Urban black technology supplier

Chapter 372 Can't even shine?what to cook!

Chapter 372 Can't even shine?what to cook!

Although Alpha Dog's movements are a bit stiff, they are very proficient, like a little chef who has experienced many battles. Although he is not as good as a chef, he is more than enough to cook, and the flavor of stir-frying is really a bit The charm of Huaxia food stalls - I just don't know if they use waste oil.

And the circle of reporters is already boiling, and they are all discussing the performance of this robot intensely. At this time, AlphaGo's performance is amazing enough.

"It's amazing, you can already cook, Nima is too strong!"

"I remember that Techstar also plans to launch a similar robot, which seems to help people do housework? But he is just Reuters, I don't know if it is true."

"I know that, I know, the spider-type robot [Nova] series, but that is not artificial intelligence, but a program. I heard that a development conference will be held recently, but the meaning of it is quite different from that of AlphaGo. One is a program, and the other is intelligence. Besides, the AlphaGo series is produced in my country, you know."

"I understand, anyway, now I dare not buy products from Star Tech, and I heard that the country is going to increase tariffs again."

"Yeah, it's really resentment, ten thousand taxes, ten thousand taxes, long live America."

While the reporters were discussing, those local tyrants also started to move around, and began to ask the Google staff on the scene about the mass production of AlphaGo.

To be honest, although they have Dabai, who would want too much of such a good thing?
And at present, in terms of their lives, this alpha dog is more practical and safe.

Yes, after the Dongchuang incident, they were still faintly worried that Dabai would suddenly go berserk, pick up a knife and slash at them, it would be really aggrieved if he died for this reason.

At this time, Dabai still didn't move, but Alphagou had already started to stir up.

Although the joint movement is not as round as that of humans, it is already very high-end for machines.

"We refer to Dabai for AlphaGo's joint sensors to make him more stable." At this time, Sclan, who hadn't spoken for a long time, spoke, looking at AlphaGo with pride.

Today, he is finally elated and no longer has to face the criticism of the American people.

No robots belonging to America?
No New Age AI in America?
Make it for you today!
"This is our American AI!"

All the Americans present are proud of being the people under the bald eagle.

Even the media on the German side of the European Union has to be convinced that today is a victory for the United States.

With a lot of pride, Alpha Gou finally finished making this Yangzhou Fried Rice. A plate of fried rice that didn’t look very good, but was cooked and smelling fragrant was finished, and then Alpha Gou put it on the table. , for Ecre to enjoy.

But facing this plate of Yangzhou fried rice, Ekeli used the highest posture.

This is the first meal of artificial intelligence, the whole process is completed by artificial intelligence, and the whole process is served by artificial intelligence. It can be said to be a historic moment.

With a serious expression on his face, Eke took the first bite of fried rice.

"This plate of fried rice is a bit salty."

"But... delicious!"

The reporters frantically filmed this historic moment. Tomorrow, this historic moment will be recorded on major news media, major portal websites, major magazines and tabloids, and Ekley’s avatar will be registered on major headlines, crazily refreshing the sense of presence. What fruit is Microsoft Hawking? It is warning that aliens and other news will be suppressed.

The great moment when AlphaGo serves mankind is even more shocking than the interaction on Dabai’s day, because this time it is serving mankind in the true sense, not a simple interaction!

And those reporters were frantically showing their presence in front of the cameras.

"Shocking, something that 99 percent of Americans don't know."

"Today is a great day, the first tough battle for America's technological revival!"

"We once lost the first game, but that doesn't mean we will lose the second, third, and fourth games too! Today is our victory!"

"There is an old saying in China, which is called Yushengyu and Heshengliang. Today, can it be said that not only the star of technology, but also Google? We have once again achieved a phased victory in the United States!"

Everyone feels that Google has crushed the technology star at this moment.

Everyone was excited, because Dabai still didn't make any movement at this time, and stood there blankly. If the LCD screen on his chest was not flashing alternately, they would have thought that Dabai was forced to shut down because he received too many commands.

On the other side, Sclan laughed.

"Dabai's smart cardinal can't accept multiple overlapping orders. Even if his chip is implanted with the way of cooking, his smart cardinal can't read it. We have experimented with this many times." Scranton paused, and then Smiling: "Technology Star can't solve the problem of program reading."

"It doesn't matter if someone thinks that I have done something wrong. There must be a lot of Dabai here in the United States. You can go home and try the Dabai at home to see if it is what I said."

Everyone will smile heartily, this can be regarded as a kind ridicule.

As a winner, you are entitled to such a gesture.

"Wow, it's really refreshing after taking a shower. As expected of America, this toilet is really clean."

Joseph: "."

Joseph, who ate silently, put down the knife and fork in his hand, looking at the mashed potatoes in front of him, he felt unrequited love for a while.

Mia, on the other hand, giggled, feeling that the person in front of her was very interesting.

"Mr. Li, you missed a good show just now. You don't know how much shock AlphaGo gave us just now." Mia smiled, and was also a little disappointed that Li Yun missed a historic moment.

Li Yun frowned, looked towards Ekley, and found the pot of dark-colored fried rice in front of him, and said disdainfully.

"Hmph, what kind of good dish is a dish that doesn't even know how to glow? Isn't it better than salted fish?"

Mia: "."

Joseph: "."

Liu Qianhui, who buried her head in eating melons: "."

Made, are you so cold?
What the hell is that glowing dish!Is Huaxia the head of the family?

"I think people who add fluorescent powder will die if they eat it. They really will die. I'm really not joking." Liu Qianhui looked at Li Yun seriously, and her eyes couldn't be more sincere.

And Joseph and Mia also silently praised.
The dish that glows will kill you if you eat it!
Li Yun didn't say much, and looked at the scene outside the glass window with a smile on his face.

Yet at this moment.

Great white outside the window.

(End of this chapter)

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