Apocalypse Call Red Alert

Chapter 365 Surprised supply box

Chapter 365 Surprised supply box

(I'm sweating, I just prepared to continue writing on September 9st, and on September 1nd, another book by the boss was caught by the river, obviously I was so careful, not only the genre was selected as fantasy, but even the title of the book was just in case It was also changed to be more harmonious, but in the end I still didn’t escape the knife, which made me feel a lot of pressure. After all, my book is more dangerous than others in terms of classification, title and content)

"Gang bosses, what we are going to auction next is goods that have never been seen in auctions before. Please watch carefully..."

The auctioneer spoke with a slightly excited tone. At the same time, four burly men were carrying a huge square object covered by a black cloth.

This object was nearly one meter long and wide, but it seemed to be extremely heavy. The four men's veins were all bulging and they had enough strength to carry this object onto the stage.

And when the auctioneer pulled the black cloth away, Wang Peng's pupils shrank involuntarily, and he stood up from his seat without thinking.

"Captain Wang, this is..."

Even Tanya beside Wang Peng couldn't help but speak out.

What appeared in the stands was an army green wooden box, which looked ordinary and not very delicate.

But Wang Peng could see clearly that this was clearly the system's supply box!

Same size, color and material!
Wang Peng couldn't figure out why the supply box appeared here?

When using the radar scan before, there was no response to the supply box, but this thing actually appeared in front of Wang Peng and the others.

"Everyone has seen that this is a military supplies box, which was accidentally found by a team when they went out to search for supplies. We don't know what's in it, because we have tried various methods but failed to open this box." The auctioneer Continued to introduce: "However, we have passed the inspection of metal detectors and other methods, and can confirm that this is a military supply box, and judging from the weight of the box, there must be a lot of equipment inside."

"Because we are worried that the high-explosive items sealed inside, we dare not use more violent means to open the box. It is also because of this that this military supply box will flow into the auction."

"We can't guarantee what's in the box, and we can't guarantee whether there is any risk in the process of opening the box, but please remember one sentence, the greater the risk, the higher the reward."

After the introductions, the auction officially begins.

Due to the high instability of the supply box, the starting price is only 5 tons of grain.

"Shoot it!"

Wang Peng said to Zhang Haoyu who was beside him almost without hesitation.

"At all costs, it must be taken down!"

In such a situation, Zhang Haoyu did not dare to be negligent in the slightest. He quickly asked the younger brother at the side to bring the walkie-talkie, and then said bluntly: "I, Zhang Haoyu, will deliver ten tons of grain!"

"Five tons! Someone bid for five tons of grain! Is there any higher price!"

Immediately, the auctioneer received the news of the bidding, and couldn't help but cheer up, and continued to shout: "It seems that someone has already seen the value of this thing, and it's the first time for five tons of grain!"

"Ten tons!"

"Ten tons! Someone bid for ten tons of grain!"

Zhang Haoyu's face collapsed.

He couldn't see the value of this thing. The auctioneer had made it very clear before that he didn't know what was in this thing. It might be heavy military supplies, but it might also be high-explosive items. No way to open this chest, let alone them?

But now, someone actually bid against him, and directly doubled the price.

Gritting his teeth, Zhang Haoyu picked up the walkie-talkie again.

"I bid fifteen tons!"

In order to stop the loss, Zhang Haoyu pretended to be sure to win, hoping to frighten others with high prices directly to avoid accidents.


"Twenty tons! Someone bid for twenty tons of grain! Twenty tons for the first time! Twenty tons for the second time..."

Zhang Haoyu looked back at Wang Peng nervously, with a smile uglier than crying.

"This hero, fifteen tons is already the limit I can bear. With my ability, I can't produce more than twenty tons of grain."

Wang Peng looked at Zhang Haoyu and saw that he didn't seem to be cheating. He was about to say that it doesn't matter, you just bid, and I will make up the difference if it is not enough.

But when the words came to his lips, his heart suddenly moved, stopped, and then looked at Zhang Haoyu and asked: "Can you find out who the buyer is?"

"It's not difficult. As long as you pat and stare at this thing, someone will definitely accept it." Zhang Haoyu said subconsciously, and then couldn't help but feel a jump in his heart.

This guy, why do you want to be a buyer?Do you want to...

If he could afford to pay twenty tons of grain to buy a box that didn't know what was inside, the opponent was definitely one of the largest forces in the east of the city, even much stronger than Zhang Haoyu.

"Very well, I'll trouble you then, and I hope you can worry more about how to enter the west of the city!" Wang Peng said noncommittally.


Once the supply crates are auctioned off, the auction ends.

Although the auctioned items were not many and the quantity was not large, Wang Peng noticed that in this auction alone, the auction harvested hundreds of tons of grain.

It is said that behind the auction is the shadow of the forces in the west of the city, so what are those guys in the west of the city doing at the expense of selling weapons in exchange for so much food?
Wang Peng couldn't figure it out, and he wasn't going to think too much about it.

Because the physical barracks can produce food, Wang Peng's base is no longer troubled by food problems at all.

Originally, Wang Peng planned to find a way to send them to the west of the city immediately after the auction, but now a sudden episode forced him to change his plan.

In any case, the supply box must be in your hands. Since there is no competition at the auction, Wang Peng doesn't mind using some unconventional means, and Wang Peng is also very curious, who is so interested in the supply box? Willing to exchange [-] tons of grain, and judging by the posture, if someone continues to bid, the price will continue to soar.

Zhang Haoyu's subordinates did a good job in intelligence work, or they, who were just ordinary people before the end of the world, didn't have any excellent anti-reconnaissance awareness.

"Boss, we found out who bought the munitions box."

After receiving the report from his subordinates, Zhang Haoyu showed a no wonder such expression on his face, and then said to Wang Peng.

"It's from the Crocodile Gang. They are one of the best gangs in the east of the city. The leader is a man in his early 30s. He is also a person with evolutionary abilities. His ability is telekinesis."

Mind power?
Wang Peng glanced at A Nuo who had been standing quietly beside him like an iron tower.

Arnold's ability comes from the mutated zombie, which is also a kind of telekinetic power.

But Wang Peng is sure that the opponent's telekinetic power is definitely not up to Arnold's level. Arnold can even defend against anti-tank missiles with all his strength. Ordinary guns and bullets do not pose any threat at all. If the opponent can reach this level, How could it be possible to hang out in the east of the city?It has long been accepted by the forces in the west of the city.

Thinking this way, he nodded to Tanya, who understood, turned around and strode out of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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