Chapter 82 Ten Factions
The news that a tree in the depths of Black Dragon Mountain bears six kiwi fruits was originally only known to a few people from the four major families.

But because the Lu family's secret conspiracy to help Lin Wentong seize the position of the Lin family's patriarch was revealed, Lin Wenqiu's lineage was angered.

Lin Wentong not only failed in the end, but also cost his and his son's lives.

The Lu family also lost two Lu family members, Lu Ning and Lu Ming, as well as several warriors.

Of course, Ye Feng was involved in this.

Otherwise, the Lin family might really change hands now.

Afterwards, the Lin family kept on doing nothing, and simply revealed the secret of the Black Dragon Mountain kiwi fruit to the public, ruining the dreams of the Lu family, the Xin family, and the Tang family who wanted to share equally.

After that, a large number of warriors and awakened people flooded into Pingyang City, wanting to compete for the kiwi fruit.

Today is the day when the kiwi fruit is ripe. Compared with the previous few days, Black Dragon Mountain is more lively, full of people and discussions.

Ye Feng's appearance did not attract much attention, and he was also happy, standing on the outermost layer without pushing forward.

"Mr. Ye, you are really behind."

After a while, Gong Xueying and Dong Zhenxing squeezed out from the front of the crowd, they looked at Ye Feng and smiled.

A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Feng's mouth, and said:
"Whether you can grab the kiwi fruit depends on your ability, not your current position."

The two looked at each other and smiled, they were still the same lonely and arrogant boy, not changed at all.

"The two of us came early, so we stood at the front and checked the situation by the way."

Dong Zhenxing said.

The corner of Ye Feng's eyes twitched, a look of interest flashed across his face, and he said:
"Lin Ying is here too?"

The two nodded, and Gong Xueying said:
"Miss Lin represents the Lin family, and members of the other three major families are also present."

Dong Zhenxing took over and said:
"Wan Du Sect, Tianjian Sect, the two hidden sects in Pingyang City have also sent people.

There are also people from the Four Great Courts of Huaxia, who also sent their own people. "

After hearing this, Ye Feng narrowed his eyes and shot a sharp light, saying:
"Has Xuanwu Academy sent someone?"

Gong Xueying and Dong Zhenxing looked at each other, a little puzzled, wondering why Ye Feng would ask about Xuanwu Academy.

"Yes, there are two students from the sky class and six students from the earth class, as well as a teacher.

The staffing of the other three academies is similar to that of the Xuanwu Academy, probably for them to come and practice. "

Gong Xueying replied.

Ye Feng nodded and said:

"Aren't you going to join the people from your academy?"

Dong Zhenxing said with a smile:
"Assessor Gong and I have already dealt with them, and told them to return to the academy early to avoid being targeted by the dragon slayers because of the Black Dragon Mountain incident."

Ye Feng glanced at the two, and said in a flat tone:
"The lizard man was killed by me last night."

After the words fell, Gong Xueying and Dong Zhenxing looked shocked, their eyes widened in disbelief, and their mouths grew wide in shock.

"Mr. Ye, what you said is true?" Gong Xueying said in disbelief.

Ye Feng rolled his eyes and said speechlessly:
"You also know me a little bit, am I the kind of person who talks big?"

Only then did Gong Xueying realize that she had said the wrong thing, so she smiled embarrassedly and said:

"Mr. Ye misunderstood, I just couldn't believe that the lizard man would find you so quickly."

Dong Zhenxing also said:
"That's right, I just caught Ding Xuan, and I couldn't wait to catch Mr. Ye. He wants to clear the net."

Ye Feng sneered and said:
"Clear the net? It's almost the same as throwing yourself into the net."

The two laughed, and Dong Zhenxing said:

"Mr. Ye is right, the lizardman is simply going to die."

Ye Feng waved his hand, not wanting to continue on this topic, and said:

"Ding Xuan may not be able to save him for the time being, it can only depend on his luck."

The faces of the two of them darkened. Since Ye Feng said so, it seems that they don't even want to save people.


Suddenly, a powerful and deafening shout came from the front.

Everyone stopped talking immediately, followed the sound, and saw a rather imposing middle-aged man standing facing the crowd, with a majestic face, and said:

"The kiwi fruit will mature in about five hours. I'm announcing one thing now."

Everyone showed curiosity, and there was another burst of low-pitched discussions.

"This person is Lu Qing, the third son of Lu Zhi, the current patriarch of the Lu family. The leader of the Lu family this time has an innate mid-term cultivation."

Dong Zhenxing whispered to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng nodded.

"After discussions between the four major families, the two sects of Wandu Sect and Tianjian Sect, and the four major colleges, in order to reduce danger and unnecessary troubles, they will be divided into ten camps."

Lu Qing glanced at everyone with majestic eyes, and said in a deep voice:
"You must join the top ten camps before you can go further. If you disagree, please go back.

And the ten camps are the four major families, the Wandumen, the Tianjianmen, and the four academies!

Start standing in line now, and if there is no one standing in line in the end, the top ten camps will never let them go into the mountain. "

Well, before everyone had finished listening, some people had already expressed some dissatisfaction. This is too overbearing.

However, those who are weak and want to see the kiwi fruit can't help secretly happy, and those who don't think about it, start to choose the camp.

"You didn't know beforehand?" Ye Feng asked coldly, looking at Gong Xueying and Dong Zhenxing, his cold eyes flickering.

How could the two of them fail to notice Ye Feng's anger, Gong Xueying hurriedly said:

"Mr. Ye, the two of us really don't know, it should be the result of their discussion."

Ye Feng's face was icy cold, his eyes were as cold as a sword, and he looked at the proud Lu Qing in front of him.

Lu Qing seemed to feel Ye Feng's stern gaze, and turned his head to look.

When he saw Ye Feng's appearance, his pupils shrank suddenly, his eyes narrowed sharply, and he shot out a stern and cold light, full of murderous aura, and a sudden hostility.

However, Lu Qing quickly returned to normal, with a cold and sinister smile on his face.

Even though some people complained and were very dissatisfied, in the end, they still chose their respective camps.

But after everyone had chosen, it was discovered that there were still three people standing there alone.

Immediately, Ye Feng, Gong Xueying and Dong Zhenxing became the focus.

"Examiner Gong, Examiner Dong, what are you two doing standing there, why don't you come here quickly."

At this time, a man in front of the Qinglong Academy camp frowned.

Gong Xueying and Dong Zhenxing smiled wryly, but remained motionless, instead looking at Ye Feng.

"Mr. Ye, this?" Dong Zhenxing didn't know what to do.

Ye Feng's face turned cold, and he said coldly:

"Whether to go or stay, you choose for yourself, don't worry about me."

The two looked at each other, but couldn't decide.

Everyone couldn't help being inexplicably surprised to see the two examiners of Qinglong Academy taking a young man as their leader.

Those who recognized Ye Feng were not much shocked.

"I'm afraid everyone doesn't know yet, this son's name is Ye Feng, and he is very arrogant and arrogant.

Ye Shao not only dared to kill members of the Xin family and my Lu family, but also Wu Jia, the third elder, Chen Kui, the second elder of the Wandu sect, and even Ma Songchao, the master of the young sect. "

At this time, a young man walked out from the Lu family camp, with a sinister smile on his lips, he sneered and said loudly.

ps: 1st update, ask for votes, rewards, collections, book reviews, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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