From the Nine Uncle Movies

Chapter 47 Drilling into the Grove

Chapter 47 Drilling into the Grove
This was unbearable, he saw a man wrapped up tightly jumped out of Anne's boudoir, and then got into the carriage again.

The reason why Ah Xing was determined to be a man was because women rarely grow this tall, and even if there were such tall ones, their stature was too wide.

Ah Xing's heart was bleeding, he didn't expect that the goddess in his mind had been defiled by others.

Ah Xing didn't believe that nothing would happen if a man came out of Annie's boudoir and walked through the window instead of the door.

Fang Zhengqing got into the car, Annie drove by herself, she didn't dare to let the groom at home drive, she was afraid that Fang Zhengqing would be exposed.

Annie doesn't know how to drive, so the carriage moves very slowly.Ah Xing thought for a while, and decided to follow secretly. He wanted to see who came out of his goddess room.

Because it was noon, there were not many people on the street. Fang Zhengqing and Annie left the town without any risk.

Naturally, Ah Xing followed slowly.

After leaving the town, Fang Zhengqing said, "Someone is following us!"

From the beginning, Ah Xing was noticed by Fang Zhengqing, but in the town Fang Zhengqing just thought that the other party happened to be on the same path as himself.

But it's no coincidence that the other party is still the same as him when he leaves the town.

It's noon, if you don't stay at home, whoever goes to the forest outside the town is likely to be followed.

"Master, what should we do?" Annie asked.

Fang Zhengqing: "Leave him alone, hurry to the forest, I can't do it in the sun!"


Annie, who was driving outside, was wrapped tightly, but she was still very uncomfortable when the sun shone on her.

The thought of not wanting to suck blood at first slowly arose again.

Ten miles is not too far away, and we will arrive soon, but the woods outside are still very sparse and cannot block the sun.

So Annie continued to drive towards the forest with the carriage, and stopped after advancing 500 meters. Although the forest in front was not too dense, it also prevented the carriage from moving forward.

Annie and Fang Zhengqing got out of the car, they walked in the shade of the trees as much as possible, and continued walking towards the forest.

Annie wanted to turn around to see who was following, but Fang Zhengqing ordered in a low voice: "Go on, don't look back!"

Ah Xing was already a little tired after walking all the way, seeing the goddess and the "man in black" about to drill into the grove, he hurriedly quickened his pace.

This time there are trees covering it, Ah Xing is not afraid of being exposed.

The deeper you go, the darker the sky will be, and soon it will be almost like night...

When the dense forest completely covered the sun, Fang Zhengqing stopped and hid behind a big tree with Annie.

Ah Xing, who was behind, raised his head and suddenly found that the two people had disappeared, so he quickly speeded up again.

Ah Xing scratched his head, stopped and looked ahead, and said to himself: "Strange, where are they?"

"A Xing, are you looking for us?" Suddenly Annie's voice sounded from behind A Xing.

Ah Xing's face froze, he turned around slowly, looked at Annie and Fang Zhengqing and said, "What a coincidence, Annie, you also come here for a stroll, do you remember that we used to hide and seek in the cave in front when we were young?" Cat?"

Annie: "A Xing, what are you doing here?"

"Me, let's walk around, yes, who is this?" Ah Xing waved his hands unnaturally, glanced at Fang Zhengqing and asked.

"He is my cousin!" Annie said casually.

When Ah Xing heard this, he snorted coldly in his heart. Cousins ​​and cousins ​​are the most annoying, because it is very popular to kiss each other at this time.

Although he cursed his cousin to die in his heart, Ah Xing still said: "Cousin, hello, hello, I am Ah Xing!"

Fang Zhengqing looked at Ah Xing and knew that this kid liked his corpse slave, so he couldn't help teasing him: "You seem to like Annie very much, she needs your help now, can you help?"

Ah Xing was originally shy and didn't want to admit it, but when Fang Zhengqing said that Annie needed help, he immediately patted his chest and said, "Annie, if she needs my help, just say it, it's my duty!"

Fang Zhengqing's heavy voice sounded: "No one will know you came here!"

"Don't worry, I came here secretly, no one will know!"

Fang Zhengqing: "That's good, Annie has been exposed to the sun all the way, and she's very thirsty!"

Ah Xing thought: I don't blame you, you sat in the carriage by yourself and let Annie sit outside.

Of course, Ah Xing didn't say that, but patted his chest and said: "It's easy, I'll fetch water for Annie, I know there is a mountain spring nearby, the water is very sweet!"

Fang Zhengqing: "Don't bother, you have it!"

"I don't have water on me!" Ah Xing was taken aback when he said this, he didn't bring water, if urine counts, there is quite a lot.But letting Annie drink it, wouldn't it be too...exciting?

Fang Zhengqing took off the hood on his head, revealed his face, and said, "It's fine if there is blood!"

Looking at Fang Zhengqing's face, Ah Xing's pupils shrank, and he recognized that Annie's "cousin" was the bronze armored corpse from last night.

A Xing: "Annie, run, he's not your cousin, he's a zombie!"

By this time, Ah Xing hadn't forgotten Annie, but Annie didn't appreciate it, and looked at Ah Xing with malicious intentions.

Annie: "Of course the master is not my cousin, but it is true that I want to drink blood. You like me so much, you don't care if I drink all your blood!"

Ah Xing looked at Annie's scarlet gaze and the fangs protruding from her mouth, knowing that Annie had also turned into a zombie.

But what Ah Xing couldn't figure out was when the zombies could talk.

Although he had doubts, Ah Xing didn't stop at his feet. Since the goddess had turned into a female corpse, he naturally didn't care about it and ran away.

But he was so close to Fang Zhengqing, how could he run away, especially when he went out to follow up and didn't bring any magic weapon.

Fang Zhengqing punched him in the stomach, and Ah Xing flew upside down, knelt on the ground, curled up like a shrimp, Ah Xing felt as if his intestines had been knotted.

Fang Zhengqing: "Go, he is a Taoist priest, blood should be very useful to you, let's improve your strength!"

"Thanks, master!"

Annie didn't give in, and walked towards A Xing who was kneeling on the ground. A Xing wanted to resist, but Fang Zhengqing's punch made him completely lose his resistance. His face was paler than Annie's and Fang Zhengqing's. Beads of sweat kept rolling down.

The fragrance of Annie's body came from the ears and nose, and I watched Annie's mouth "kiss" towards my neck. It was originally an extremely charming picture. After all, not everyone who kneels and licks the goddess can get the favor of the goddess.

But Ah Xing did it, but looking at Annie's fangs, Ah Xing didn't feel any happiness, he only had fear.

"Gudong... Gudong..." The sound of swallowing sounded in the forest, and Annie swallowed A Xing's blood in big mouthfuls. Human blood is naturally more nourishing than chicken blood, and the blood of a cultivator is naturally the best nourishment.

A Xing was directly sucked dry by Annie. Fang Zhengqing walked over, looked at A Xing's body on the ground, and lifted him up. With some force, the body was separated.

The corpse was thrown here, and the head was carried by Fang Zhengqing and thrown into the ravine.

The reason for doing this is that Lin Jiu would see the tooth hole in his neck and know that it was made by a zombie. Now that there is no neck, Annie was bitten by a Western zombie, so there will be no corpse poison left in the corpse. Even if Lin Jiu saw it, he didn't know that it was the zombie.

Fang Zhengqing: "Annie, you can just go back. Remember to take the body out and throw it somewhere else. It's best if there are wild wolves and dogs around!"

"Yes, Master!"

After Fang Zhengqing instructed, he walked towards the depths of the mountain forest, where there was a big cave.

Annie looked at the headless body of Ah Xing on the ground, walked over, and picked it up easily.

Because the blood was sucked out, there was no more blood flowing out. A Xing was thrown on the car, and Annie drove away with the car.


In Jiuquan Town, Lin Jiu's eyelids kept twitching, so he shouted: "A Xing, A Yue, A Xing, A Yue..."

"What's the matter, master?" Ah Yue replied.

"Where's Ah Xing?"

"Brother, I don't know, he didn't come back just now!"

"Didn't come back?"

"Yeah, brother said he was saying goodbye to some friends!"

Lin Jiu: "Forget it, leave him alone! How are things packed?"

Ah Yue: "Everything is packed, except the bedding!"

"Okay, we'll be leaving in three days!"

"Why did the master leave in three days?"

"Master, I'm afraid that the zombies will come back again. If the zombies come within three days, we will surrender and leave. If they don't come, we will leave directly!"

"After subduing the zombies, why do you still have to leave?" Ah Yue was a little confused. If there were zombies, it would prove her innocence, so why did she still have them?

Lin Jiu looked at her only female apprentice, and said, "You are still young, you don't understand! The church is just an introduction to this incident, and the most important thing is that the master is a source of wealth! Children, don't know too much. Too many, just change places, by the way, I have to inform your Senior Brother Qiu Sheng to prepare pen, ink and yellow paper for me!"

"Oh, master!" Although Ah Yue didn't understand how the master blocked people's way of making money, she knew that if the master didn't want to face other people's embarrassment, she had no choice but to leave.

Lin Jiu wrote a letter to Qiusheng, and then folded it into a paper crane. The way he did it made the yellow paper crane fly away with flapping wings, and the direction was Renjiazhen.This technique has its origins, it was created by a layman hundreds of years ago, it is said that the layman could turn into a real pigeon by using this book, and he could pluck out all the feathers and roast them to eat.


It was late at night, and Ah Xing hadn't come back yet, so Lin Jiu couldn't do it anymore.

In the town, he and Ah Yue searched everywhere, but they couldn't find Ah Xing.

In the early morning, Lin Jiu said to Ah Yue: "Ah Yue, get up the altar!"

"Oh, Master!"

Soon after a dazzling operation, a Kongming lantern was slowly raised. Looking at the raised Kongming lantern, he turned left for a while and turned right for a while, Lin Jiu's heart suddenly jumped. This was something he had never encountered before.

But fortunately, in the end the Kongming Lantern flew to the left, and Lin Jiu quickly followed.

Ah Yue also wanted to keep up, but Lin Jiu looked at the tired Ah Yue and said, "A Yue, you don't have to go, stay home and take care of your home!"

"Yes, Master!"

Ah Yue closed the door and sat down, but she was so tired that she fell asleep on the table after a while.

In her sleep, Ah Yue seemed to see her senior brother Ah Xing in a mountain forest. Looking at Ah Xing's back, Ah Yue shouted loudly: "Senior brother, what are you doing there, master is looking for you!"

But Ah Xing remained motionless with his back to Ah Yue, as if he didn't hear it.

Finally Ah Yue ran over and pushed Ah Xing: "Hey, why don't you talk!"

This push was unbearable, Ah Xing fell to the ground directly, and the most important thing was that his head broke away from his body, rolled a few times on the ground, and then looked straight at Ah Xing.

"Ah..." Ah Yue yelled in fright, and then woke up sweating profusely.

"Ha...ah...ha..." Ah Yue woke up, panting heavily, she felt that the nightmare just now was really scary, and most importantly, it gave her a very real feeling.

"Dong dong dong..."

There was a hasty knock on the door, which made

Ah Yue's nervous mood eased a lot.Ah Yue opened the door, and saw the master walked in with a blank expression on his face. Ah Yue, who was familiar with the master, knew that this was the time when the master was the most angry.

Lin Jiu was naturally very angry. He searched two places before finding his apprentice A Xing. One was in the woods on the west side of the village, and the other was in a stream at the foot of a mountain in the east.

Seeing that Ah Xing didn't come back, Lin Jiu thought he was murdered by a zombie, but now it doesn't seem to be the case, the zombie will be idle and have nothing to do.

He thought that someone else in the town must have done it, but he didn't know who it was now. If he was alone, he would definitely fight to the end, but thinking of his apprentice A Yue, Lin Jiu gave in.

However, he only gave in temporarily. He wanted to strive to be the top class in the underworld bank, and then use his connections to find out the reason for the incident.At that time, no matter who did it in the town, he, Lin Jiu, will definitely make the other party pay the price.

"Master, you are back, have you found your brother?" Although she knew that Master was in a bad mood, Ah Yue asked cautiously, after all, the dream just now was really scary.

Lin Jiu gave a wry smile, stood up and said, "I found it, it's at Uncle Liu's tailor shop, we'll go there later to pick up your brother."

Ah Yue breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, it was just a nightmare.

Lin Jiu: "Go and pack your things, just take some valuables, don't want anything else!"

"Ah... oh!" Ah Yue was very surprised when she heard that, she didn't understand why the master did this, left in such a hurry, and agreed to wait for three days.

But knowing that the master was in a bad mood, Ah Yue didn't dare to say anything, but she didn't understand that what the senior brother did at Liu Bo's place, he had to leave, he couldn't make clothes!
Soon, the master and apprentice carried the big and small bags on a carriage that Lin Jiu had rented, and then walked towards the tailor shop at the head of the village.

Ah Yue didn't know what happened to Ah Xing yet, she thought that Ah Xing was still alive, when she entered the tailor shop, seeing Liu Bo threading needles and threads back and forth on her brother's neck, Ah Yue walked over.

Seeing this, Ah Yue was like five thunderbolts, she was agitated, rolled her eyes and passed out...

(End of this chapter)

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