Urban black technology supplier

Chapter 107, On the eve of the meeting

Chapter 107, On the eve of the meeting

This time it was not a press conference in the strict sense, at most it was a relatively relaxed interview, so only a few reporters from the media were allowed to come.

But even if it's just an interview, the significance is absolutely extraordinary!
Because the veteran giant Lian Chenglie also attended the interview!
As far as Lian Chenglie is concerned, his social status is much higher than that of Li Yun, or even the entire Star of Technology company. From the light food industry to the private medical industry, he is a unique existence.

Especially in the medical industry, the Phoenix Men's Hospital not only specializes in the treatment of men's hidden diseases, but also is at the forefront of China's research on tumor resection. It is a rare place where private hospitals surpass public hospitals in technology.

It can be said that the interview this time can be described as a lot of attention.

Similarly, everyone is also very curious about what kind of cooperation between Technology Star and Longxing Group, is it in the light food industry?Or the medical industry?
All of this made the media curious!

night time.

"Nova, how is Lin Xiaoya doing?" Li Yun stared at the screen and said.

I saw that the Nova on the computer screen had been transformed into a more perfect one, and there was only a piece of human-shaped flesh in front of the screen, which now had fingers and toes.

Although it still looks like a rough lump of meat, at least it doesn't look so scary.

Of course, that face still looks like a faceless man
"Continuous monitoring, no changes, just 162 attacks on your private computer and area network interception." The electronic quality in Nova's voice has faded a lot, and it is more of a nice female voice, although cold, but There are also some waxy and cute feelings.

Complemented her transfigured appearance.

"At the same time, the wiretapping indicated that she has started to let the major channel merchants block your product routes, but it has not yet been implemented."

Li Yun's brows also twitched, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Nima, block the commodity channel. You are going to heaven!
Although Technology Star doesn't need channel merchants very much, it still doesn't have the strength to open branches across the country, so this resale channel is still very necessary.

Blocking channels now can weaken product circulation every minute, leading to an explosion of orders but slow distribution.

I have to say that although this can't hurt the technology star, it can still be regarded as a kick in the balls, which is painful and has no obvious damage.

"If the funds are blocked, it will be troublesome, forget it, let Lian Yuxin have a headache."

Li Yun believes that with Lian Yuxin's strength, he should be able to solve the problem.
Well, based on her family's background, that is Longxing Group.

From this point of view, VIA Group's targeting of Tech Star is not too strong.

After listening to Nova's report, I found that apart from Lin Xiaoya's failure to suppress with all her strength, there was also a group of 12 moles. Now they are all suffering from Stockholm syndrome, and they all want to go through life and death for the star of science and technology, and become a qualified Do it yourself.

"The VIA Group's targeting seems to be nothing to worry about now. If she disrupts her chances of winning the Turing Award in the future, I'm afraid she will have more time to develop." Li Yun no longer considered the VIA Group's targeting, but Looking at Nova with great interest, he said, "By the way, Nova, what I'm curious about is what exactly is your body image customized for?"

After being silent for a moment, Nova said in a voice: "Customize according to the average age, appearance, and body proportions of the female graphic data in your personal computer, master."

Li Yun: "."

dead silence
What the hell!

Female graphic data in my private computer to customize?

"Hey, don't say that you have browsed all the private data in my computer, that thing is not good for children, hey." Li Yun gasped, the panic on his face was evident.

For some reason, he always feels ashamed to directly expose the contents of his hard drive, even if the other party is an artificial intelligence.
Of course, the last time it was used to tease VIA Group is not counted, it is force majeure!
On the other hand, it was Nova's turn to be puzzled.

"Master, shouldn't mating be an instinctive behavior of biological reproduction? Why are you ashamed?" Nova continued to ask in a slightly puzzled tone: "And the women in the two-dimensional plane image videos are generally not older than"

"do not talk!"

"Permission confirmation, command acceptance—"

Nova shut up.
Li Yun, on the other hand, breathed a sigh of relief, secretly thinking that Nima is dangerous. The self-evolution speed of this artificial intelligence is not so fast. Not only does it understand doubts, but it can even judge the age of the heroine in the book.

It's really scary!

Regarding Nova's evolution, Li Yun also had some psychological preparations. Li Yun knew it from the time she consciously began to shape her image as a "human".

This made Li Yun faintly worried. If Nova is really intelligent in the future, will he be able to assign her without any pressure?A being with self-awareness.

And it is indeed a bit sad to be bound in the online world like this.
Unknowingly, Li Yun developed a feeling for Nova, just like a father has the same feeling for his daughter.

"It would be great if we have the technology that can shape the body, such as human cloning or genetic engineering, so that we don't have to worry about Nova not having a body after it really evolves."

As far as artificial body technology is concerned, even the current world has not studied it too deeply. Of course, this is on the surface, but I don’t know it in private.

The main reason is that this technology really violates the current human ethics and morality, and is restricted by the moral shackles in people's hearts.

Therefore, there are currently no institutions on the bright side who dare to study the proposal of cloning human organs, and some of them do not want to shoot in secret.

"Forget it, let's take a step at a time and see if we can extract the technology from the movie in case we need it."

Thinking of this, Li Yun himself is a little speechless. Now all kinds of technology are lacking, and all kinds of technology are wanted, but the technology window has a cooldown time, which makes people feel a little powerless.

Does this count as being unsatisfactory?
On the balcony on the other side, Liu Qianhui and Lin Shan were having a girlfriend night chat in cool clothes, beer in one hand and peanuts in the other hand.

Yes, girlfriends talk at night, since they lived together, these two girls have opened up the conversation box, and they have become good girlfriends in a short period of time, so Li Yun couldn't help shouting that the friendship between women is real He meows fast.
"Sister Qianhui, how did you and Xiao Lizi meet? Why did he find you to be his bodyguard?" Lin Shanshui's eyes were full of curiosity. This was one of the things she had always wanted to know. one.

How did the two of them meet.

One must know that Li Yun is at best the boss of a start-up company, how could he get along with Liu Qianhui?These two people are obviously in two completely different parallel lines, and there is no communication at all.

But Liu Qianhui frowned when she heard Lin Shan's question.
The encounter between the two before was not ordinary embarrassment!
Still embarrassing for Liu Qianhui!

(End of this chapter)

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