Chapter 586
Thank you book friends for your comments, votes and rewards, I am ashamed!Some book friends asked me if I would stop updating again. I can only say that I will finish writing this time, and I will give an explanation to all book friends, myself and the characters in the book.


Of course, Carter was only the director of Taoyuan Island after all. Tang Ming didn't pin all his hopes on Carter. He called Song Qian and Stilwell respectively and asked them to communicate with the Prime Minister of Solomon Islands.

On the other side, several helicopters and speedboats continued to follow the Japanese dolphin boat, waiting for news from Tang Ming.

When it was almost noon, Stilwell finally brought good news to Tang Ming. After agreeing to several insignificant conditions, the Solomon Islands Prime Minister finally agreed to Tang Ming's plan to seize the Japanese dolphin boat. But the Solomon Islands has no military power, and Tang Ming's people are needed to complete this matter.

Tang Ming knew the concerns of the Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands. As a tiny country with a population of just over 50, the Solomon Islands could be crushed to death by the Japanese with a single finger. Just came up with this strategy.

However, this was exactly what Tang Ming intended, and he immediately sent Andy to lead someone to seize the Japanese dolphin boat.

On the dolphin fishing boat, everyone saw an angry scene. Dozens of dolphins were disemboweled and piled up in the fish warehouse. In addition, there were more than 100 living dolphins in the fish warehouse, most of which belonged to Tang Ming. of the dolphins.

Andy took pictures of these contents and sent them to Tang Ming who was waiting for news on Taoyuan Island. Tang Ming was also very angry.

Andy asked: "Boss, what should I do next, should I..."

"No need." Tang Ming understood what Andy meant, and interrupted him, "Take more videos and photos for me, I want the whole world to know about it, as for the impounded porpoise boat and the Japanese, Send them all to the capital of the Solomon Islands for custody, and if the Solomon Islands government doesn’t have enough manpower to guard them, you can send some people to help guard them.”

"I understand, boss." Andy Xiange understood the elegance and nodded in agreement.

According to Tang Ming's instructions, Andy released the living dolphins into the sea after taking videos and photos.

After this catastrophe, the dolphins around Taoyuan Island lost dozens of them, including five dolphins that ate Xiahe fruit, and some were driven away by Japanese dolphin boats, and they went to nowhere I won't be coming back anytime soon.

Tang Ming controlled a dolphin that ate Xia Heguo and let it lead the group of dolphins back to Taoyuan Island.

He took a speedboat to see the group of dolphins, fed each dolphin a summer fruit, and then returned to the island.

Tang Ming didn't stay on Taoyuan Island for too long, and took the plane back to Australia in the afternoon.

Back at the ranch, Cornelia asked about the result of the matter.

After Tang Ming showed her the video and photos, she was also very angry, and rarely said a few dirty words in front of Tang Ming.

Cornelia said angrily: "Honey, these Japanese people cannot be let go, they should be punished as they should be."

"I know, don't worry." Tang Ming patted Cornelia's hand to reassure her.

Tang Ming called Kelly and asked him to come over.

Kelly quickly came over and said to Tang Ming, "Boss, what do you want from me?"

"Look first." Tang Ming handed him his mobile phone.

Kelly took the phone in a daze and looked at it. After reading it, he didn't show any expression, and didn't understand Tang Ming's meaning. He asked tentatively, "Boss, what do you mean?"

Tang Ming said: "This group of slaughtered dolphins lived around Taoyuan Island. I am very angry about this incident and hope that the Japanese on this ship will be punished."

Kelly assured: "I understand the boss, leave this matter to me, and I will let these Japanese people be punished."

"Yeah." Tang Ming nodded in satisfaction, and said a few more words, "Don't use unconventional methods, and I don't want the lives of these Japanese people either. Let's make sense this time, and we must grasp this point."

"I know what to do, boss," Kelly said knowingly.


Kelly's work efficiency was very high, and the matter was featured in major Australian media the next day.

In the next few days, not only the Australian media began to report on this incident, but the New York Times, the Times Daily, media from all over the world, and professional environmental media and animal protection organizations basically did not let go of the dolphin boat. Overwhelming.

Until this time, the Japanese government did not know about this incident, but it was already too late, this incident had become a big trouble, and the Japanese government could no longer suppress this incident.

On the morning of the fifth day, Tang Ming was playing with his precious daughter when Kelly came suddenly, called him out mysteriously, and said he would take him to a good show.

Full of doubts, Tang Ming followed Kelly on the straight nine and flew to Brisbane.

After getting off the helicopter, Tang Ming asked again: "Kelly, what show are you going to show me?"

"Boss, come with me, we'll find out later." Kelly continued to play tricks.

"Okay." Tang Ming said discouragedly, "If the show doesn't look good, I'll settle the score with you."

Kelly said confidently, "No problem."

Tang Ming followed Kelly through several streets and came to a cafe.

After sitting down, Kelly said: "Boss, let's order a cup of coffee first, the show will begin soon."

Tang Ming stopped asking questions, ordered two cups of coffee, chatted with Kelly while drinking, and waited quietly.

After waiting for about half an hour, a large group of people suddenly appeared on the street in front of the coffee shop. They were wearing the same T-shirts with a dolphin corpse printed on them, shouting slogans and holding banners.

Tang Ming clearly saw a banner that said: Save a dolphin, eat a Japanese.

Seeing this banner, Tang Ming almost spit out the coffee from his mouth.

At the same time, Tang Ming also saw some familiar figures among the demonstrators, all from the ranch and security company.

Tang Ming turned his head to look at Kelly and said, "This is the good show you let me watch. I think it's just a farce."

"Boss, don't worry, you will know if it's a farce after reading it." Kelly said, "Not only in Brisbane, but also in Melbourne and Sydney, there were many people marching, and even many foreigners participated. A march initiated by an animal protection organization."

"Okay, I'll keep watching." Tang Ming looked down and found that, as Kelly said, the scale of the parade was very large. There were thousands of people marching in Brisbane alone, and even more in Sydney and Melbourne. too much.

Not only the marchers, but also hundreds of journalists followed the parade and reported.

It is foreseeable that when the report of this parade is released, the Japanese government will be even more helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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