Chapter 5

Taking a deep breath, Wang Peng put his hands on his waist and looked at himself in front of the mirror.

Since the system didn't play tricks on him, and really gave him a mobilized soldier, with the bodyguards already in place, the next step is to implement the previously formulated plan.

After spending 10 minutes, Wang Peng changed all his equipment to one side.

The big shorts and vests worn at home in summer are definitely not acceptable. Wang Peng changed into jeans and a denim jacket, which were the toughest material he could find. The flip-flops he wore on weekdays were also replaced by sneakers.

Putting on this suit, the sweltering heat suddenly made Wang Peng feel out of breath.

It's the scorching heat now, and the temperature here in Changsha has always been above 30 degrees. It's unbearable to wear shorts and a vest on weekdays, let alone him?

Silently glanced at Arnold beside him, who was wrapped in a thick coat, but didn't show anything at all.

"The hot spot is the hot spot. If you are bitten by a zombie, you still have some protection."

Wang Peng carried the high school schoolbag of his younger sister that he dug out before. Although the pink cartoon schoolbag looked very unsuitable, he had no choice but to make do with it. He had put his fully charged mobile phone and power bank in it.

After tossing for a long time, the sky has already darkened slightly.

In summer, the days and days are relatively long. Wang Peng estimated that it would take at least two or three hours until the sky darkened. If he waited until night to act, his vision would be greatly affected.

"Follow me and obey my orders!"

Instructing A Nuo, Wang Peng took a deep breath and slowly opened the door.

Wang Peng's hands trembled slightly. The moment he stepped out of the room, he knew that he was far away from a relatively safe environment and was about to step into a cruel world that appeared in countless movies and novels, waiting for him in front of him. Yes, it may be countless zombies with fangs and claws and hideous faces.


His younger sister's bright smile flashed in his mind, Wang Peng pursed his lips, and walked out resolutely.


The corridor was quiet, and it looked extraordinarily gloomy under the dim light.

Wang Peng has complained more than once before that the corridors of this apartment building don't even have a better light, and the long corridors are like scenes from ghost movies.

Unexpectedly, this sentence is finally fulfilled now, no one knows if a zombie will suddenly jump out of a certain shadow in the next moment.

"The fourth floor should be safe, otherwise Arnold's knock on the door earlier would have drawn them all out."

The anti-theft door of Datianchao is definitely a product that gives people a 100% sense of security, especially in big cities, busy people usually lock themselves behind the thick anti-theft door, and few people have nothing to do to open the door.

In this way, even if some became zombies, most of them locked themselves at home and could not get out.

Cautiously walking towards the stairs, Wang Peng knew that there must be other survivors in these rooms, but it was impossible to rescue them all with his ability at the moment, and it was also very dangerous to knock on doors from door to door to confirm.

"Just ask for blessings..."

Thinking this way in their hearts, Wang Peng and A Nuo came to the stairs and walked to the third floor.

The third floor was as quiet as the fourth floor. Wang Peng didn't bother to go to the corridor on the third floor to check the situation, but continued to go down the stairs to the second floor.

"Crumble, crunch, crunch."

Just halfway there, a creepy chewing sound stopped Wang Peng's movements.

He quickly raised his hand to signal Arnold to stop, and made a gesture to keep silent.

There are zombies on the second floor!
And there seems to be more than one.

Listening to the sound, they seemed to be eating, and Wang Peng could naturally guess what was being eaten.

His face was slightly pale, and he looked down cautiously.

There are no shadows of zombies in the corridor, they are in the residential corridor on the second floor.

This is good news, if you go down the stairs quietly to the first floor, you can avoid meeting them.

Although he was protected by Arnold, Wang Peng still wanted to avoid fighting zombies as much as possible.

"Go downstairs slowly! Don't make a sound!"

After conveying his meaning to A Nuo, Wang Peng held his breath and carefully moved downstairs bit by bit.

The sound of chewing became more and more clear. Although the zombies were in the corridor, they were obviously not very far from the entrance of the corridor.

Wang Peng didn't dare to make a sound. The nervousness and the sweltering environment made him sweat uncontrollably.

Sudden!The chewing stops in unison!

Wang Peng's movements froze suddenly, there was no sound in the silent corridor, the only thing he could hear was his own beating heart.


A groan sounded, this is the unique sound from the throat of zombies, and this sound is on the edge of the stairs on the second floor!

Wang Peng no longer hesitated, roared, and ran towards the first floor!

From the second floor to the first floor, in less than 2 seconds, Wang Peng jumped down quickly.

He didn't dare to hesitate at all, rushed forward and kicked away the stone that had been stuck on the corridor door all year round, and Arnold, who had been following closely behind him, walked out of the corridor door first.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Wang Peng looked back at the stairs, his pupils shrank involuntarily.

The first person to bear the brunt was a middle-aged man in his 30s, his suit was already stained red with blood, his face was ferocious, and there were some pieces of meat hanging from the corner of his blood-soaked mouth.

At this time, it was rushing towards Wang Peng. Although it was staggering, its speed was not slow at all.

Wang Peng didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately closed the door firmly.


The zombie slammed into the door with a dull sound, followed by a scalp-numbing scratching sound.

Corridor doors like this must be turned to open the lock.Sure enough, zombies without wisdom don't know how to open the door.

Wang Peng, whose stomach was churning for a while, immediately led A Nuo towards the destination without taking a breath.

He had repeatedly confirmed before that there were no zombies around, and even if there were, it was a store on the first floor of an apartment building in a dead corner of his perspective.

Enough time!

Rushing across the road like a whirlwind, Wang Peng rushed directly into the convenience store.

After closing the door of the convenience store, Wang Peng looked back.

The store in the apartment building behind him was quiet, and there was no movement.

Only then did he heave a sigh of relief, almost limp on the ground gasping for breath.

"I'm going to die! I'm really going to die!"

The chest heaved violently, and Wang Peng felt his eyes were turning pale, his throat hurt like hell, his chest felt very uncomfortable as if being pressed by a big stone, and he could even feel a bloody smell in his breath.

Running all the way from the second floor to the destination on the opposite side of the street, a rough visual estimate is about 2 meters away.

However, under the sprint with all his strength, Wang Peng, who has been lacking in exercise all year round, still suffered from insufficient oxygen supply.

After struggling to throw the schoolbag to Arnold, Wang Peng pointed out the shelf in the convenience store out of breath, "Don't make noise, just pick chocolates, Snickers, these high-calorie ones, and bagged biscuits, there are Pack as much as you want!"

(End of this chapter)

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