy light It will be suppressed and obliterated by the power of the world, and tens of thousands of troops will sweep over, and they will be able to occupy that world in a devastating manner."

Lucifer nodded, "That's right, according to the information we found out before, that world doesn't have many defenders, and it should be a relatively remote world. We can occupy this world and use the light power of the Bright World to It is completely soaked, so we have one more world, and the enemy has one less world, as long as we advance step by step, we will soon be able to capture the enemy's core hinterland."

At this time, an angel landed in the distance, then folded its wings and flew over, knelt down on the ground respectfully and said: "Almighty God, according to your will, the light passage has been built, the passage is extremely stable, and you can march immediately. "

The God of Light nodded, and Lucifer immediately gave the order: "Attack!"

The resounding battle songs filled the mountains and plains, and the bright breath was instantly blazing. On a magic circle with a diameter of [-] meters in the center of the Jihad Legion, milky white light energy flooded the waiting angel legion like a rising tide. The light faded, and the angel legion had disappeared.Immediately, the second legion entered the teleportation array, waiting for the energy of the teleportation array.

At the same time, the pillar of holy light in Qinglan World shone for a while, and then a solid light fell rapidly in the pillar of light, and the light dispersed. A square formation of ten thousand people appeared at the bottom of the pillar of light, and the square formation of ten thousand people sang a loud and clear battle song Move out of the range of the beam of light, but the next second, the war song stopped abruptly, and all 1 people were like roosters with their throats cut. There was a strange noise in their throats, and they couldn't speak a word.

Before they came, their boss said that the spies had found out that there were only tens of thousands of enemies in this world, and they were all not very strong ones, who could be defeated with one blow.If that boss were here, these 1 people would definitely rush to hack him to death.

Nima, is this tens of thousands of enemies?This is not very strong enemy?Is this a broken world?Don't bring such a fool, okay!

There were crowds of people all over the mountains and plains, crowds of people, people bumping into each other, there were countless people gathered around the Holy Light Pillar, the ground was full of people, and there were dense numbers of people flying in the sky. On the first floor, these people almost covered the sunlight in the sky. If it weren't for the light from the Holy Light Pillar, the place would be pitch black.

There is no need to count at all, there are millions or even tens of millions of enemies all over the mountains and plains, and there is no need to look at them at all. Those who can fly into the sky are at least at the holy level.

"For my lord!"

"For the light!"

"I am willing to sacrifice myself!"

Angels shouted slogans one after another, and the phalanx of 1 people turned from shock and horror to frenzy in the blink of an eye. They set up a neat array of arrows and charged towards the crowd all over the mountains and plains.

"Here they come, they come."

"Don't squeeze, everyone has a share, damn, don't squeeze me."

"Grandpa, there are tens of millions of people here, and there are only 1 dishes. Everyone has a share? You are lying to ghosts."

With the charge of the angels, the adventurers squatting outside also surged. The people in front did not want the people behind to come in, and the people behind pushed forward vigorously. Before fighting the angels, tens of thousands of people The one who was pushed fell to the ground.


The screams sounded one after another. The Holy Light contained in the Holy Light Pillar is the power of the world of light. This power is harmless to the angels and believers of the Jihad Legion, but it will kill the creatures in other worlds.Those players who were pushed into the Holy Light Pillar all died tragically in an instant, and used resurrection coins in embarrassment.

If at other times, you can still pick up a life after using up the resurrection coins, but when these players run out of resurrection coins and want to leave the range of the Holy Light, they encounter a dense wall of people. Once the short invincible time passed, he was immediately wiped out for the second time.

Although players can use resurrection coins, they only have one chance to resurrect every day, and the second death means real death, and there is no chance of resurrection.

Tens of millions of players hunted and killed 1 angels, but before the war started, tens of thousands of players died first, and they were completely dead.Yue Chuan, who was watching the battle from a distance, saw this scene, his face turned dark immediately.

shame!I lost it at home!Even if all the ten thousand angels are wiped out, the stain of the tens of thousands of losses cannot be erased.

At the same time, this incident also exposed a sharp problem. These players are not weak, and there are even many saint-level powerhouses, but they are all scattered and brave without any organization and discipline. Opportunity did not hesitate to entrap his companions. I didn’t say that I pushed those tens of thousands of people in before. I just thought it was an unintentional mistake. But later, those people used resurrection coins and wanted to get out of the range of the holy light, but they were still blocked by the human wall. Seriously, this is deliberate murder.

The God of Light and Lucifer also obtained information on the battlefield in a special way. When they saw tens of millions of people besieging them, they immediately wanted to give up their plan to send troops, but then they saw the enemy's chaos, Tens of thousands of people died before the battle, so they looked at each other and saw the joy in each other's eyes.

"A bunch of rabble!"

"An ant is an ant, and ten thousand ants can't beat an elephant."

The pillar of holy light flashed rapidly, and another square formation of ten thousand people was sent down, then the third, and the fourth...

The first phalanx had the will to die, but many players were unorganized and chaotic, especially the tens of thousands of unlucky ghosts who had been completely wiped out, which made many cowardly and cowardly people who joined the fun panic, not only did not go In the battle, they retreated instead. There were huge crowds of people, and they couldn't retreat even if they wanted to, but they pushed and shoved, making their own camp even more chaotic.

Those masters who wanted to make a move were also squeezed into grinning teeth. Many magicians couldn't recite spells well, and the magic that they usually used countless times failed more than a dozen times in a row.Some sword professions want to release their skills but suddenly find that their weapons have been squeezed out at some point. It’s okay to have spares in the backpack, but they can only be dumbfounded if they don’t have spares.

A phalanx caused this effect. When more and more phalanxes poured in, the Holy War Legion poured out in all directions centered on the holy light pillar like a golden torrent. Under the protection of the holy light, they bravely Fighting, killing the enemy bravely, many players who are in a mess can only flee and retreat in embarrassment.

Defeat like a mountain!
At this time, even if someone wants to turn the tide, they will be powerless. Even if the Jihad Legion does not attack them, those troublesome players will rush them to the ground and trample them to death.

(End of this chapter)

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