come to the world

Chapter 485 Wu Ming, the Patriarch of the Black Buddha

Chapter 485 Wu Ming, the Patriarch of the Black Buddha
After returning from Daleiyin Temple, Wu Ming told the good news to senior brother and Yinniang.

The elder brother was so heartless, he yelled and drank to celebrate, he seemed happier than he himself was promoted.

As for Yinniang, she was much colder, as if she had transformed into Wu Zetian, Queen Fan snorted, with a little contempt mixed in her eyes.

"Why is this look, I've provoked you again?" Wu Ming sat by the bed and looked at Yinniang.

After more than a month of recuperation, Yinniang's complexion has improved a lot, and her recovery is not far away.

Maybe it's because of the improvement of his injury, Yinniang's temper has also become a lot stronger, and she likes to roll her eyes at him when she has nothing to do, as if she is looking at the scum of combat power 5.

"In our Buddhism, there are three thousand Bodhisattvas and millions of arhats. What is your level of cultivation in it? If I were you, I would kick Wu Tian away. As your ancestor Hongyun, as long as you Join the Western religion, the two saints look at you pitifully, and maybe they can give you the position of deputy leader." Yinniang's mouth became more and more vicious, and there was always sarcasm mixed in when she spoke.

Wu Ming squeezed her face, lay down on the bed with a smile, and said, "I'm here at Wutian, so I don't need to submit to him, I can do whatever I want, and I can leave if I don't want to. If you go to the Western Church, I'm afraid that if you give me the position of deputy leader, you won't tolerate me being so carefree, right?"

It is true that the Second Saint of the West owes him a favor, but it is better not to use this favor.

We used to be at the same level, we owed each other favors, and we owed each other more friendship.

But it's different now, it's like two friends from the past, one suddenly became prosperous, and the other was still messing around in despair.

If the down-and-out one really thinks that a rich friend still owes him a favor, so he puts on it with a stern face, it is probably the same as sending a beggar, and he will be sent away in a daze.

Although Wu Ming has no bottom line, he is also a shameless person. If he is poor and begs for food, he will never hang out at a friend's house.

If he really has no bottom line, there is no need for the Four Great Bodhisattvas to stop him, he would have gone to Lingshan by himself, and spent his days with Smiley.

"Do you know that if you follow Wutian, you will mix yourself in sooner or later, and you don't know how you will die. If you listen to me, you will leave with me after I recover from my injury. You can do whatever you want. You really can’t stay here anymore. I know the power of Buddhism better than you, and also better than Wutian. Don’t think that Buddhism is not moving now. When it moves, it will definitely be struck by a thunderbolt, and you will die! "

Wu Ming pretended not to hear what Yinniang said about her.

Seeing that Wu Ming didn't care at all, Yinniang pushed him angrily and pushed him off the bed.

His butt fell to the ground, Wu Ming sat up and looked up, and found that Yinniang was not joking, and his attitude was rarely serious.

"You still worry about me!" Wu Ming turned over, lay back down again, and said with a smile; "I thought you treated me like a woman and didn't care about my life or death."

Yinniang didn't look him in the eye, and said angrily: "I'm not joking with you, Buddhism is like a volcano, the calmer it is now, the more violent it erupts. When you realize the danger, everything will be gone." It's too late, you don't even have a choice."

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. I will leave when I achieve Daluo Daoguo. Moreover, Wutian Buddha is not a fool. In the conversation with him today, I can tell that his confidence is not enough, as if He was overwhelmed by the silence of Buddhism."

When Wu Ming said this, he closed his eyes and said to himself: "Compared to Buddhism and Tathagata Buddha, Wutian Buddha still lacks foundation. There are too many things missing, and he is too hard to get off."

The Lord of Buddhism is Tathagata, but Tathagata cannot represent the whole of Buddhism, which is completely opposite to the situation of Wutian Buddha.

Wutian Buddha's black Buddha lineage is all supported by Wutian alone. As long as he falls, the entire black Buddha lineage will also fall.

At this time, no one among the generals of the Demon Realm who followed Wutian Buddha wanted to return to the Demon Realm.

Just like the Chen Qiao mutiny and the yellow-robed Zhao Kuangyin, if Wutian Buddha said that the situation has changed now and we return to the Demon Realm to lurk again, the people below will jump out to rebel and will not obey orders at all.

These days, it's all deceitful for a father or a son to be unreliable, and the tiger's body shakes the whole world to worship him.

Everyone gathers together because of interests, and when greater interests emerge, it is difficult to say whether they are enemies or friends.

Although Wutian Buddha is strong, he has not reached the point of suppressing the world. Now he is riding a tiger, and he can't get off if he wants to.

"Don't die"


Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and there were lights and festoons on Lingshan.

According to legend, when Sakyamuni became a Buddha, there were 200 million worlds shining brightly, and hundreds of millions of Buddhas worshiped him.

Although Wu Ming became a Buddha, there is no way to compare with Sakyamuni, but it is more than inferior than inferior.

I remember that in Journey to the West, when the elder brother was awarded the title and defeated the Buddha, there were only [-] arhats who came to watch the ceremony, and one main hall was enough.

Wu Ming is much luckier than the elder brother. Counting the generals of the Demon Realm, the Sanxian attached to him, and the Asuras, millions of souls on the entire Lingshan Mountain are all witnesses to this grand event.

"See, the one standing on top is my junior brother. My junior brother is going to become a Buddha. You all should smile a little bit more happily!"

In the crowd, there are countless clones of the elder brother, and he would talk to everyone, much happier than Wu Ming himself.

Standing outside the Daxiong Palace, Wu Ming was under the gaze of all the people, receiving everyone's envy, jealousy, and hatred eyes.

In the lineage of the current Demon Buddha, there is only one Buddha, Wutian Buddha, and the rest are only demon generals, messengers, and none with the name of Buddha.

For example, the first magic general, the second magic general, the third magic general, and the fourth magic general are all warriors in the devil world, and their cultivation level is enough to kill a corpse.

But in name, these demon generals are still the envoys of the Buddha sitting down, and their status is equivalent to the Dharma Guardian King Kong of Buddhism, which is still one level lower than the Buddha.

Now that Wu Ming was born out of nowhere and was about to become a Buddha and become a patriarch, why don't these generals from the devil world itch their teeth with hatred.

"Wu Ming."

There was a low shout in the sky, and Wutian Buddha showed his golden body.

Wu Ming looked up and saw Wutian Buddha was holding a black cassock and a black Zen staff in his hands, smiling and nodding to himself.

"Buddha." Wu Ming smiled and lowered his head slightly.

"My name is Wutian, I will pass on your mantle today, and you will be named Wujie in the future. After my death, you will be the ancestor of the Black Buddha lineage!"


(End of this chapter)

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