Urban black technology supplier

Chapter 24, The Star of Science and Technology, Everything Is Possible 【Seeking Push】

Chapter 24, Star of Science and Technology, Everything Is Possible 【Seek push】

A tease invited by the monkey?
This abrupt sentence made Lin Dong and the others stunned for a moment, it was impossible to guard against it!
"Everyone sit wherever you want, just treat it as your own home." Li Yun smiled slightly, and said to the stunned crowd, his eyes did not change at all.

It seems that these extremely post-modern monsters and ghosts in front of him can't shake his heart.

The fact is also the same, Li Yun's heart is not fluctuating at the moment, and he even wants to laugh a little.

So far, Li Yun's tone is still normal, without any faux pas.

This calm look made everyone give Li Yun a high look.

Being able to face them under this kind of clothing without changing their expressions is considered capable.

In fact, they didn't know that Li Yun was already laughing uproariously in his stomach, and ruthlessly mocked this group of non-mainstream people who seemed to have a big brain.

Things like styling can be postponed.

The most important thing right now is not these, but the positioning of these monsters!
At this time, Li Yun originally planned to get straight to the point, but Lian Yuxin took the lead.

"Boss Li Yunli, right? I don't like to beat around the bush. I'm very interested in your company's products and operations. I'm also confident that I can manage this technology company well for you." Lian Yuxin smiled slightly , and then flicked her green hair, which looked very hot.

But while hot-eyed, he also has endless self-confidence.

Lian Yuxin, who was careful before, had already seen the above signboard when she entered the company, which belongs to the huge signboard of the "Technology Star" company.

Because of this signboard, Lian Yuxin changed her attitude from trying to test the water to a firm determination to join Li Yun's company.

Because Lian Yuxin sees the future!

Broad prospects!
This is not a company that simply deals in exotic shoes, but a technology company with unlimited possibilities!

Although all of this is just Lian Yuxin's guesswork, but since she is still young, it is not a loss at all to bet some time on this company.

Anyway, it is more meaningful than hanging out with non-mainstream.
The same is true for Li Yun. When he heard Lian Yuxin's business philosophy and technology company, he made up his mind to take it under his crotch. Kouhu, under his command!
"Believe me, you won't regret your choice this time, and I hope I won't regret it either." Li Yun smiled slightly. Unlike other bosses, he didn't talk about the salary first, but agreed to it as a matter of course.

Although Lian Yuxin was very happy, Liu Hang and the others were not as intelligent as Lian Yuxin, and they all frowned, secretly thinking that Li Yun was too arrogant.

Didn't even talk about the treatment, does it sound a bit imperial?

By the way, is Lian Yuxin the kind of person who will accept the imperial appointment?

Just when everyone thought that Lian Yuxin would fight back, the reality hit them in the face.

"Okay, okay, just let me work here with you, we have a happy cooperation." Lian Yu stretched out her hand painted with colorful nail polish happily.

Li Yun also grasped this large non-mainstream-looking hand that looked terrible. To his surprise, the feeling in his hand was as smooth and tender as cream, and when he held it lightly, it felt soft and slippery and a little cold.

But Li Yun is not a pig brother, he just let go of his hand after thinking about it for a tenth of a second, with a calm expression on his face, like a gentleman.

"I won't talk about digressions, Lian Yuxin, right? You can be my assistant for the time being. The work will start from now. You will be promoted after the company is officially in operation. My 'Little Flying Shoes' after tomorrow The exhibition will be held at the location provided by Lin Dong." Li Yun sat casually on the office table, and then made a commanding appearance, crossed his hands and held his head, and said solemnly: "I'm afraid it will be very lively tomorrow, are you ready? ?"

After all, this is also a kind of novelty, and Li Yun himself would not believe it if it were said that there is nothing in the world.

If the crazy hype of various postures can't be hyped up during this period, then it is really hopeless.

He didn't believe that these people would restrain their restless blood.
"You, Afro, yes, it's you, the Hong Kong reporter who runs faster than anyone else. If there is no accident, you should know the local media people. You can mobilize as many as you can. The bigger the momentum, the better. "Li Yun pointed at Hua Shi ponderously, not treating him as an outsider at all.

This Hua Shi was also stunned by Li Yun, and subconsciously nodded in agreement, without the slightest feeling that his attitude was approaching the level of accepting the head and bowing.

"You, I remember that your name is Liu Hang, right? You have two brushes on design, right? You can help me make a promotional yellow page and put it on the top. It's not about the promotion of shoes this time, it's about our company. You can read it too. Come to our company, called the Star of Science and Technology." Li Yun pondered for a while, and then said to Liu Hang as if he had made up his mind.

"I've already thought up the slogan, and it's called [Technology Star, Everything Is Possible]."

Although Li Yun's command made Liu Hang not know where to complain, I haven't agreed yet. You are like commanding your grandson, so it's okay if I agree?
"Well I'll do it."

Sure enough, Liu Hang is a kind of upright guy, maybe no one has ever ordered him so righteously, and after being ordered, there is still some unknown pleasure from the heart.
"As for you, Lian Yuxin, you will be in charge of everything from ordering and release to project arrangement tomorrow. Do you have any objections?" Li Yun turned his head and looked at Lian Yuxin's panda eyes full of eyeshadow and said.

This look is full of sincerity.

Frankly speaking, if other people had been beeped by Li Yun and put down such a heavy burden just after taking office, this person would have quit.

But Lian Yuxin is different.

I was ecstatic when I learned that I could operate with full authority tomorrow.

What does this mean?
It means that Li Yun has given enough trust!

It also gave Lian Yuxin a chance. A chance to prove herself!

"Boss, I promise to finish it beautifully for you." Lian Yuxin immediately assumed the role of the number one dog leg, and secretly made up her mind to dye her beloved hair black and cut it short tonight.

Farewell, my emerald green hair as beautiful as an elf.
Lian Yuxin really likes her hair, but she also knows that this kind of hair is difficult for ordinary people to accept, so for the beautiful task she can complete tomorrow, she chooses career and "beauty".

But even Yu Xin was very keen, as if she had heard something from Li Yun's words just now.

"Boss, you said you won't show up for the sale tomorrow? How can this work?"

(End of this chapter)

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