Urban black technology supplier

Chapter 185, Joint Ventures

Chapter 185, Joint Ventures

At this moment, Lian Chenglie felt as if he had eaten a lump of watermelon during the dog days, his forehead was suddenly refreshed, and the exhaustion from staying up late for two days disappeared instantly, replaced by a sense of comfort that made people cry.

"What the hell is this?" Lian Chenglie looked at the half-pipe of cloudy liquid curiously. Unlike Lian Yuxin, he did not suspect that it was drugs.

Because this stuff is really bad to drink, and after drinking it, there is no sign of addiction at all. Instead, it makes people feel refreshed as if they just woke up from sleep.


"This is a by-product that I researched by accident when I was developing that potion. You probably have tried the effect. It can make people clear their heads." Li Yun continued to smile and said, "Do you feel that your head is very tired now? Waking up, as if you just fell asleep?"

This Lian Chenglie is an old fox, after trying the potion, he immediately understood its effect.

The perfect alternative to coffee!
"How much does it cost?" Lian Chenglie murmured, if the cost is low, then he can definitely beat the coffee!
Although the taste is very strange, this is not a problem, and it can be solved by adding some seasoning.

Just when Lian Chenglie was imagining that the white turbid liquid would kill all directions, Li Yun poured a basin of cold water on it.

"The cost of one is about 600."

Lian Chenglie: "."

"Well, I think, you should stop launching this thing, it's useless."

After knowing the price, Lian Chenglie immediately regarded it as a tasteless thing. If 600 yuan is replaced by the cheapest coffee, it can make you vomit blood. Do you still drink this stuff?

Although the effect is strong, the cost is obviously too high.

"Listen to me first, the effect of this thing is more than that." Li Yun began to explain: "It is not a simple central nervous system stimulant like coffee, but replaces the effect of sleep by catalyzing the flow of cerebrospinal fluid , and there are unknown benefits, believe me, this unknown benefit may be much greater than the help of clearing the mind."

The unknown benefit refers to the inexplicable effect of strengthening the body, but that thing is completely different from person to person, and Li Yun has not yet researched its principle.

Only when I get Bai Mengmeng's report next time will I know a thing or two.

After listening to Li Yun's introduction, Lian Chenglie was stunned for a moment, but he understood that the cerebrospinal fluid starts to work when people sleep to clean up the waste in the brain, which is one of the reasons why people have to sleep.

Staying up late, no matter what method is used, he will hurt his body
But the liquid in the tube in front of him directly replaces sleep, minimizing the damage to the body!

Lian Chenglie immediately thought of its target group.

It is the group of elites who are busy and have no leisure time.
"I believe you, but do others believe it? Others will simply think that this is just another health product scam." Lian Chenglie frowned, the public will not listen to you beeping what catalyzes cerebrospinal fluid, the whole process is safe and painless some type of.

They would just snort and criticize the exorbitant price before turning to buy coffee.

"So I need your help."

"I want you to name me a joint venture to establish a new pharmaceutical group!"

In the game hall next to a vocational high school in Tianhai remote area, a man was being beaten inhumanely.

"Are you really not going to tell me? Just give me a little bit of information~" Liu Qianhui winked at the frightened man in front of her.

However, when seeing this extremely charming face, Huang Huari's face was full of panic and regret.

He regrets it, really regrets it
After arranging a car accident, not only did he have to deal with the aftermath of his younger brother's death, but he also provoked the female evil star in front of him.
He no longer wanted to recall the torture he had suffered before, and that feeling made him so painful that he couldn't bear to live.

In fact, he really wanted to tell everything he knew, but he couldn't. The car accident now was just an accident. If Li Minghao confessed, he knew that he would not be able to please him, and he would definitely be implicated.

Intentional homicide!
He didn't want to face a life sentence.
"Are you still stubborn? You really are tough." Liu Qianhui looked at Huangmao, who was pouring shit and urine in front of her but would rather die than surrender, and cast a disdainful expression: "But it doesn't matter how tough you are, I already know who your family is."

Huang Huari's face froze, she...how did she know!
"You should know our energy, right? Tianhai City's monitoring has exposed your whereabouts these days without a doubt."

The simple words made Huang Huari close to collapse, he could only shout hysterically: "It's not me! It's not my fault, it's him! Li Minghao!"

"Oh, Li Minghao?"

Liu Qianhui looked at Huang Huari, with a look on your face like a broken picture, and just cheated and confessed to his family. This kind of shit doesn't look like it can be reused, it's too amateurish.

But let’s talk about Li Minghao.
Is that the fat birdie?Where did he have the guts to hire murderers?
"Well, you performed very well." Liu Qianhui was very satisfied with Huang Huari's performance, so she just turned her head and dialed the 110 hotline in her hand.

"Husband, what's wrong with you? Smoking all the time is not good for your health." A pretty young woman felt distressed seeing her husband suddenly turn into this.

It had been a long time since he had smoked like this.

"It's nothing, it's just that the pressure is a bit high." Li Minghao forced a smile, then continued to light a cigarette and smoked violently, to numb his nervousness. "

That's right, hiring a murderer to kill people, although it seems like a seamless scheme to get rid of the blame, but what I didn't expect was that the idiot/pussy hired actually got out of the basket, drove into the wall and died on the way.

Can this be tolerated?
Stupid is not so stupid, my god!

However, after knowing that the younger brother failed and died, he felt a little contradictory fortunate, secretly thinking that it was fortunate that he did not succeed in killing the boss of the technology star.

He felt that his plan this time was too hasty and amateurish, making it easy for people to suspect him.

"What pressure can we share? We are husband and wife." Looking at the beautiful young woman Li Minghao who had already bald, she also smiled sweetly, clasping five fingers on Li Minghao's palm.

This gave Li Minghao endless warmth and love.

"Daddy Daddy!"

At this moment, the voice of Li Minghao's youngest daughter came in, which continued to warm Li Minghao's heart.

Yes, in order to give my wife and children a better life.
How about doing something bad?
"Xiaoman, be good, is there anything to call daddy?" Li Minghao said with a smile after touching the head of his well-behaved little daughter.

Xiaoman also enjoyed her father's head-touching killing very much. She smiled and said: "There is a beautiful mixed-race big sister who said she is your friend."

"She's sitting in the living room."

(End of this chapter)

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