The journey of all worlds starting from the blade of the column destroyer

Chapter 555 Hands-off shopkeeper, I appoint you (please subscribe~)

Chapter 555 Hands-off shopkeeper, I appoint you (please subscribe~)

When a matter requires the cooperation of both parties to complete, and both parties are very active in cooperating, then the speed of completion of this matter will be very fast. That speed is not a simple calculation method of 1+1=2. It is an algorithm of 1+1>2.

For example, the imminent integration of the Revolutionary Army and Anning Road, and the issue of the Revolutionary Army taking over the land in the north of the empire.

Although the people in Anningdao had already given up resistance and disbanded all the armed forces, they just laid down and welcomed the revolutionary army into the northern part of the empire.

However, the problem cannot be easily solved by relying on this alone. There are still many problems that need to be resolved due to the sentiment of the people, the internal rectification of Anning Road, including the coordination of teachings and the policies of the new government.

But at least with the efforts of both parties, the process of the revolutionary army taking over the land in the northern part of the empire was smooth and fast.

"So do you think Hess' Way of Tranquility can help the new government to ease the emotions of the people to a great extent? Can it give ordinary people some sustenance on the spiritual level? And it can promote the rapid integration of the South and the North, no? As for causing the country to split because of religious issues?"

Najieta looked at the smiling handsome man on the opposite side, and began to think. She would not agree with Weiyun just because Weiyun proposed this idea without thinking anything.

After all, she actually has her own pursuit. Regarding the future of this country, she wants to make it better. If Weiyun really messes around, then she will definitely stand up and refute Weiyun.

"This guy. Why is he so charming! Just standing there smiling and looking at this side, people can't help but be attracted to him!"

Follow Najta as a professional dog lick. Bah!As a professional secretary, Lubbock has mixed feelings in his heart at this time. After all, the charm of Hess, the leader of Anning Taoism, is there. The natural appearance and temperament seem to be like a halo of charm, so that he can just stand there. It made Lubbock jealous and defensive.

"Be careful with this guy, absolutely don't let this guy have a chance to attack Najieta!"

Lubbock stared at Hess's figure, gritted his teeth and made up his mind. Although he felt that with Najta's temper and personality, he would not easily call others, but he didn't want to face such a powerful opponent. Yeah, so it would be great if you could avoid a fight.

And over there, Hess, who was standing behind Weiyun, also keenly noticed Lubbock's secretly examining eyes. He turned his attention to Lubbock, and with a simple activation of the ability of prophecy, he directly Began to anticipate the threat Lubbock posed to him.

After the prediction was over, he was very speechless about the result of the prediction, because he found that the guy who was a secretary was worried that he would take the initiative to treat Najieta just because he was more handsome. It's just a shot.

Hess felt that this Lubbock was a bit unfounded, not to mention that Najta already had some thoughts about this Lubbock in her heart, and Hess would not be so easily moved by others just by talking about Hess himself. .

You know, as long as you have mastered the ability to read minds, falling in love is very hard work, because if you are not careful, you may not be able to help but look at the other person's mind, and seeing the other party's mind is also very difficult. It means that the other party has lost their sense of mystery in front of you.

Of course, if you just lose your sense of mystery, that’s not too bad a thing. If you accidentally see the true thoughts in the other party’s heart, or some secrets buried deep in the other party’s heart, then really It can directly subvert your cognition.

It's not that Hess hasn't tried to fall in love before, but in the end, it's basically over before it even started. He found that he seemed to have lost the ability to fall in love with others, unless a pure girl really appeared, To be able to have a beautiful encounter with him.

This is a very high requirement for that innocent girl, and it requires that the other party does not seek anything out of him, but simply falls in love with him, and he also happens to fall in love with that innocent girl.

So Hess directly ignored Lubbock's vigilant eyes looking at him, and continued to follow behind Weiyun and pretended to be dead. He positioned himself very accurately, that is, to be an obedient tool man.

"The teachings of An Ning Dao must be changed. Some of them are too outrageous. Those that can make people fanatical and have brainwashing propaganda must be completely removed.

The main foundation of the new doctrine is the sixteen words "to persuade people to be kind, to regard harmony as the most important thing, to govern by doing nothing, and everything will be natural". "

Weiyun sat at the top of the meeting room and directly issued his order.

"The specific content, Najieta and Hess, you have a pair. I have given the basic framework of the country to Najieta. According to the new government structure, I will firmly frame this religion. People can have faith, but faith must always be smaller than the country, this is my request."

Weiyun got up directly, he looked at Najieta and Hess, and waited for these two people to give him an answer.

"It's a daunting task"

Najieta and Hess didn't expect Weiyun's operation like throwing his hands away from the shopkeeper, but because of Weiyun's move, they believed what Weiyun said before even more, see It turns out that this man really has no interest in becoming the ruler of this country.

Otherwise, how could he let others do this crucial step of improving the national system and the core of a country?
"If the two of you can't come to an agreement, you can also gather more people to brainstorm. When I come back, you and all the participants will give me a demonstration with the formulated national policies, laws and educational reform plans."

Weiyun looked at the two people who were embarrassed, and made some additions, and then he watched Najieta bluntly expressed his thoughts.

"I'm going to let you be the first person in power in the new government, so try to behave well, although I think you are probably the one with the highest reputation after Devon lost his candidacy.

But you have to make my hand-picked selection convincing, don't become the first leader because I chose you, but let them recommend you to be the first leader. "

Weiyun could be regarded as earnest, but Najieta nodded heavily in response to him. Najieta knew that if she wanted to realize her own ambition, then the leader who ran for the first term must undoubtedly of.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket~ask for a monthly ticket~ask for a reward~ask for all kinds~
(End of this chapter)

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